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Everything posted by Mozzie

  1. Your canes look great. Nice job on the embedding. It's lovely to be able to master a new skill and you've done a wonderful job.
  2. They look beautiful. Good luck with the wicking.
  3. This is a gift set I made for a colleague who's daughter is into the beach. My colleague collected the sea shells and I decided to go for a tropical theme with the 3 everlasting's representing the sun, sea and sky. They are all scented with a blend I created using Mango and Papaya, Lime, and Coconut fo's. The sand was donated by another colleague and the drift wood by another friend while yet another friend did the presentation. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting it all together.
  4. Hi, they all look great but my fave is the crackle - love the subtle colouring. Nice one.
  5. Hi Sharon, I got my glass holders from an Australian supplier so I don't think that that will be of much use to you. The glass is pretty thick so I think that you're right to not want to risk using thin ones. Now for the weight. I use a 1/2 kilo weight purchased from a fitness centre. It looks like an iron bar and is meant to be used in a kind of contraption lined with pouches and strapped around one's legs to increase resistance- as you get fitter you add more weights to the pouches. Not sure about 4045h as we don't have the same waxes over here as you but my palm wax has a melt point of about 62C and it seems to work just fine without any additives. Guess that the best thing to do is simply experiment for yourself. Good luck and hope that I've been of some assistance. Cheers, Mozzie
  6. One and three for me. No. four is a bit busy for my tastes. Good luck.
  7. Sabrina, Congratulations! They look really professional (of course) and I'm sure that your customer will be thrilled. I hope that this is just the start of great things for you. Mozzie
  8. I asked the same question quite a few months ago plus posted a photo and was told in no uncertain terms that my flame could be used to light a bbq. LOL. You're not doing anything wrong, just try a smaller wick.
  9. I like all 3 names. To my ears they sound professional and up-market - is that the client base you're looking for?
  10. Hi Ginger, I'm really curious to find out what happens if you try a votive. I can't imagine it working for 2 reasons: 1) the glass would get really hot and may melt the pillar wax, and 2) how would you clean out the glass when the votive needs replacing? Who knows, it may work really well as the heat from the votive may be enough to loosen the glass so it could be removed for cleaning while still not being hot enough to melt the wax around it. Please give it a go and let me know the results. Mozzie.
  11. Sabrina, That is just brilliant. I am so thrilled for you. Now, just wait til the word gets out. You'll definitely have to convert your basement into a workshop to cope with all the orders you'll be getting. :yay: Mozzie
  12. Hi. It's probably a good idea to prime your wick in the wax you'll be using for your treasure candle. As for the charms, the only way you'll know for sure is to test it for yourself. I don't know how long you'd have to leave the charm in the candle to be certain it wasn't going to rust but surely after a month or so you'd have some reaction if you were going to get one. Hope that makes sense. Good luck.
  13. Hi Ginger, As far as I'm concerned so long as the wax isn't melting even after marathon burns then what else is there to bother about? And yes, they are the simplest things in the world to make. It's getting the wicking right on the tea lights that's driving me mad. Glad you're having so much fun. Mozzie
  14. I either use plastic tubs filled with uncooked rice or sit them on top of round cookie cutters or anything else that's circular and open at at least one end. HTH. BTW, after using seamless moulds you'll never want to go back to the seamed variety (unless you have to for a particular shape or size).
  15. I've been test burning tealights for my everlasting candles and am totally baffled by drowning wicks. I thought that if a wick drowned it was because it was too small but I am having no trouble with smaller wicks but (supposedly) larger ones are dying all over the place. I'd love a scientific explanation from you candle geeks (you know who you are) if you happen to read this. Help, please!
  16. Hey Ginger, why not give it a try with a glass votive holder and let us know how it works out. Best of luck. Mozzie
  17. Hi Ginger, A picture saves a thousand words so I've attached one for you. It's much easier to remove the weight from shorter moulds so for tall one's like the one in the photo I don't fill the mould to the very top - I leave a gap of about half an inch so that I can still grip the top of the weight to pull it out. Warning! If you intend trying this at home (LOL) be sure to use a paper towel or similar to grab the weight with - it gets super hot. HTH. Mozzie
  18. Great colours - they look great. I think that you should burn and enjoy them whether you have a power failure or not. Spoil yourself. Edited to add: Whoops, just read the rest of this thread and saw that you have been burning them. Glad to hear you didn't have a power outage and hope that they are giving you a lot of pleasure.
  19. What's not to like? Very festive - perfect for Christmas.
  20. No, I didn't. I've tried but had trouble getting the wax to release from the plug without making a mess so I simply place the glass holder in the mould, stick a weight on top on hold it down and then pour. After about 30 mins the wax is starting to solidify so I remove the weight, fill up the hole left by the weight and a few hours later unmould. Easy-peasy.
  21. Hi C M, The tea light is paraffin and while palm wax won't ordinarily hold up to the heat the tea light is inside a glass holder and that protects the palm. I have been burning tea lights for up to 8 hours straight and so far all seems fine. Mozzie
  22. Thanks Sharyl. I don't know about helping with wrinkles but if I don't seal first all the ink just floats away. I read somewhere about some other waterslide decals that don't need sealing to fix the ink to the paper so maybe that's the sort you have. Mozzie
  23. Hi Kim, It's a waterslide decal. You just put it through the printer, add sealer, soak in water til the plastic slides off the backing sheet then attach to the candle, add more sealer and it's done. Glad you like it. My sister was pretty thrilled. Thank goodness.
  24. ... I've been promising to post photos of my palm everlastings ever since early August so here's one to start with. It's scented with Spring Rain and is a birthday tribute to my sister, Geraldine. Sabrina, I promise to post more soon. :tiptoe: Hope that's okay. LOL.
  25. That looks gorgeous. Waiting for pillars to be de-moulded is very trying - good job on getting the wick back in. LOL.
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