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Everything posted by elle110

  1. Wow...I am glad I don't make candles, everyone has totally different ways of doing just this one type but I think this candles is beautimus
  2. I sell mine naked as well, I have found that not only w/the bombs, but soap and salts also, people love naked products. Since I have started setting my booth up in "bulk style" my sales skyrocketed. There is just something people love about it, kind of like a candy store I also have labels with all info for customer when they purchase
  3. first of all, next time you add mica, to color your main pot of soap, you want to have either pre-mixed your mica with some oils from the pot and then some soap to add back to pot so that you don't get speckles from mica not dispersing. You will want to do the same with soap you want to swirl with. Really don't know what color of soap you will end up with, I have a lemon Yellow that is the brightest color orange until after gel. Another time I colored a soap green (fresh cut grass FO) and came out brown (wanted to call it Freshly Sloshed Mudd). Post us pic after you unmold so we can see (Next time using untested micas pull some soap out at light trace and test it to see what color it turns b4 dumping it in and ending up with disappointing results)
  4. I make bathbombs, people are very much attracted to the "larger" than meatball press size balls, they don't want shapes, tablets or 1/2 bombs, they want the ones that are the size of an ornament, they are in great awe over them, especially if you get people who have not seen many b4. Micheals does carry the ornaments all year round HTH Edited to add: I live about 45 min from the the craft mall kristine listed, the place is loaded, I got cool galvanized tubs to display my soaps in and all kinds of other fun stuff
  5. Ahhh, can't wait to see the first one cut and the 2nd ones are beautimus, I bet they smell yummers:D
  6. Nope...its your fault, I keep sniffing the tarts and I had to have the soap. I made the sugar scrub and lotion bars in this fragrance today as well. Also, tested the Lavender Vanilla in lotion bars, they rock, I am PMing you, can't remember the name of the company the Lav/van is from.
  7. This is so yummy, I have to thank Guppygirl for turning me onto this fragrance. Swirled in Lavender Fields w/brown oxide to give it more burgundy color, about an 1/8 C Cranberry Seeds. I used a 40% lye solution and and was going for a swirl in the mold, well, it started getting hard as I was pouring swirl, I had to bang several x and keep pressing down with spatula, and still got some air pockets. I am going to pull back on my discounts when doing swirls, I am having to many soaps getting away from me:D [ATTACH]5296[/ATTACH]
  8. Where can you find these little babies, need them to package baby bath milks
  9. Ummm...I have never made a 100% OO soap that was rock hard until it went thru a longgggg cure, now that being said, I do a huge water discount on mine and add beeswax and it is hard a lot faster than it would normally take to cure HTH
  10. Even if you don't pay yourself you have to figure labor in, someday you may have to pay someone to do the work, you don't want to raise your prices because you have an employee now. Your profits etc can still go back into the biz but I think it is smart to have labor amounts calculated, time yourself on how long it takes to make certain products and then figure that into your beginning amount, than I start figuring out retail and wholesale.
  11. right now I am debating on Afternoon Tea, English Garden, Grandma's Garden, Summer Garden and Secret Garden I really like Afternoon tea, the bar reminds me of something "English" Don't know yet
  12. Very, very nice...simple, clean, easy
  13. It behaved perfectly, I am loving it, my hubby's new obsesssion, he loved the old version of this soap but really is enjoying this one, gotta keep him away unless he wants to pay $5 a baf:D
  14. I'm with you, I made 3 batches of soap today and I can barely wait to cut them (well, I did cut one batch:D) My DH took my little ones to the Children's Museum and I was in heaven in the shop What did you make?
  15. Thats nothing, I actually paid .50 to get 5 samples and they only sent 2 little tiny .3 oz. samples...I was so disappointed, I want my fifty cents back LOL Edited to add: MMS sent me the same spray bottles and some mica samples a long time ago, the last big orders I put in, NOTTA THING SNC also includes a butt load of samples and if I forget to put my selections in she calls me or chooses some good ones for me
  16. Yes, that was is true, my friend who had thyroid probs told me she doesn't know how she remained out of the psych ward before she was properly treated. BUTTTT.....I still don't think this excuses his behavior at all, his wife is in business w/him, she needs to take the bull by the ring and stop the blabbering idiot, just reading his crap gave me a headache
  17. OMG, I decided to come with a new recipe omitting olive oil, and replacing it with RBO and adjusting and adding some other oils, to get a harder bar and a more lather. I love the recipe, can I say "bubblelicious!!!!" Ingredients: Coconut Oil 16.67% Veggie Shortening 43.75 % PKO 13.02 $ Palm Oil 18.23 % RBO 8.33 % 1/4 C ground oats 1 T. honey 1 3/4 oz. powdered goat milk 2oz shea butter at trace OMH FO Qualities: Cleanse 19 Condition 56 Bubbles 19 Lather 21 Iodine 74 [ATTACH]5250[/ATTACH]
  18. My labor is already figured into my basic cost before I start figuring wholesale and retail
  19. I don't think she is yelling, she always types in bigger font:)
  20. Where is the best place to buy 1/2 oz roller bottles (perfume type) from TIA
  21. No idea why you go ash on one and not the other but thanks for the info regarding RBO and soaping cool. I must recently added RBO to my basic recipe and I always soap cool so I will be keeping my out for the ASH fairies. I have not had ash in awhile either, really during the cooler months it seems to have gone away. I will have to take note when it gets warm again and see if it increases.
  22. Awesome, you don't need to day thank you, the best gift was being part of her being able to go. And stop it already, you have me balling again. I am a sucker for kids and cry at a drop of a hat when it comes to them. Heck, I can just be watching my babies play and I am in tears. So glad she is going, she is going to have a blast, and a great birthday Peace Elle Edit to add: I am still in awe over the power a small group of people can have in making something happen in such a small amount of time. It strengthens my belief that good still prevails
  23. I use a huge water discount and almost have to cut w/i 12 hrs of actually making the soap or it is very hard, I have to wear gloves to cut because it is still new soap. I have always cut pretty much after taking out of mold even b4 using discount, I am very impatient even if I have made the soap b4. LOL Take a damp cloth and wash them up a little, the smears just go away
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