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What 1 thing are you going to do this weekend to improve business?


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Basennt here too.Then start with working on my website.Husband is off so plenty of time.Also get the computer room organized.It is fine but I need to get some paperwork caught up for a org I am secretary.I HOPE I can leave early after new Board members.Ten years is too long.

ALso trying a new wax.You can use it for votives,tarts containers.If it works will be great because it is cheaper than the soy pillar blend.

Really going to move things around in the basement.Get my Candle Corner together and get some totes for organizing. Get things in order in case I ever get a order from my website.Trying to get my domain transferred now and a pain.So lots for me this week-end for candles.Kinda looks like it will be focused on nothing but candle business.


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Boy did I mess up basement.I do know how to spell but that is the worse.I have been upset as I lost my Precious Pepper(cat) earlier this afternoon and I am devastated.I am making myself do things to keep busy so I think I will succeed in getting all this done.If I can't get motivated I will be nuts thinking about my cat.I feel like just slinging things.Hope no one is in my way.


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Oh LynnS, I'm so sorry! If I may ask, did you literally lose your cat, as in, he/she got out the door, or are we talking he/she's no longer with us? Either way, it's such a terrible thing when we miss one of our beloved pets - if s/he's literally lost, I'm SURE she'll come home soon, but if she's lost, lost, then my condolences, and a big fat hug. (((())))

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Thank You for the big hug.She had the worse sinus infection that the vet had seen.I tried all that could be done and the vet said yesterday it would cost $600 for Ohio State to go behind eyes,etc and try to get it all out.She was fed today and then started choking.She never got a bite but mucous started coming out her mouth and I tried pulling it out.She just jerked a minute and fell over. I am so lost and devastated and if I had known she would not get better I would have HUMANELY put her down.I had her to the vets 5 times.It went on for 3 weeks and I was so stupid to believe in a miracle. More has happened to and was going to post on Off Topic.Need to get my bearing but alot of sickness with my cats and they may all have to go.A disease that is incurable and not able to be treated.(FIP)Precious Pepper did not have it though.Vet autopsied her for me.I don't know if I will get over this.I'm am overwhelmed.:cry2:


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So sorry to hear of your loss Lynn. :cry2: Big hugs go to you.

I am going to finish up some orders.

I also have just left my partner in some rental space that I have at a county gift store. It was an amicable break fortunately. And I am moving from an upstairs space to a 1st floor space with a lot more foot traffic. I am very excited to be on my own and am hoping this will be a great location for me. I have to sort through furniture and props and go through inventory to see what will fit and what will have to be clearanced.

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I just got done making wicks and wicking 40 jar containers. (Got 4 dozen more coming Tues.).

Going to shop around Sat. morning for business insurance. Then it's to the basement to clean and organize. Got some woodworking to do also. Build some shelves for plaques the LOML is painting, build drawers for a router table project from several months ago, and work on the dreaded taxes.

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Well, lotsa things...1st BF is doing a website, so I can at least have a home page and a contact link online, if not a shopping cart and such.

2nd, dreaded TAXES! 1st time, as I just started selling last July. I'm a little scared. :embarasse

3rd, testing some samples. I've got a drawer full, and I need to at least make an effort to pour a few, dammit.

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I think I'm going to seal the deal on opening a shop in the spring! WOW, does that feel like a huge committment just to type it out.

Yep, I have an opportunity for an itty bitty space for $275 a month in a wonderful little shopping district near my home.

Congratulations! :highfive: That is so exciting. Keep us filled in on all the details.

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