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Lolas Lights

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Everything posted by Lolas Lights

  1. LOL yep you are. Oh well age is just a state of mind, right now I'm 12. :rolleyes2
  2. Those are great rustics. Now why can't I do that:rolleyes2
  3. Those are great, a shame that you remelted. I loved them.
  4. Posted twice, my dang puter is messed up....gonna take a baseball bat to it:rolleyes2
  5. might help if I'd read all the posts,especially the one right before mine. LOL
  6. Did you know that you aren't supposed to use Q tips for cleaning the inside of your ear. Tiny particles of the cotton can get into your ear and cause bacteria to become a problem. How do I know this, I had to go to a ENT for a bad ear problem that would not clear up and he had a fit when he found out I had been using Qtips to clean my ears. JMO
  7. If it were black, reminds me of the movie back in the 50's or 60's called "The Blob."
  8. wowzers. Great candles. Come to my house and teach me how to do that.
  9. I like it, love the colors. Great candle.
  10. I like it..teach me how to do that....
  11. Love the colors. they look great. You did a great job saving them. When mine turn out bad they turn into a chunkie in the remelt. :rolleyes2
  12. Great pillars. Love the color too, it reminds me of fall also. Gee I must be wanting autumn to get here soon.
  13. wow, love the rustic look and the gold color. Reminds me of the foilage in the fall.
  14. Love them, especially the duck one. Great colors too.
  15. Sparkle gal here. I use them like crazy. And it ticks me off when someone grabs one of my rolls to clean the windows and stuff in their vehicles.
  16. I have tried some of those and did not like them. they were a mess to try and refill and when I did get them refilled the colors were really not that good. So I just stick with buying the regular cartridges. JMO
  17. Why don't you try it on a trial basis. Write up an agreement for say so many weeks, months or whatever you think and if it works out it would be a good thing,and if it doesn't then you've just wasted some time is all. Might be a good way to get your stuff out on the market more. JMO
  18. Thanks.I want to try a crackle, but scared to do it...guess I'm chicken. afraid I'll ruin a good candle, but one of these days I'll try it and if I kill a candle, I'll just revive it with a remelt.
  19. Triple Wowzers. Those are great candles. They are so great, can't pick a favorite one they are all amazing. Way to go.
  20. You got that right. Already thought of that. My daugher is writing up an account statement, stating how many candles, air fresheners and what FO and etc. and will have him sign the agreement. I know he was nice enough to do this but business is business. Gotta keep my arse covered.
  21. I got that FO sample from Peaks and like some, I thought who's want a candle that smells like tea....wow, loved it OOB and poured a couple some testers with it and man it smells wonderful. Next order I place , it is gonna be on my list.
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