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Everything posted by EccoLights

  1. Simply beautiful! Great set up and were sure you did great =) Love the colors and displays =)
  2. OMG I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!! I knew to use shrink wrap on our pillars but my wonderful loving, helpful hunny wanted to use cello and put a pretty little bow on top of them to make them look good....well he did that and guess what.....WE STILL HAVE THEM! I think maybe if lucky, 2 - 4 have sold and the rest just sit.....looking all wrinkly, wanting a home to go too =) Never even thought about searching for shrink wrap ALREADY MADE for pillars =) I was going to buy a roll of it =) Anyways, again LOVE YOU GUYS! And if anyone would like to part with say 100 - 200 of them, we would be more then interested and could pay by PayPal =) PM us if you can =)
  3. ScentedOIls.com is having a 15% off sale but it was only for 2 days and ends tonight at midnight I would assume...website says 5/1 for the end... Now honestly, never ordered from them, but will be in a few minutes but they seem to have a good selection of glass and poly resin warmers (thats what we carry mostly) and shipping is very fair too. Will update as far as service goes in the next few days =) Oh, minimum is $125 tho http://www.scentoils.com/wholesale/content.cgi
  4. Hmm, hate is such a strong word...I would say I dislike pouring tea lights the most. Wicking isn't too bad, but I just got to the point when I get my jars in I wick them all up NOW, not when I need them... It takes a little time but when production starts, it makes that step so much easier =) Tarts are not bad at all, and pillars are always fun... even if a pillar comes out "wrong" someone will still love it most of the times =) Votives used to be a pain too until we started doing the clamshells for them too =) EASY! =)
  5. Sorry Wild, have never used them but am very interested in how they work out for you. Pillar packaging has been a total pain in the **** for us and have been thinking of just shrink wrapping them too. Just wonder about the scent through the shrink wrap?? Anyways, sure someone will chime in here soon enough for ya =) Good Luck!
  6. Very good start =) I did find it a tad bit hard to get around and when I wanted to "buy" a candle, I couldn't find where or how?? Maybe its just me... I didn't sleep at all last night so running on fumes by now..
  7. Well hey, being busy with sales is always a great thing! Can't say I have seen that show but will put it on the instant queue to check it out =) Now isn't it always that way....anytime your out or low on a oil, that's the one EVERYONE wants! We are very lucky to be so close to a few suppliers, but doing 2 or 3 trips in 1 week starts to get really old LOL Hey on a side note and way off this topic (maybe we should PM? lol) but what ratio do you do your oils in? Had a few people say that our 50/50 didn't seem "strong" enough (to clarify a few people, 1 out of 10) so we were thinking of going to a 25/75 DPG to FO ratio.... Any thoughts?
  8. I hear ya... Got all our production done early in the week so now fiddling with the website and listening to Troy going nuts over some show in the living room LOL Ahh the fun we have in the weeee hours of the morning =)
  9. Love that great description too! "Meh, Ill send you a list if you really need it...Meh" =) Probably one's he bought off another Ebayer LOL Wessex, are you scooping the competition?? LOL
  10. UGH! Everytime I try and see the 2nd page I get a "403" error?? Forbidden?? YIKES!! ....Nevermind, it works now LOL
  11. I drove big trucks for a few years and it's like having a CDL....If your in an accident your guilty until proven innocent... guess its the same with any company these days... I heard one (not candle related) before about a women that went out and bought one of those HUGE RV's and was on the interstate and set the cruise control....walked to the back to make lunch....veered off the road and crashed....sued the RV company for NOT putting in the owners manual that she couldn't "leave the seat while driving" and WON!!! It was a HUGE settlement too and they gave her a new RV too! Then that same company had to change their owners manual to add this stupidity in! What a joke!!!
  12. LOL Thanks Karen M =) Ya know we give that super secret discount to forum members
  13. Thank you both =) Georgia we just started doing the painted clocks like that and have had a lot of good response to them....No sales of them just yet but it will come =) Didn't get a picture of the glass cutting boards we are doing either =( Maybe next time =)
  14. Thanks sbs =) I kinda went the total opposite from last time... Not dark and dreary this time =) Bright yet subtle =) Thanks for taking a look =)
  15. Last time everyone was so great and we learned a lot! Now after what...4 months or so I finally talked Troy into letting me layout the site and the colors and all =) So...What do you guys think?? http://www.EccoLights.com P.S. I know I need to add "something" to the "Fine Print" main page, but other then that, its a done =)
  16. Bruce, sorry to hear about the ex drama... But look at it this way, now your free to indulge in your obsession....CANDLES! The tapers look amazing!! Great job and the best of success at the shows =)
  17. We have a booth at a local indoor flea market all year round. But then we hop around to different craft shows =) Looking at getting our retail spot hopefully in the next year or so =)
  18. But this does make you think don't it... We get alot of new candle makers here that probably read this and thought "Oh how easy, I can do that" and then when it fails horribly, they come to us LOL =) Next thing you know they will say you can use the cotton string on those "feminine" products too LMAO! btw, Ear Wax = NEXT BIG THING!
  19. Just saw this on wikihow's site for wicking tapers... Paper towels, tissues, and toilet paper can be torn into small strips, which can be twisted together (very tightly) and braided into progressively larger pieces to make a wick. Well toilet paper as a wick??? Candle making is so easy! :laugh2: http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Basic-Taper-Candles
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