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Everything posted by EccoLights

  1. Most vanillas we tend to leave uncolored.. but you would do a very light yellow maybe?? =)
  2. Thank you so much for your feedback and the contact us is going to be up, had it but there was nothing there so figured for now just hide it till we get the info put in =) The navagation is a part we have been working on mostly and content of course =) Happy Holidays =)
  3. Oh you have got to get their Blood Orange too!! Amazing in soy =) hmm Bite Me (the scent lol) I put that up there in citrus too but more like a tropical punch scent =)
  4. Scented, :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Much respect to you =) And not Madonna, Lady Gaga =)
  5. If you possibly have the extra $$$$ then OK, we will go out and hire one... but until then its all on us =)
  6. As always Ring, yours and everyone thoughts, views, opinions, feedback, grips and praises have been welcomed and always will be. I have been working to figure out the timing thing for the popouts (I know its possible and annoying right now) there are still many things that we need to do. As far as the background, style, layout, design... sure its not your "typical" candle company website... but really... were not your typical candle company either.. we are different, we are out of the norm, and most of all, we are US. In creating the site, that is what we are expressing and I think its going well =) But again, to each their own and we value your feedback and you taking the time to look =) So thanks Ring, we will keep our disco ball running if you ever want to stop back =) (and yeah that's Hendrix playing in the background) LOL
  7. Just wondering? =) Don't get me wrong, its a great thing but man... Seems like we get 7 orders out and 12 more are coming in =) Totally ran out of our packing peanuts so had to shell out double what we normally pay from a different supplier (ours was out till the new year), but anyways... Anyone else feeling the holiday rush?? =)
  8. Good info Judy =) Going to have to read up a bit more before we redo our labels this coming year =)
  9. Why would anyone ever need that Thanks Judiee, I knew I forgot something LOL =)
  10. Phew! I was a bit worried that I did something wrong in the code LOL =) Probably just your works network security for the videos =) Thanks for looking and as I once heard, to each their own =) Take care =)
  11. LMAO Noted about the tarts, I do agree... maybe even do the Aroma Jems under there too =) Thanks! 30 days.. pfft our quadrupedal strong tarts will last you 30 YEARS =) LMAO !! Ahh at least Scentsy gives us something to laugh about =) Thanks for looking Steve =)
  12. Same here too, even tried Chrome and IE and seemed to work find??
  13. Anyone else having this problem? What browser are you using, maybe its an issue with IE or something??? Home page is really simple but does have 2 slide shows, but they dont run unless you play them anyways so don't know why that would effect it??? Anyone??
  14. Awwwwww!!! Thank you so much Ravens =) Still got leaps and bounds to go but its getting there =) Have a wonderful... night? morning? ah hell who knows... its 4am here =)
  15. Classic, Thank you so much for your feedback on our site =) Lots of good info and will take it into consideration =) I wasn't aware about the meta keywords not being needed anymore Looks like its more studying again lol Thanks about the meta description... too bad I totally dropped that page before I got all of it LOL It's not to bad tho, just some quick work with google ya know =) I also agree there were WAY to many products on one page, so I am working on spreading them out quite a bit more... I think Im up to around 30 - 40 pages right now =) Also thank you for your "commendable job" comment too =) Anyone that has ever done this KNOWS just how dag gone teadious this is LOL I mean, look... 3:40am here in Ohio and WTF am I doing... LOL Just published our NOT FINISHED site =) Still got a list to get done but (and I know Ill hear it for this) I think it looks amazing =) Any takers about it now?? =) Don't worry I can take it... I got my big boy boots on =) xoxo
  16. LMAO!!! :laugh2::laugh2: Both of you are too much =) Oh BTW, its not Grateful Dead playing is Hendrix hun =) HAHAHAHAHAHA Every single post from everyone has been amazing and we thank you guys so much!! I totally see that a lighter background would be more appealing to some and I also see the darker one too, now from going through oh so many pages of different sites (candlers) and seeing what they do and how they do it and lay things out... the one thing I DONT see, is the darkness were looking for =) Now, that could mean 1 of 2 or maybe 50 things... either people have tried it, and didn't work for them, OR just maybe.... its a way to set us, Ecco Lights, apart from the other 10,000 candlers out there in the market =) Hitting a different ninch, crowd, populous... just maybe =) There is one thing for sure, we are not your country candle company, not your whimsical company, we try to be cutting edge, walk that line, a bit of modern with a touch of pride =) And our customers love it =) So, I can see why Troy doesn't want a light, fluffy, cheery site... Again, we value each and everyone that has said 2 words about the site and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts =) So onward I truck, tinkering with this, and moving that, and boy just got a killer headache (and no I wasn't looking at our site =P ) Pretty much so far Im redoing EVERYTHING, the navigation SUCKED! It WAS utterly cluttered and hard to read... So I've taken all that into count, trust... hopefully I will be able to come back tonight and say LOOK AT WHAT I DID! or Ill be up till 5am again, who knows =) But off I go, jumping up and down, waving my arms in the air yelling THANK YOU GUYS! =)
  17. Ring, thank you so much =) As said before, were just happy people =) Might be all the drugs NOT But seriously, one of my favorite quotes of all time, and lord knows I don't know who said it lol I am who I am and Ill never be who I am not We live by this and treat others as we would want to be treated =) And honestly, even tho over 75% of those who replied to us about the site said lose that black background... Its still black LOL but much better colored and ever for those old folks (or young ones with bad eyes) you will still be able to find your way around =)) I think Troy is getting irritated with me working on this, I swear Ive been a crackhead about it for 3 days now... What? We have candles to make??? Orders to fill??? Naa I NEED this site done LOL =) It's going to be a journey and were glad to bring you guys along LOL =) xoxo
  18. We do our Baby Powder and call it Baby Bottom =) Candybee's suggestion of the Lavender & Baby Powder is amazing! We did this before for a custom order and was amazing... come to think of it, we don't have that in our scent list... ahh off to work =)
  19. Judiee, I may have to start paying you hun LOL Thanks so much for the css class, I am learning so much about it +) And you know, after tinkering with it, its not too bad =) With that said, No I didn't change the layout as of yet, Yes it still needs work of course, BUT I did change the background and went through and put all the text to "black" and removed lots of the links on the home page. Again, still working but guys let us know what you think =) It's for surely NOT dark now =) LOL Oh and if you guys come back with OMG IT TOO BRIGHT I swear I will hijack a plane and fly to your door step LMAO =)
  20. Ok partly awake right now so don't mind me =) Well I totally see what you guys are talking about... =) Trying to work with that one background (and yes, you may shoot me.... just not in the... =) ) But that one is a pain to find well.. ANY font/color to work with it.... so here is where we are... Square 1 =) You know when you get a vision in your head and you say "Yeah that's it" well that's were Troy and I are.. .we do the vision, just need to implement it =) I do agree, need to do something "for the time being" too =) So on a brighter note tho, we want one of those like pop out menus when you highlight it it gives more options (probably didn't explain that right) so yeah, want one of those and been reading how to make it, then realized ohh after a day of research, Weebly has that feature, just not clearly stated tho =) Anyways, hope everyone has a great day! Got some running to do to suppliers and such, lots of snow here today so it should be a fun trip =) Oh, and I promise to work on the site tonight =) lol *stands blindfolded, "I'm ready to be shot now"
  21. Ok guys, so what do you think of this background?? We still want to hold to some bit of a "dark" background but thought this adds some color and has meaning for us as well =) http://htmlcsstest.weebly.com/ Now that is one nice thing about Weebly tho, we can make up to like 10 different sites with unlimited pages =) Not that we need it but its good for... well something like this =)
  22. adillenal, One day we hope we can get to that point of just hiring someone to do it all for us too =) But then reality sits in and honestly, even if we were able to afford it, I would still do it myself =) Call it the crafter in me or whatever you want, but if I can do it, then I will =) Am still looking at GoDaddy possibly, but did start doing a bit more "studing" about CSS and its not to bad really =) I did manage to get a better background, on a test site for now, but it gives me encouragement =) Jenny, Thank you very much and sorry we hurt your eyes =) Were working on fixing that so no ones eyes pop out trying to read everything LOL =) The 170 scents isn't that big of a deal really, just gotta keep really good inventory =) Oh and being local to a supplier really helps in a pinch too =)
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