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Everything posted by Mozzie

  1. Hi, I'm no expert but (with that proviso out of the way) my understanding is that Vybar inhibits mottling but increases opacity and scent retention. Stearine increases opacity plus hardness and increases burn time and UV Inhibitor reduces fading of colours. In mottles I use neither stearine nor vybar but use both in rustics. HTH. Mozzie
  2. Hi Jen, It possibly makes sense when I think about the dramas I have with my own digital beeping thermometer. I wonder if yours is set back to front, that is, it shouldn't beep on the way up the the temp you want only when it gets there and over. If it is set to beep when it is at 185 or below it will beep everytime you are under. Just a thought. HTH. Mozzie
  3. Hi, I have no idea what you're talking about but suggest that you buy a small amount and give it a go. Delivery is such a huge factor in costing nowadays that anything that reduces shipping has got to be worth a try. And seeing as you've been testing the IGI you'll have a benchmark to compare with. Good luck.
  4. On the bright side, at least your market isn't saturated - plenty of room for an enterprising candle-maker extraordinaire like yourself to succeed in. LOL. Good luck.
  5. How about sorting by Supplier then Alphabetically BUT with different coloured stickers on top representing "type". I know, I know, you're thinking, "How sad is that, doesn't this girl have a life?" Well, to vindicate myself I would just like to add that I haven't actually gotten around to doing this myself - my fo's are in a real mess but I do have orderly ideas. LOL.
  6. Gorgeous, adorable, amazing, outstanding, beautiful .... need i go on? Donita, you are the best, the acknowledged Queen.
  7. They are absolutely adorable and gorgeously presented. I bet she was thrilled to bits.
  8. They are real works of art. How big are those suckers?
  9. That looks amazing. Great job, especially with the trials of that never-melting. I think that a picture or an embed on top of the lid would just finish it off nicely. Sorry, you probably just want to chuck it in the bin not do any more to it.
  10. Sabrina, it looks good and you've centred the letters really well. I bet your bf's mother will like it a lot.
  11. They are absolutely beautiful. I'll have the one in the middle, please.
  12. I don't know how you've managed to get your corners so neat. Keep up the good work.
  13. Nice moulds and great colours. Well done.
  14. Stunning, as always, Donita. And, yes, you may be THAT old, but that's only in chronological years, in spirit I reckon that you're about 18 (a wise 18 that is).
  15. Do you mean, what can you use it for apart from cleaning your moulds, pour pots and other wax encrusted candle making tools? If so, it's usually used for peeling paint off walls. HTH.
  16. Very original. It's great to see others' creations and your imagination is fabulous. Looking forward to seeing more.
  17. Love them! They are gorgeous, and the pot-planty thing you have them in is just perfect. Lucky Mum.
  18. Kim, what a great save. They look really good - much more vivid contrast. :highfive:
  19. Just going to ask the obvious here - please don't be offended - but after filling your mould with chunks did you then fill your mould with liquid wax to fill in all the gaps? The reason for the question is that your description is a bit like what happens with ice candles and ice candles are full of holes. I agree with mtngrl that a photo would be helpful.
  20. Wow, you've done a great job. The blue one is my favourite.
  21. Very creative. It would be rather fun to have them dipped in wax scented in unlikely combinations and then notice people's reactions.
  22. Great variety. My fave's are the "school colours" - nice and fresh looking.
  23. Excellent. Please post some photos of the transformation. Don't you just love "before and after" shots?
  24. Crackle them. I think that you'll be thrilled with the result. Nice colours.
  25. That may not be how you wanted it to look but I like it. Stick in a wick and burn it anyway. BTW, I'd love to know how the Citrus fo burns - do you get the notorious "fuel" smell?
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