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The Ones Who Keep The Lights On
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Everything posted by TallTayl

  1. I have made both polymer (water based, non-toxic) and traditional 5-free polishes.
  2. I will be in need of Egyptian Dragon and Patchouli for candles at some point. Not too soon, but in a few months. Am willing to host a co-op for those needing fragrace from them. Would love to try a couple of their flavors, but they're only offered in 1 lb increments.
  3. I have a hard time buying fragrance without an IFRA certificate from any vendor. Without any sort of documentation on ebay it seems we are buying a pig in a poke.
  4. Oh dear dawg valerian totally smells like soured old gym socks! Not a good vetiver though. LibertyNatural offers sniffer vials. You have to search out the offer, but i have picked up tiny vials of many different eo's they offer to compare.
  5. vetiver itself is a grass. The Haitian variety smells a lot like a wood similar to sandalwood. Some are slightly smoky. Like everything else the source and methods make it smell different and fragrance oils they take a liberties. The worst are the cologny fragrances that call themselves vetyver. Blech.
  6. Vetyver should smell earthy, but not like dirt. Almost leathery. Or like old, old paper. I sell a vetyver blends that is super popular and use vetyver as a minor note with tobacco, oak, cedar, for example. Vetyver Cafe is super. The bitter almost burnt coffee is perfect with vetyer. My blends are subtle in wax, vut perfect in the subtleness of that makes sense. It sells well to the right crowd.
  7. Liquid? Often hobby store pigments are not stable in high pH or ultraviolet light.
  8. What colorants did you use?
  9. The air freshener blanks are available at a few retailers. https://cart.candlesupply.com/Air-Freshener-Blanks-Supplies-c-630.html http://www.candlesandsupplies.net/Air-Fresheners/Air-Freshener-Paper And many others. Just google air freshener blanks
  10. I read as daughter made melts using fragrance from U's store. Either way, scent is so subjective....
  11. Is the $300 min still waived for guild members?
  12. You are spot on with the market they cater to Jack! Tis the season for new chandlers and soapers to get busy making their holiday gifts and last minute craft show goods. Sure would have been nice to get all 5 new ones in one go. I'll have to pass on the three new ones til i actually need something from them again.
  13. wholeheartedly agree with Dave. People like a laugh. They buy things for the name more than the scent. If it smells good that is just a bonus. One of my best sellers has the word Fart in it. I have heard the fartword in every language known to man lol.
  14. Sounds like a great start! And it is like banking a cake it's how I blend most of my aromas... Layer by layer.
  15. I'd be tempted to build that one from the ground up. Oatmeal, using some sweet version of oatmeal milk and honey Brown sugar, like Aromahaven or sweet cakes Vanilla Not sure about the raisin. But maybe a drop of a grape would do.
  16. The smell of isopropyl alcohol is over powering to the scent and to the lungs when sprayed. Plus, isopropyl comes in different retail concentrations. If using it for a preservative, you will need to do the math to figure out if it is providing enough actual alcohol to do the job.
  17. Was just going to say the same thing. Jinx
  18. Allrighty, mine arrived with today's mail. I smelled each after a super long outdoor work day, so my opinions may change. Probably a lot. Whiskey. I get tons of alcohol, and not a lot of nuances OOB. I will do a blotter test to see what it is like after a dry down, but first thought, it needs a lot more to be a desirable scent in candles and soap. Thinking Vanilla Oak would be a good start. It needs grounding and depth to get past the pure alcohol. Maybe apple and cinnamon for a Fire Cider. Turning to drink recipes, a Rob Roy or Hot Toddy has promise. Whiskey is apparently hot with milennials. Who knew? I have a couple weeks left at the big faire where the patrons are a great test market. Leather. Hmm. Reminds me of Argentine saddle leather. Not great. It will be best as a blender. I have other leathers i prefer, so i don't think i'll buy more than the 1oz in this box.
  19. Leather is a hard one... I love the english saddle leather. Most are either black biker jacket or western saddle. All are so different. Their Nag is just OK. Not great - with a low usage rate in soap IIRC. Can't WAIT to smell whiskey. I broke down and bought some a few days ago. Y'all are enablers. Mojito - was meh OOB to me. I;d rather mix a little mint, basil and litsea cubeba with maybe a little sugarcane.
  20. And, it's why i keep back up readers, like paypal in the back pocket!
  21. Let me play devil's advocate for a sec. How many fraudulent cards have you taken in person during the time you have been in business? The fear factor is playing right into their hands. The threat is that we are responsible for the fraud charges, and potentially a fine for up to $10k. It scares and forces us into action. But.... They have no plan or answers for us which answers the real-life fears, like internet charges, no power, short battery life, etc.
  22. Marbles should work . I use nail polish beads because I have like 1,000s of them. Anything nonreactive should be OK. The principle is just like mixing paint.
  23. I have a small bottle of NG sage leaf. Not sure if i love it singly, but Blended with camphorous fragrance, like eucalyptus, it seems to work well.
  24. Makes sense... That same collector personality. [hijack] when i see Target Dollar Spot cheapo page flags being purchased second hand for $40+ a pack i just shake my head.... And dollar spot pen packs of 4 being separated out sold individually for $5+ each i back away. Those flags are not even "good" when Priced for $1. They don't stick or remove well! Proves one thing we can all remember: WE create and nurture unicorns!! Edited for speeling
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