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Everything posted by Mozzie

  1. Hi, I've been a bit busy making candles (surprise, surprise) and have forgotten to take photos of most of them but here are I few I actually remembered. Hope you like them. Mozzie The first is "Trilogy in Purple" scented with Frankincense and Myrrh.
  2. Thanks, NancyJo, I'll check out the stores tomorrow although I'm not sure that we have the same numbering system that you do. We tend to be a little laxer about things like that over here but fingers crossed.
  3. You shouldn't have put the chunks and marbles in the same photo. LOL. The marbles are totally awesome and eclipse the poor ol' chunks so that they just aren't getting the attention they deserve. Your scents sound incredible too.
  4. Beautiful chunks - lovely, soft colours. The greeny-blue is my fave.
  5. That is one impressive looking candle, and your layers are so neat. Lovely job.
  6. I'm aware of the use of polypropylene bags for storing candles as they don't leech out the scent but I'm wondering if I can just use plastic for unscented leftovers. I intend playing around with colour and making lots of coloured wax chunks for future use and it would be easier to just store them in plastic as I've got lots of that. Any thoughts please? BTW, I will be using UV to help prevent fading.TIA.
  7. Sabrina, Just is so fantastic - congratulations! Is it your pomegranite one?
  8. Absolutely normal EXCEPT that you didn't immediately shoo your company away and take the phone off the hook and close and lock all your doors - what patience you've shown. LOL. Good luck with your votives - have lots of fun. As far as I'm aware you don't need any cure time for paraffin (if that's what IGI 4794 is).
  9. They are just lovely. Especially like the square one.
  10. Donita, Unfortunately, no - they're there but upside down. :rolleyes2 The soles of my feet are incredibly smooth and unlined but I have the bumpiest hair imaginable. LOL
  11. Sabrina, I, for one, am thrilled that you opened this thread because I am no longer going to stress about which way I insert my sb's. Thanks, Top. Bruce maybe that explains why my candles burn from the bottom up - it's an Aussie thing. LOL.
  12. Top, I cringe to actually have the effrontery to dispute anything you say. However, I was given the following information from both my wick supplier plus an internet source that I can't recall: "When using braid wick, place the wick in your candles with the nap or grain of the braid down ('v' up-open at the top). If you wick a candle with the grain of the braid going from bottom to top (the wrong way) when the candle burns it will develop a carbonized ball on it, and that will smoke and burn unevenly. Don't worry about wick direction with paper core or metal core wicking." If your personal experience says that this is a load of hooey I'd be thrilled to hear it and may actually start using up all the square braid wick I have lying around. Mozzie
  13. Donita, your heart is so huge I wonder how it fits in your body. That is a truly wonderful tribute to Lolly. Love your "Tide" idea. BTW, love the 'cane too.
  14. Hi Sabrina, I've used both flat and square braid and didn't notice any difference except that square braid has to be put in the candle right way up to get a proper burn whereas flat braid goes any which way, which is easier for me. I suggest going with whichever gives you the most options in wick size (or use a combination of both). Mozzie
  15. Jars and colours are both very appealing. Nice and vibrant.
  16. They look great - soft is the word being bandied around and I agree - that and elegant. The ribbons are a lovely touch.
  17. Gee, are you sure that you've got enough stock? LOL. Looks great - people will just want to come over and browse - very enticing.
  18. Hi Sabrina, the labels look great! Although ... I would like to see the cats a little larger - just to compare. I agree with Donita, classy is a perfect description of your work (and you, of course).
  19. They are just adorable - love 'em to bits. Congrats!
  20. They look great, especially the squares. Nice!
  21. I really like the moon and stars, especially in the pyramids. The bluey purple is my fave. Your chunks look great too.
  22. I think that it looks perfect as a Rustic, especially with that colour, fragrance and display. Lovely job.
  23. Sabrina, that looks great. Now tell me, how long did it take to pour? I just did a 5-layer pillar and it seemed to take forever but it's nothing compared to your beauty. Mozzie
  24. I'm just itching to come over and have a closer look at all your stuff. It looks so eye catching and clean and well presented. Good luck with the show (not that you need it).
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