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Everything posted by elle110

  1. those are good, the only caution I have is that 2 of my testers got their scrubs in the ovals and had negative feedback on them, they said they could not scoop out very good. I let them know they were not going to be packaged in those jars and they were so happy. I didn't look at the price, but if it is good, go for it, don't buy a huge amount and you can always switch later once you get feedback from your clientele base. Your not driving us nuts...thats what we are here for packaging can be one of the biggest struggles in making new product
  2. My 2 biggest busts were country clubs and I vowed to never to do again. In fact, I don't do anything small anymore, it is just to much work and I don't have time for it. I am sorry it did not go better, but like you said, people watching can be so much fun:D
  3. I like the ones from Bath & Body supply better than the ones from SKS...it looks more professional and you can see the yummy product through them...the 12 oz sounds like a good size. Kaybee- you will love those jars, everyone makes comments on them then they buy, it does hold a lot of scrub but I am a scrubaholic, just hope my customrers are as well. So far so good!
  4. I just got the 16 oz straight jars from MMS and they look awesome for scrubs and I love how there is a lot, I use it everyday and most of the customers that have been buying it use it very often as well. I just started making these very recently and I am getting rave reviews from customers and my testers loved the jars and the scrub...yeah, cus I absolutely love this it
  5. I used to make mine in the pvc tube but now I make them individually, I had my hubby cut the pvc tube in 1 1/2 inch rounds, I cap each one then put my damp loofah in the mold then pour my M&P over them, I add pumice, ground oats and poppy seeds to the soap, since I add so many additives making them this way ensured each bar was getting a good amount of good stuff. Then I top each one w/ more of the additives for visual appeal and it makes it even more scrubby. When I made them in the loaf, cutting them with the M&P was a PITA and they were never how I wanted them, I tried so many methods it wasn't funny. i just really like being able to make each bar look customized and scrubby on top Now, I have been toying around with the idea of making them this way with CP but will not be able to experiment until summer. I imagine cutting CP loafs with loofah would be a lot easier. BTW, I sell them like they are going out of style at shows, I sell them 1/$6.00 or 3/$15 and people swarm over them, they are very popular and people come back again and again for them
  6. So can you market these as sea salts?
  7. Make sure you wear cotton gloves or wrap you knife with a towel:D edited to say the handle of your knife
  8. Your rebatch looks awesome and I really like the look of the Ginger Milk
  9. Ummm...couldn't do it, I order from Scent Works, WSP, JS (now), FNWL, MMS, SNC, Sweetcakes, A Garden Eastward (for EO and a couple FO) Wow, I order from to many places but I need everything from these guys:D
  10. Ok, you ready? Keylime Pie, Magnolia. Donut House Cuppa Coffee, Cupcake, Tangerine Tulip, Coconut Bubble, Becky's Ultimate Vanilla, WT&G, Mimosa and Mandarin, Fruit Slices, Tahitia Sweetie, Grapefruit Vanilla, Arpricot Freesia. Then she threw in Mai Tai and Tahitian Daquiri Out of these I love the Keylime Pie, Coffee, Tangerine Tulip, Coconut Bubble, WT&G, Mimosa Mandarin, Fruit Slices, Grapefruit Vanilla and Apricot Freesia The Cupcake is yummy but only using it in sugar scrub, the magnolia is for a request, I am going to throw it into some product and see what I think. The others to me are more for candles, will probably throw on the the classifieds Oh, I love the Ult. Vanilla as well Elle
  11. Perfect soft swirls for Rose...gorgeous, great job If it makes you feel any better, I have been swirling a long time and still get cloudy ones:D
  12. Isn't it sick, I get so excited about my orders coming, even if it is something I have ordered b4, but I really go nuts over FO:confused:
  13. WooHoo...my samples will be here today, can't wait to get them. I ordered Tuesday eve and they are already coming. I am looking at my list and can't decide which one I am going to sniff first HeHe Wish me Happy Sniffing...I know I am a dork:o
  14. March is historically slow for me, I do B&B. I think people are kind of in a transition from winter from Spring. I have my first big show in May and that is always huge and generated more biz on my website
  15. Love the all natural look...looks creamy
  16. that looks absolutely divine...love the color and SWIRLS:D
  17. LLC= Buttery Lemon Lemon Cake Lemon Drool Lemon Love Lemon Confection Lemon Icing Sweet Lemon Lemon & Sugar Lemon Lush Lemon Bake Lemon Pound Cake Sweet lemon drizzle Lemon Cookie Lemon Frosting Lemon Zing Lemon Zest Lemon Dessert Lemon Candy Lemon Pastry Lemon Chiffon Is this for candles or soap? Can you tell this fragrance makes me think about food, it is so yummy
  18. my bars are approx. 4-4 1/2 oz and I sell them for $5.00 or 5/$20.00:D
  19. I only use a very small amount of mica, less than an 1/8 of a tsp to a 2-3 C batch. I do still make them in small batches because I can control them better I just made some last night, I am going to put them in the oven now, I had not made any in a while and it took me a while to get back into the swing of it, they are hard now but now as dry as I want
  20. whats wrong with it, I love it, send it my way
  21. I live in KY and sell at several shows that are in the same ballpark as $395, they are big 2-3 day shows, at these shows I usually bring in at least 7x show fee, which is totally worth paying that much. Have you talked to any of the other crafters to get a feel how they do, I doubt many people would be paying those type of fees without having very nice sales IMO, the higher priced shows are the ones you get mega exposure and sales Don't get me wrong, I do one at the holidays that is a 1 day show that lasts 5 hrs and is only $40 and I do about 45x booth fee. This is the easiest $$ I make during the entire year, it is in doors and the people just flock. So sometimes a smaller fee does not mean small sales. I never do a show that I have not gotten facts from someone else regarding attendance etc HTH
  22. I'm thinking air pockets on very thick soap as well. Can you show us a pic?
  23. I put seeds in my Raspberry lemonade ( just about a T for 48 oz) makes it so pretty, also added red jojoba spheres and the sugar
  24. Cucumber Melon ROCKS, customers love it, Buttercream in great for cooler months and Island Fruit is good as well
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