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I am just starting to make candles with the hopes of selling them eventually. I am in the process of determining what kind/s of wax to use. I have solely been working with different types of soy wax up to this point. However, there seems to be some benefits from other types of wax (i.e. parrafin and palm). When I research some of my favorite candle companies (Archipelago, Voluspa, Capri Blue, Paddywax, Nest, etc.) they all appear to use a blend of waxes and not just soy. I would like to be "environmentally friendly" and create a "clean" candle but not necessarily at the expense of scent throw and quality. My questions are...

Has anyone found selling candles with palm or parrafin wax harder to sell to consumers?

Do customers seem to care what wax you use when you are selling them at craft fairs or wholesale to stores?


I would appreciate any insight people may have!


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I've been making candles for the past 3 years (as a serious hobby and I have one retail customer) and I finally switched from 100% soy to IGI 6006 blend.  I haven't had anyone walk away from my candles because they aren't 100% soy; I also don't use any dye which people either like or they don't.    I found that the unpredictability of soy made candle making frustrating for me and I found myself crossing my fingers every time I poured a batch.  I use clear 11 oz tumblers for my candles so I do heat them prior to pouring to avoid wet spots as much as possible and yes, I still cross my fingers.  Occasionally a candle or two will provide some frustration but I just set those aside for my personal use.  You will find what works best for you and that journey is what it's all about.  Be patient.

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There are people dead set in what they "think" they want in a candle 

they want soy, they want coconut, they refuse palm, they refuse paraffin, they like paraffin, they like palm or they just don't care so long as it smells good and burns good 

some people want color some people prefer it not colored 

I suggest you do some research in your area of what other chandlers offer so you can maybe do something different to attract a different crowd , ask as many people as you can what they like in a candle, if they even know, or post a poll on Facebook to get a feel for what people are looking for and wanting 

your at a huge advantage just starting out being able to decide what your going to sell and start learning and testing that wax - many of us on here have made soy candles for years and all the changes and issues are a serious problem working through them and now my customers expect soy from me, I have been at a stand still going on a year trying to figure out a new wax to introduce and I'm not really sure what my regular customers are going to think but if I stand behind I'm confident they will as well 

Edited by moonshine
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On 07/04/2018 at 10:21 AM, TallTayl said:

There’s a customer for every type. Mostly, people identify with your brand moreso than the exact wax. Make what you love and the rest falls into place. 

Exactly this!! 


I make exclusively paraffin candles and palm candles. 

I only sell at craft shows, and when people ask for soy or some other wax I don't make I start a dialog with them and the first thing I ask is "why" do they want x wax in a candle.

Because what I hear most of the time, is blah blah blah burns cleaner blah blah. Which is a misnomer. Anything that burns produces carbon - anything.

Once you can get a dialog going you can explain your product vs the product they are seeking (and in such a way you are not bashing any type of wax, but simply explaining that the benefits they are looking for are found in any well made product) 


And honestly in the last say 4-5 years, it is a very rare occurrence I get anyone actually asking about the type of wax anymore. I find what people are drawn to is scent, then a well burning candle. They could honestly not care less what the candle is made of as long as it smells good and burns nice. 

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I feel like there are certain areas of the country and even certain markets where some customers may prefer soy over paraffin or other waxes. However, the biggest trend I have noticed is that customers just want something handmade. A lot of people are tired of the big brands and are looking for things handcrafted and especially locally handcrafted. In a lot of instances that search for handmade wins over any preference of wax. 

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When I first started making candles soy wax had just come out and with it a bunch of manufacturer claims and hoolpla being spread about it being natural, clean, organic, etc. ad nauseum. So for me, I did experience a market that wanted soy, however, they did not care that I switched from all soy to parasoy.


After working with soy thou I found I had to switch again because I had skin rashes from soy. So I switched to palm. I miss paraffin a lot. It really makes a great candle but I have also fallen in love with palm. Either work for me.


I also think if I went back to paraffin customers would still buy candles. I have found that I have a very informed customer base and now that a lot of misinformation has been dispelled re the perils of paraffin in the end what most customers want is a candle that smells great and burns good.

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Great conversation! So many good points! In my experience, people buying handmade are looking for something unique. The wax you use is not what's going to set you apart from the crowd.

I mean, unless you do something really crazy like 100% bayberry wax or something! 

Having an interesting product with a good story and great performance is crucial, whichever wax falls in line with your product vision is the right one for you!

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