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Livid ticked!!!!!!


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I have never had this happen before, and of all things to get busted in a shipment... LYE!! I ordered some with some wax and M&P base, I have never messed with the stuff before, and I was planning on putting it up until I found a recipe I wanted to try. My oldest son opens all my packages for me, he opens it up and says "Mom, there's something all over the box"!! I had him wash his hands real good in a some warm soapy water, is that good enough to get it off his hands?? I cant believe this! They put an 11 lb slab of wax in a box with room to move, and a plastic bottle of lye, no wonder it busted!!:mad::mad::mad:


Edited by FaithfulScenter
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If you get lye on your hands you want to neutralize it with an acid. Use vinegar. Pour it straight over your hands and then wash with soap, but vinegar first.

Wow. That's nuts. I used to buy the 1 pound bottles of lye at a small market before they discontinued it. I made the mistake of picking up the bottle and putting it in my cart with my bare hands. At some point in the market I scratched my ear with the same hand and I had lye on my hand. As soon as my finger touched the inside of my ear (moist from walking through the rain) I felt the burn. I hurried through checkout with a bottle of vinegar and then was dumping it on the side of my head/ear in the parking lot.

THAT HURT. I never did that again. After that I would stop at the produce and pick up a plastic bag and use that to pick up the bottles. Then he store discontinued it. I can't imagine what would have happened if I had scratched my eye!!

Nasty stuff, lye. I would wrap it in a plastic bag if I was that company.

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I know things happen in transit, bottles leak, things get broken, but this was seriously human error!! I can't imagine someone just throwing that in there like that!! I felt the burn in my hands, but now I have the lovely smell of vinegar :)

ETA: It's from Candlemakers store.

Edited by FaithfulScenter
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Ohmygoodness! How scary!!! I sure hope you speak with them about how you received your order. I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but there are certain rules governing the handling/packaging/transit of hazardous materials. Whoever packed that box needs to be re-trained immediately.

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Please take this for what it's worth from a lot of very experienced soapers on another forum. Please DO NOT use vinegar to neutralize the lye on your skin. It will just generate more heat and burn the skin more. The best thing is exactly what you did. Water, lots and lots of water. Flush for a good 10-15 minutes.

I've read the same as every one else, use vinegar if you get lye or raw soap on your skin. But, after reading many stories and the pain or additional injuries caused by using vinegar, I'll stick with water. True, it's fine to add to the water for cleaning utensils or wiping down counters after soapmaking. But, not on your skin.

Faithful, this brings up another good point when handling lye. We all know to have our goggles, gloves, etc. when mixing. But, it would probably be a good idea to at least have on gloves when opening a shipment of lye since you never know what might have happened during shipment. I'm going to be more mindful of this from now on.

Thank you for sharing and I'm so glad your son is alright. I hope you at least contacted the supplier. That is not good.

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If you get lye on your hands you want to neutralize it with an acid. Use vinegar. Pour it straight over your hands and then wash with soap, but vinegar first.


That is actually some very bad, old wives tale and dangerous lye safety advice. Vinegar is a weak acid while lye is a strong alkaline. Trying to neutralize an acid with a base will trigger another exothermic chemical reaction that will generate flesh burning heat. It is worsened more by adding the fluid to the dry beads.

The OP was CORRECT by flushing with lots and lots of water. When you think it's clean enough, wash again.

If you remember ANYTHING from your high school chemistry class, remember chemical safety. Dilute dilute dilute. I would have stripped the kid down and thrown him into the shower. The clothing would have been bagged and tossed immediately into the wash.

Hopefully this HAZMAT spill is a wake up call to people who try to skirt safety restrictions and ship lye themselves to save a few bucks. Imagine if this lye had leaked into the mail carrier's other packages risking the health and safety (perhaps vision) of other patrons.

The fact that a retailer did this makes me blind with rage.

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OMG that is crazy! My husband works with acid when he fixes industrial batteries/He told me to use baking soda because it will neutralize the lye . Sorry that happened...i d hope candlemakers would tell you to throw the whole box away & send a new order because I d think that would be impossible to get clean?

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I received a very prompt and apologetic response from The Candle Makers Store, and they have offered to replace the entire order, and I replied that would be great, but keep the lye! I dont want to chance it. This has definitely opened my eyes to how easily these accidents can happen, and if something happen to one of my babies I would never forgive myself. Now, just have to figure out how to dispose of this box!

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I have to say their customer service was EXCELLENT! I got a very prompt response, I have already received a refund for the lye, and my new wax and soap base are on its way. I put the entire box down into a contractors strength trash bag, tied it, and the put it in 2 more! I'm going to contact the trash company and make sure I can put this out for pickup, if not see what I need to do with it. Such a mess, but yes, very thankful no one got hurt! There won't be anymore super harsh chemicals brought into this house for a long long time!!

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I hate you had this negative experience before you had a chance to make some soap. I use AAA or Chemical Depot for my lye supply; that's what they do for a living mostly. The lye is a bead type that is sent in special bottles with a safey cap and is very easy to use and store. It might be nice if you could take a soap making class locally or find a soaper in the area who would let you come over and learn the art. Lye is kind of like poop, once it gets on something, it gets on everything and so you were wise in chunking the whole box. Order your lye from one of the above and I think youll get a better result. HTH


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Sorry this happened to you. If I recall, the Candlemakers Store just recently started adding soaping ingredients to their product line-- not M&P but CP stuff. From his earlier posts on this forum I could tell he was pretty new at it. Glad they are replacing your order. Hope they take this malfunction to heart and create a new safer shipping policy for their lye shipments.

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