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Damn. Every time I see a great candle and sort of make one like it (almost that is) something nicer comes along and now I've got a new method to try. They are really spiffy, now all I gotta do is figure out how ya did it. GREAT CANDLES, KEEP SHARING

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Those are wonderful looking! --- All right. How did you do that?! What wax? Additives? PLEASE share. That looks something like the effect I've been trying to get. Are you able to reproduce it? Sorry for so many questions! The one thing I can tell is that the rate of cooling is effecting how its set up. If you look at the top (bottom of the mold) and the corners - those must be cooling faster than the rest - at least the corners have to be.

Why can't I have accidents like this? :)

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I think they're freakin' awesome! I love the effect and after looking at them awhile think they might look even nicer if the bottoms were the same color as they are now, but mottled like the rest of the pillar. I absolutely love the color combo and how the colors blended the way they did. Great job!

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Thanks guys. I'm not sure if I can re-create them, but if I can I'll try to change the bottom and see what that looks like. I used 1343 w/stearic and poured an orange color about 3/4 full. Wait a little bit for it to set, then take a skewer with a few drops of black liquid color on it and poke it into the orange. Wait a little more then pour more wax (non-colored or lightly colored, it will mix with the liquid color left behind from the skewer)

This is what I wanted it to look like, except orange and black. I think the difference was I didn't wait long enough after the first pour, and the colors started blending way more than I wanted them to. Also I think I the temp. of the wax was a lot higher this time. ( the temp. gage on my pour pot is broken)





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Thats so nice of you to share your technique. I was thinking of trying something similar - taking lukewarm wax which is somewhat set up and putting it in molds, then pouring VERY hot wax over it - the last part being somewhat like what you did. Either way, your mottling is excellent!

Again, I just LOVE those - beautiful!

Thanks again.

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They are really beautiful candles- wonderful effects going on. I agree wth a lot of people on the first pic about the bottom not really going with the rest of the candle but still they look great. In your last set of pics, the colors of the candles in the second picture remind me of cherry cheesecake. They look fantastic. :smiley2:

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It is an interesting effect. My initial thought was also that the top was totally cool and the bottom took away from it. But I think it probably gives them more texture and depth to leave them like they are. And they do look like they're on fire :). I betcha they're going to be beautiful when lit at night :D


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