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New years business resolutions


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Moved this to business cuz I think it's a *great* topic - will be interesting to see what everyone has planned.

for me:

- keep a reign on expenses, without sacrificing R&D

- stop most of my candles except for my 2" pillars. Votives have got to go.

- gain 1 more wholesale account, if not 2

- introduce 2 new products that didn't make a holiday launch. Have ideas for 2 other b&b products.

I've got more detail in my business plan, but that's the rough outline.

Who else is planning for next year?

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So I guess I shouldn't bother with votives huh? LOL!

My biggest pre-resolutions (I'm planning on getting this done when I shut down at the end of Dec.):

CLEAN & DECLUTTER! My mission when I shutdown is to clean my dungeon, er I mean basement and organize my office. Oh yea, and actually start using my production/inventory/sales software I bought last year!

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Well as we are Just starting out at the tail end of the year, It will be easy for us to list our resolutions......:)

1) Launch Web Site

2) Gain some wholesale accounts

3) Do more Craft Shows

4) Introduce Container Candles to our Product Line

5) Continue with R&D


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Launch a website(started last year but got sidetracked.)

Do craft shows but only to get out there.They are not doing good in this area.

Get my basement organized.In fact husband wants to make a room down there with a office.Better heat to store candles also.

Want to do a spring open house or craft show.Get my spring scents out there.

Would like to do a couple fundraisers.(Hopefully) Don't care how big or small just want to do a couple and see how it goes.

All I can think of.This will take all year to get started.


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Number one for me is to stop buying more stuff, primarily fragrances. Although I already have more in my mind I want to get as I write this. santa roll

2. make some contacts for wholesale accounts.

3. sell stuff I don't use.

4. maybe try a website.

5. Hopefully, like Glowlite, make more money

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Definitely get organized. Hopefully my uncle will be gone by then (he's been staying in our spare bedroom for a year and a half!) so I can start moving most of my production into that room...

Focus on getting a brochure/catalog type thing for my pillars to send to my wholesale accounts. Most of them don't realize I can do other scents/colors, and I'm so tired of BROWN! LOL

Get organized.

Revamp my jar label/packaging... It's too plain right now.

Get organized.

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Hmmm....alot of ideas flowing, just need to organize them in my brain and put it to paper.

Organize and clean my work area...aka the basement.

Take an accurate inventory (goes hand in hand with organizing)

Develop a better inventory system

Test the handful of fragrances that I have yet to test and pare down the fo list.

Book a few more craft shows. I only did 1 this year.

Work on better packaging/labeling.

Try out a few marketing ideas I have.

Work on consignment and wholesale contract wording.

Work on getting consignment and wholesale (I have one consignment gig in the works).

There's lots more, but I'll stop here.

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What an awesome question. Makes you start thinking....

1. organize (my room is just a big pile of stuff)

2. redo labels

3. do more craft shows and home parties (have lots of people interested in these)

4. start testing balmoral jars (really like these and might want to add to line)

5. start playing around with CP

Okay no more, my brain is exploding. :shocked2:

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Organizing definitely is a priority for me. I would like to add a larger sized container this coming year and have a couple of ideas for a signature candle line. I'd like to do more home parties as the two I've done over the last two years were excellent money makers.

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yikes. new years resolution already? :shocked2:

well here goes mine:

~get the business end a little more organized. okay, a lot more organized. :tongue2:

~introduce one new container for candles.

~get my new website DONE. and leave it that way, lol.

~re-add a few b&b items. i simplified what i offer waaaaaaay down last year to help me focus a bit. it's helped but i'm ready to add a couple items.

~redo business cards and maybe do a brochure type thing in early 2006.

~get one wholesale account.

~look into the local famers market here in town. i some how never managed to check it out this year.

~add a good show or two.

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Next year is going to be a hard one. I am going into the beginning of year 3 so this is the year to see black (hopefully). I am also starting full time with my dh company doing the books in addition to my biz.

1. sell off anything I am not using - or give it away - I have a tendency to hold on to things way too long.

2. Follow my marketing plan a little closer. I came close this year but still needs work.

3. Plan better - I was pouring kumquat stuff in July which helped a lot but I need to get better on holiday stuff. I am going to buy up some baskets and things now for next year. If I wait until next year I will run out of time like this year.

4. Add another whsl acct or 2 - this year I added 3 and they are great. I would like another 2 and then maybe I will be able to give up on the craft show thing.

5. Add 2 more categories to my line. I would like to add a spa/romance category and a wine shop category. For the spa category - I am almost there - done with the testing but still need to rename some scents and do the web site to reflect them. The wine scents are in wax but I have not had a chance to test them yet.

I think that will keep me busy!

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Guest EMercier

Where do I begin. . .

1. While still in the house (my mom's that's paid for I stay rent free by myself), get the basement drywalled to have my candle operations down there, I've had the plan in my head for the past year. My poor dinning room!

2. Get a few wholesale accounts, I have none. One prospect though, will send out a sample.

3. Concentrate on the B&B products I want to offer. As well as get that whipped shea thing down!

4. Make my candles look more upscale. My prices aren't, but I want that look.

5. Get my contracts together (thanks to a member here for the samples) and have them ready.

6. Get a mailing list together of all the people I've sold to (from my order forms) and have an open house. Also have more home shows, I do well with those.

That's it for right now. I better write that down so I can remember and check off as I accomplish each!

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My biggest plan is to scale down and not go off in so many directions.

I'm going in the opposite direction, and focusing on mainly votives and melts. I've found it very difficult to compete with all the jelly jar candles out there in my area. I'm one of the weird ones, I like to do votives. There is not alot of tart competion in my area and I've done well with these.

1. Tweek and upscale my packaging.

2. Work on a soy blend.

3. After lugging 6' tables, and heavy displays, I want to work on getting new easier, lighter, more compact system to do craft shows. I'd like to be able to do these myself and not rely on someone having to help me carry the heavy stuff.

4. Do a few more bigger shows next year.

5. Hopefully go to the bank for deposits a little more often!

6. Keep learning.

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OK here we go:

1. Organize my workrooms (yes i said rooms, i took over my husbands bar and half the exercise room.)

2. Pour test and launch my remaining scents of votives. (par. and soy)

3. Pour test and launch all my scents in 16oz jars. (par and soy) Get labels designed.

4. Launch bathbombs.

6. R&D for lotions and body butters.

7. Launch website.

8. Setup and launch home parties.

Theres the list for the year, im sure it will get bigger. :)

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I LOVE this post! LOL! Like you guys, my #1 priority right now is getting organized...and that's across the board from my business to personal life. hehe. Other than that, my website will be open any day now (just gotta get the pics up and I'm done) so I want to concentrate on it a lot this year. Another goal I have is a carry over from last year, writing my business plan. I just keep putting it off and its not good! I have set my schedule of craft shows for the year already. And in two weeks I am going to go through my scent list and get the spring list ready! I MAY be adding ten more scent to my line. So lots of goals, but the organization thing is the biggie. I'm getting better but I still have a ways to go!

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Mmmmm good thing to think about! Got one show left and then I'll be a little more serious about it, but:

1) More upscale look (both in labels and decor)

2) Redesign the website to be more efficient and attractive (and go with our new look)

3) Get a banner!!! (this should almost be #1 lol!)

4) Work on marketing

5) Get taxes done before the very last day ;)

6) Appreciate my partner more! (You'd think we were married the way we bicker sometimes lol!)

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Here's a simplified version of my goals for 2006:

1. Get more organized!!

2. Am renaming my candle business and have someone designing my new logo as we speak, so by the first of the year I'd like to get the new name and logo into production.

3. Keep a good handle on my expenses!

4. Launch a website by the end of 2006.

5. Do more craft shows.

6. Plan a holiday open house.

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Considering I have started making candles and soaps for almost a year my goals I've set for myself are pretty basic for some yet a task for myself. Here's my top 10 list, of things I hope to accomplish for 2006...business goals only!!!

  1. Test, Test, Test waxes, wicks, and fo's for votives, containers, pillars, and tarts, and keep an accurate record of these test. (This is a never ending goal)
  2. Make my first batch of soap using the CP method.
  3. Get business name established locally.
  4. Get logo designed.
  5. Create a website, that will showcase my work.
  6. Market myself more to neighbors, friends, and co-workers.
  7. Maintain a budget and try to stick with it. (This will be the hardest to do, I'm addicted to molds and fragrances):)
  8. Become more organized!!!
  9. Visit bazaars, craft shows, and fairs to scope out competition and to get a better feel what the public likes and dislikes. (observation purposes only, not ready to start selling at this type of venue yet, maybe in 2007).
  10. Finally, become a more active member of this forum and others by participating more in swaps, meeting new ones, and attending a candlemaker's convention.

Sorry I listed so many things, just felt like I needed alot of things to accomplish for myself in 2006.:)

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Ok maybe Im tired from painting my house and cant think, so can someone refresh my memory as to what R&D is?


R&D is Research & Development :)

Also, after reading all the posts about GETTING ORGANIZED, I was reminded of something someone said at a networking group I attend. She said that every year her company (she's a direct sales rep) has her set goals, which she does faithfully. She said that setting goals is all well & good but she's come to realize that one of the most difficult things about goal setting is how to attain these goals.

So I'm thinking - HOW do you want to get organized? I'm going to start a new thread and hopefully we can all help each other with our different ideas!

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