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Everything posted by NightLight

  1. Changing wick series can offer cure hot throw. Some wicks hotter, some cooler in wax. Also depends on fragrance oil. Some are strong some weak. Variables. What wick are you using now and what size container.
  2. Hi there, This seems to be the question of the day. I want to make candles fast so tell me how to do it in one minute. Candlemaking takes time. There are so many things to consider. Glassware and shape, wick families, fragrances, temp to mix, temsp to pour, wax types - many soy wax types, additives. Why don't you find out first what is available to you, and people can suggest maybe what you can try. Right now everything is a shortage and different countries carry different supplies...
  3. Many of the fos have been changing. First their was the citral issue which is a component in many perfumes, the factory has a fire so the fos had to change until that was fixed. Then there is definite change in the base many fragrances are using, I think to make them cheaper but it also messes up formulas if you use surfactants etc. I can tell because many of the fragrances are discoloring at much faster rate. Don't know if anyone noticed this. Then as we all know the shortages of everything is just bad all over, and if you can stuff prices increased.
  4. Here’s what I know about candlemaking. There are no shortcuts. I have spent a long time learning about different types of waxes and wicks, and though it took a long time I do not regret it because once you have that experience you can create and tweak formulas and have a pretty good idea to get what you want out of waxes etc. I have many types of wicks and waxes, and there is no one size magic fits all formula. The candlemakers on this forum are here because even if they do have some magic formula, everything changes new waxes appear, other one change, wicks disappear. There hahah no super constant constant. I like to have a couple working formulas if there is a shortage of this wax or that, and wicks too. This is a challenging craft and you have to be very patient. I’m not patient but have learned for candlemaking to bit the bullet
  5. get a presto pot add water, heat, put your pouring pitcher in and bring to temp
  6. https://www.amazon.com/plastic-pail-lid-opener/s?k=plastic+pail+lid+opener https://www.homedepot.com/p/5-gal-Paint-Pail-Opener-PPO-ANV/309996626
  7. If I knew I wouldn’t tell you 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. I call them fire bowls. I don’t think people use them responsibly if that can be called that for using fire wax and wood, with the exception of wood, wax and wicks in glass or metal.
  8. Here’s what Ik ow about lip balm flavorings. Some of the companies dilute theirs quite a bit, I have used from 3 per cent up to 20 per cent. The flavorings are just like fragrance oils. You have to test. Some will be strong others not so. now it’s important to do test balms on the lips not just by smelling. 3 percent pepppermint eolip balm will be very potent and 20 per cent burn your lips off! Depends on manufacturer and company you’re buying from. Also if you are buying a base and adding flavoring you have to stay with a certain percentage or you lip balm will get too soft. If you want to play with percentages in flavoring you need to develop your own formula.
  9. Yes TT suggestion Ultradawn can work. You could use diLimolene, it’s used to take away heavy grease it smells like oranges. Odorants!
  10. Dye have to be added usually at high temps , then stirred very well to incorporate into the wax.
  11. If you are using fragrance, if it has vanillin it candles will discolor
  12. Never had issue with c3 frosting, and certainly not blend.
  13. Have not had the issue with the Mueller, my only issue is that it likes to stick to bottom of container. The bottom is different from other hand blenders. Good though. Strong
  14. That looks exactly like the Mueller. Interesting. Probs same factory 😂
  15. I have htp wicks. Will these be going to the wayside? I’m not using them, but have a ton of them. Do not want to test with them if there are new versions coming out.
  16. And now CD wicks are hard to find! I have a big stash of them so good for now
  17. Ask Tall Tayl she know C1. C1 I never had great success with wicks but I have more experience now so it could be a different story.
  18. Apparently tons of stuff is stuck on boats, it’s the issue of docking and unloading. Can’t remember who told me “From southern England to the Panama Canal, finished products, parts and commodities are sitting on ships parked for days waiting for bottlenecks to clear.”
  19. I was shocked with the wicks! All major suppliers out of stock. Bad.
  20. Jeesh, jars out of stock. Went to look for wicks cd and eco out of stock. This is crazy.
  21. I use the powder in coffee too! I do better without dairy and if you do a low carb, keto diet it’s perfect.
  22. Hi CandyBee, How much powder are you adding to 3 pound batch? I found one or two teaspoons is plenty and then if you use sodium lactate, it makes a really nice soap. Reduce the powder or add more water to stop acceleration. I love the coco powder been using in soap for years and its vegan.
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