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Everything posted by EccoLights

  1. Thanks everyone =) Troy had so much fun doing these and I still have the mess to clean up from it LOL =) Scented, the pyramid did come out with some really cool lines....Now if we just knew why LOL I think it was the wax but not sure, we don't use it for our normal candles =) Either way it does look cool =) Oh and the heart one has been a huge hit too =)
  2. We use NG's and just love it! Use in soy wax and made some in our Aroma Jems as well that sell very good =) I'm sorry but WSP isn't going to get one red cent from us anymore.... So sick of all the changes and increases and trying to justify them as "savings" to the customers when all it does is line Debbie's pockets a little bit more...........Not to mention she hasn't had an idea of her own for years??? *copycat!* UGH! See what you did asking about WSP LOL
  3. Oily could mean a lot of things... A picture says a thousand words tho =)
  4. GUILTY! We love fairies here too =) They look amazing! =)
  5. Never tried LoneStar TBH, mostly NG stuff here and their liquid dyes work great for us in soy... We can get anywhere from pastel to bright bold colors with them =) Oh and they come with the little flip top lids for easy "dropping" =) We did use the Redi-Glo chips before as well and found that they worked great as well, just didn't keep up on the chips so kept running out LOL So back to the good ole liquid dyes we did =)
  6. Here are some of the pillars Troy poured the other day with some 5560 we had gotten from a old candle maker that went out of business =) Lot's of rainbows and some hearts, pyramids and other shapes =) All scented with a variety of yummy smells =)
  7. Sorry to jump in here but if anyone could share their wholesale contract with us that would be wonderful! Best of luck with the account OP =)
  8. Welcome Shellie to your new addiction =) Just think of us as your 24 hour support line =)
  9. Sorry didn't see your question sooner but did just reply to your PM =)
  10. As a user of Weebly I have to say we LOVE them! Cost effective and easy to set up, only thing I do recommend is to get your own domain name....it works better that way for your SEO =) Hope that helps and feel free to ask any questions you might have about them =)
  11. Ya know... I saw the WSP first and knew where this was going right away..... so here I am to put my 2 cents in =) I agree with everyone that the constant changing of price/policy is just to much... and now a minimum for pickups?? apparently we inconvenience them so much by picking up that they had to make us buy more??? And now not shipping discount either??? What a joke!!! The past 4 times I have ordered from WSP, and trust me its only 2 items we get from her, due to them being the only local supplier... UGH! But 4 out of 4 times, called, placed the order, they took my CC # and charged it... to only call me back hours later saying they don't have them in stock.... 4 times this has happened in the past 3 months and I am done!!! Pardon my french here ladies and gents but WSP can kiss my a$$!!!!!!!!!! Ill pay twice as much as I can with them to NOT deal with their rudeness, lack of customer service and constant unpredictability! Ok, time for a smoke break LOL =) xoxo
  12. Ok, just went through and looks like they have the same warmers that OBI has.... OBI is cheaper tho =) Hope that helps you some =)
  13. Link didn't work for me.... needed to add the "www" first =) http://www.soydrops.com Checking them out now =)
  14. NG is amazing about things like this... you emailed them you said and I did hear they were out of the office today due to weather, so I would give them till tomorrow and it will be taken care of =) You could always get on their Facebook page and Deb watches that =)
  15. And I quote: "Where independent business owners and divas connect" I can't believe I hadn't seen this before!! Just the market we were going for!!! Thanks Sweet Delights!! :yay::yay:
  16. Hi Chris and welcome to your new obsession =) As for suppliers, I would agree. Look for someone that is local as shipping charges for hundreds of pounds of wax can get VERY costly and it is a very "personal" thing too, so find one that is right for you +) Can't really say much about palm just yet, but as suggested the "search" up top works wonders =) As for mentors, that's what we are all here for =) Sometimes you might not agree with someone, or might take some to heart, but always know that we are here for you =)
  17. Sorry but I had to......... *bubble bath**bubble bath* Here poochie poochie
  18. OMG I know exactly what your talking about... We have had a few in the past that all is good on the first order and then from there they call again or email again and just want to "chat".... Not like were running a business or anything RIGHT!! LOL Now don't get me wrong, we love our customers and were sure everyone else does too, but come on... *example* We have this one customer that will call at 2:30AM.... Yeah AM, just to see how we are??? It got so bad with this one that I actually refused to take orders from her anymore... told her flat out... "If you need anything, here's our website, NO MORE CALLS!" Now this could be part my fault to and Ill admit it, I am a very sociable person and do love to talk, so I do try to "friend" our customers, its just the way we are =) But maybe that's a bad thing at times?? Sometimes I do wonder tho, do they really expect what you put in the 2nd paragraph?? Seems a bit much to us! Our policy is to send them a confirmation "we got your order" email and then the "here's your shipping info" email, other then that none... now if a issue arises then of course we are in contact =) Now personally, if a company sent me 6 emails about 1 order, honestly, I wouldn't care. As long as the order is on its way then were good to go, but were not going to contact the business "pestering" them about an order..... Ok I lied, we did with Merch-Mart on a warmer order that took 2 weeks to even ship and their CS... well... what CS?? Not to mention over 1/2 of the order was damaged..... UGH! Enough ranting here, off to find my drink =)
  19. Can't say we have tried to do these just yet, but did research it a bit tho before =) Beeswax from what we saw was one of the best (and easiest) ways to do tapers. Most are rolled if I'm not mistaking =) We are going to tool around with them soon with our soy wax (should be a mess, lol) but the dipping part looks like fun. Just take your wick (I read somewhere cotton is the best) and dip... dip... dip... dip again... and dip a few more times till the desired width is gotten =) Have fun and you know we would all love to see some pictures when your finished =)
  20. We always order extras from the supplier (they usually have them) or for a worst case, Home Depot or Lowe's is it =) I know the bulb your talking about and if I recall they are around $5 - $6 at the hardware store.... from our supplier they are $2.00 for a 3 pack =) HTH
  21. For the pull down you don't want to copy some one elses, but you could "edit it" to fit for you +) I want to say if you simply copy and paste from someone else, it would go to them and not you due to the "coding" =) Here is an example of our pull down menu for the scents: **ALL LINKS ARE DEAD IN THIS EXAMPLE** <form target="paypal" action="://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" type="hidden"> <table> <tbody><tr><td><input name="on0" value="Pick Your Scent" type="hidden"></td></tr><tr><td><select name="os0"> <option value="Absinthe">Absinthe </option> <option value="Akroma">Akroma </option> <option value="Almond Rum Cake">Almond Rum Cake </option> <option value="Amber Romance">Amber Romance </option> <option value="Amish Friendship">Amish Friendship </option> ****FILL IN AS MANY <option value= THINGS AS NEEDED FOR ALL YOUR SCENTS. KEEP IN MIND, THEY DO NOT ALPHABETIZE FOR YOU, THAT'S YOUR JOB =) **** </select> </td></tr> </tbody></table> <input name="encrypted" value="TONS OF GIBBERISH TEXT HERE----- " type="hidden"> <input src="://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_cart_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" border="0" type="image"> <img alt="" src="://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1"> </form> Hope this helps you guys some =) There is a way to have more then 1 pull down (if you have a lot of scents or want to "categorize" your scents..... Been working on getting it to work correctly tho =)
  22. Kitn, your so right.. .it does take all types =) Our market today was kind of hoe hum... not much traffic but we did decent =) About half way into the day I started to notice some water drips on one of our shelves and yup.... 3rd water leak in this one spot we have been in 1 week already... UGH! Thank goodness its not around anything that will be "damaged" But still very annoying when you bring it up to management and their answer is "Oh yeah, you got a leak....we will look into that" and how much you want to bet... next week... that same leak will be there =/ But all in all, it was a productive day and tomorrow should be good as well =)
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