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Everything posted by EccoLights

  1. sbs, one of the big pushes that we truly support is to buy local, we are very luck in that we have all the suppliers we need within "driving distance" from us, so we are able to avoid shipping that many others can not... Our prices are your standard mark up and we just didn't see a reason to charge more then that =) I'm sure that has helped with our success but as far as Etsy goes, I have seen many of others with much higher prices do very well too. One thing we found with Etsy is its all about being "seen" and to be "seen" you have to stay on top of the search results (renewing or listing new). We did an experiment some time ago with it and renewed or listed new items each day (5 or 10 each day) and our sales were amazing! At least a sale a day if not 3 or 4, then we stopped doing that and sales were still there but at a much lower pace... still had our loyalists but new sales died totally! So I would swear that being seen over there is key =)
  2. Wow cedar, shipping kills with generalwax!!! For 5 cases they want $51 in shipping alone!!! WOW! Filmore I check on 6 cases and shipping was only $24!
  3. Congrats and the best of success for you =) You have wonderful candles =)
  4. I was thinking that too Silver, in that it would last longer... but with this candle they would burn it 24 hours a day for 7 days....The idea is you burn the candle and say a prayer each day, and at the end of the 7th day your pray is heard. Just starting the testing faze of everything of course but doing our math here, the one from filmore holds about 16oz of wax, we get 10 hours of burn per ounce so that's 160 hours. 24 hours a day x 7 days = 168 hours, so we are right in the ball park =)
  5. I think we change our booth around about once every 2 weeks LOL It's kind of a ongoing joke now within the market but we can't blame them....we have moved spots 6 times in 1 year and 2 months =) btw, we hold the record now =) Anyways, here is some pictures of our set up, always up for feedback as you guys know =)
  6. Well Etsy for us has been good =) We love the sense of "family" we have over there (do have to say that the recent changes have kinda killed the family tho) but all in all it's been a great source for us and we get many new customers from it. Now Ill also say that jar candles are hit and miss, tarts sell very well, we do oils over there too and they go well, our glassware is hit and miss, but combine all them together and I would say it's worth it =) It is alot of work tho =) As far as Blujay, we haven't looked into them but will check it out =)
  7. Deb thank you so much, I actually just found them through google, had to weed out all the "pre made candles" first tho =) Wow great price over there too =) In case anyone stops by this thread looking for info here is a link: http://www.fillmorecontainer.com/Jars/7-Day%20Prayer%20Candle.htm
  8. Oh how sad...Still looking, the dollar store ones already have the candle in them =( UGH! Finding supplies sometimes is the worst....
  9. Well I might have answered my own question =) Looks like the wonderful dollar store around here carries them =) If anyone knows of another source, let us know too =)
  10. Anyone know where to pick up the jars for a 7 day candle at wholesale? They are about 8 1/2" tall by I think 2 - 3" wide. Anyone know a good source for these? Thanks in advance everyone and hope your all having a great week so far =) xoxo
  11. Dana, you might get a better response to this if you post it on NG's Facebook page... lots of active folks over there and I know Deb and Nicole monitor the page throughout the day =)
  12. Wow, southern.scents that was a great article and very informative. We also have been looking for some new ways to market our wares and did look into Living Social. From what I saw with them is you CAN limit the number of "deals" apposed to Groupon where you cannot. Either way I have to agree with the article that by using these services your best outcome will be "one time" shoppers and also could "devalue" your name.... Thanks for the info and will keep posted on this topic =)
  13. I have used them on the retail side but never for promoting our business....It has crossed my mind tho so I would love to hear others thoughts on this too =) Thanks for bringing this up caryfh =)
  14. Well I would assume they "hope" it goes above that on Ebay, but if the gripe here is the cost of $2.75....I better go hide in the corner with our retail on clamshells at $2.50 =) *runs to the corner and surrounds himself with foaming wax melts* MUAHHAAAHHAAHAHA :tiptoe:
  15. The foaming thing caught my eye as well guys....And the no dye thing, hell just say your going "all natural" then right?? =) Anyways, the others I think are right as well here, they only have 362 feedback and for Ebay....that's a newbie still... so start them low, get your name out there and hope some sucker will fall for the lies and buy more later =) It could also be that Ebay was running a deal before where you got I think 50 or 100 FREE listings per month but the starting price had to be .99, they changed that now to any starting price and you can have a "buy it now" price as well....you only pay the closing cost (somewhere around 12% + PayPal fees) Oh and did I forget to mention that now they charge closing cost on the bid amount AND shipping??? Ahhh, just another reason we left Ebay a while ago and made the handmade movement with Etsy and Artfire =)
  16. That's the other place I saw this style! Thanks for pointing that out Steve =)
  17. We just started using NG's Odor Eliminator Spray for our room and linen spray and so far its been very good =) Only about 3 weeks into carrying it and no complaints, even had a few come back and get bigger bottles =)
  18. I remember seeing them when we were on Ebay as well...Just someone being crafty with a mason jar and some lighting =) Just a bit to rustic / prim for us tho =)
  19. A much better pic =) Just from looks I'd say it's soy?? but it's hard to say really... Is there possibly a sticker on the bottom with the company info? If not do as CandyBee said, go back to the store and talk to them. If they burn ok but just have that oily look I really lean towards the soy thing, if they are "hard" to burn then maybe FO overload?
  20. Fiery, that picture is a bit to small, you can always upload or "attach" it to a reply and that way we can click on it. But from the sounds of it, it could be a soy pillar or possibly FO overload??
  21. Really, you had a Butt Naked that smelled like Cucumber Melon and Baby Powder?? Scary!! We have used NG's Butt Naked for a while now and just love it, it's coconuty and tropical =) Been one of our best sellers since day one of it =)
  22. Awesome! Got a couple already! Can't wait to meet you guys =) SuzyK, the pictures don't even start to show how amazing it looks! Just went up today and I was just like OMG WOW!!!! They have a HUGH showroom that they do nothing with really, but they went all out for the open house! Should be a great time and I heard there is going to be a hott male model too!! =P Ohh La Laaa =)
  23. As the title says, Who is coming to the Natures Garden Open House on May 21st??? We are =) Rob and Troy here btw for those that didn't know =) Info can be found on their website here: http://candlepro.com/ Hope to see some of our board members up there =) :yay::yay::yay::yay:
  24. March trickled by for us but April going decent.... It seems when our candles fall off, our glassware and supplies pick up some and vice versa =) I do have to say online has fallen off a bit (Etsy) but I have to say it's my fault for not keeping up on new listings and all that fun stuff.... Our website seems to just be "there" but we have had a few wholesale orders from it and some retail... We could always use more, right? =) Best of luck and I do agree with Vicki, tax time, horrible economy, rising gas prices, etc could all be factors =) Maybe you should have a sale LOL =)
  25. Retro, we were in the same boat as well....only a few things we HAD to get from that evil company LOL But thankfully we found them elsewhere and even got a price match to boot! Too bad we have to have it shipped now but its so worth it not having to wonder what the price will be and honestly, the service is much better at our new supplier too =) Good luck!
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