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Why do you use paraffin?

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I have tried several types of waxes in the last few months from soy to paraffin to blends and have heard almost all of the reasons people choose soy over paraffin, but haven't heard many reasons why people choose paraffin over soy...

Was just wondering why people who choose to use paraffin over soy or a blend?


P.S. I rather like paraffin or a blend :D

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I like the way paraffin sticks to itself rather than soy which sticks to everything. Okay youre supposed to be able to clean soy up with soap and water but who wants a lot of hydrogenated soy shortening down their sink anyway?

I like it that paraffin doesnt smoke as much when the candle is moved or in a draft.

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I tried both paraffin and soy. I started with paraffin, then people asked for soy at shows, so I tried it for a year and a half. The soy was harder for me to work with. I didn't like the cracking, the white crust on the surface, the sink holes, and I didn't like the fact that the colors were always pastel shades.

So I went back to paraffin, diddled around with various brands and blends, and found what I believe is the perfect blend. There is a touch of soy in it, mainly to appease the "I only burn soy" buyers, but the base is paraffin.

I get creamy, rich looking colors, great cold and hot throw, and an absolutely soot free burn.


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I like paraffin because you can do so much more with it. It is very easy to work with. I have tried several soy waxes and can't get it to look right. I don't like the cottage cheese top that goes with soy.

Fredron....what wax did you decide is great for you? I love IGI 6006, IGI 4625 & IGI 1274. Would love to know what you came up with.:D

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I much prefer paraffin over soy. I don't have to worry about "frosting" and I don't have to worry about paraffin ever being finicky with FO's like soy can be. I also feel that paraffin makes a much more attractive candle than soy.

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I have used soy, paraffin, gel, and palm. I prefer paraffin over all of them. It holds any scent and you can make any shape. The others will have a problem every now and then, so now I just use soy and paraffin. The other two just got way to expensive. I am ready to drop soy because that cost is skyrocketing. It is ridiculous.......

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I use both soy and paraffin. I like soy a lot but it is very fickle so I understand why a lot of people stick with paraffin.

Paraffin is much easier to work with. It holds higher fragrance loads. Throws better. Colors much better than soy. There's much more you can do with it as far as designing candles go.

The key to soy is finding a wax that works well for you, sticking with it and praying they don't change the formula.

With paraffin you have is a lot more choices to play with and you can just about get something really cool looking out of all of them.

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I first started making candle's with a soy kit. I did not at all like the color, does not help that I was trying to make black candle's.....

Anyhow, I am not much of a pastel person, so I like the color saturation in paraffin, and mostly what everyone else has said as well.

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In our immediate area, soy is not a big seller. We introduced it last year and still have alot of stock from then...which was not looking very nice. It has frosted and looks "dry". We finally just gave that stock away to friends and family and have decided to make soy only as a special order. The big "plus" was suppose to be it was easy cleanup - "just wash with soap and water".....well, even after wiping as much as I could out of the jars, I still didn't want any of the residue down my sink. It was just so much messier that just popping the paraffin molds, utensils, etc. into a warmer for a bit, then wiping off.

Our paraffin candles are so much easier to work with - and I think make a much prettier candle. The ones I have at the house look just as nice as the day they were poured.

If soy were more popular, I would keep searching for the right one. I am kind of relieved that it isn't........

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