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What 1 thing are you going to do this weekend to improve business?


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Organize something? Clean something? Write something?

This weekend I'm pulling everything out of the part of the basement I use and am washing the brick floors. It's getting a coating of oil and wax I think, it's getting slippery. Am going to try using my carpet cleaner, without any cleaner in it. The floor should be able to provide enough bubbles on it's own!

So what's up for you (besides making product, that doesn't count lol).

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Do labels count? We've done a redesign and I need to work on getting that design transferred into other labels.

Other than that, how about a testing weekend lol! We're trying things out with B&B stuff.

On a more serious note, we're finalizing what products will be offering for our first show coming in March. So we're working on the spring/summer lines, gift ideas etc.

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Saturday I am going to finish inputting my inventory into the spreadsheets my sister created for me. Then (I know this doesn't count) I will be filling some orders.

Sunday I am hosting a family dinner to celebrate the birthdays of my grandson (7), my daughter (27), and my sister (I'm sure she doesn't want to disclose her age!). I'm looking forward to actually using my kitchen for cooking for a change!!!!! :yay:

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Get organized!!!!

Tomorrow I'm cleaning my office and setting it up so that I can find things when I need them. I'm going to clean out my shop and get rid of EVERYTHING that I don't need. Then I'm going to swear off the classifieds section. ;) I have a couple of soy waxes that I want to start testing. I am going to make soap!!! Haven't made any in a while so I'm ready to get back at it. That's it I hope.

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i have 5 molds i got yesterday that im going to spend all weekend testing. then, im going to try to figure out what kind of candles to put in baby shower baskets. but first, im kicking off the weekend by going to see FINDING NEMO on ice on friday night! oh yeah, and bug my brother to finish designing a logo for me!

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well we have a church fundraiser on Sunday so Saturday we are going to set up..they dont allow people outside the church to sell so a lady that works with my sister is going to do all the selling and we are donating 30% of the sales.

Trying to get my website back online tomorrow since I screwed it up!

Updating the soap and pics.

Getting Nate(dh) to start on my new displays :yay:

We have our first show next weekend

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I'll be thinking about what to bars to make in advance of a craft show I'm doing in May. My first one. I'm excited, yet full of dread!

Then I've got bands to print, samples to cut, and organizing of supplies to get done. If I have a brain left after all that, I'll make a batch of soap once I've decided what I'll need. Plus I have to work on resizing some recipes.

I would dearly love to have a work room. :drool:

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SLEEPING! Sunday is my only day off! Working 8 hour on Saturday!

No orders coming in but I'm back to my regular job in a big way! working 50 hours this week! And when I work like this, I tend to forget to eat! I do up the wood burner for the night and go to bed when I get off work!:shocked2:

Hope to order some new scents and reorganizing my scent list once again! Testing a few new scents.

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Guest EMercier

I'm going to try another batch of soap Saturday, I'm going to make up some samples for two wholesale accounts (hope I get them), I'm thinking of getting my candle, I mean dinning room organized so I can eat in there again! There is just stuff all over the place. I also need to clean out my supplies at BF's house Sunday and take some of the stuff to my house and see what I can sell off.

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Can I list 2? Well, I'm going to anyway...

1. Apply for the King William Fair - deadline for this round of jury is Jan 31st.

2. Finish my cost per item spreadsheet so we can have our books better in order.

I'm enjoying reading all of your good ideas! You are all such hard workers, it's inspiring!

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