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Lolas Lights

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Everything posted by Lolas Lights

  1. I got some at walmart for .96 and they are clear glass with a swirl pattern on them. they have some smaller ones for .48 same pattern. I posted some chunky pillars sitting on the plates in the gallery. HTH
  2. You can try http://www.lycos.com/picturethis and type in cinnamon buns and I bet you'll come up with thousands of pics.
  3. those are great. Like the fire starters too. Good job.
  4. wowzers, double wowzers, those are the first chunkies you made? Way to go.:smiley2:
  5. Gonna make a few chunkies, and I've got a crap load of orders from where my future dil works for aroma beads. Those things are selling like crazy, and to my disbelief, Sea Breeze, (which I renamed Ocean breeze) is one of the main sellers. We're beginning to get a little rain off of the storm in LA and it's supposed to get worse. Am praying for all that is in the path of the storm south of us.
  6. hmmm....you have a point there, reckon it might be the candle devils are out to get us? :grin2:
  7. wow those are great. I love the crackle chunkies. I especially like the purple one but they are all great.:smiley2:
  8. OMG Donita yu went and posted another pic shame on you J/K what a cute puppy. and of course the cane is just perfect, you make me wanna try another cane but uck I made such a mess with the only one I tried I just don't think I can do it. the inside was a lumpy bumpy mess....:smiley2:
  9. Great job. Nice pic of you and daughter. Pretty ladies...:smiley2:
  10. wow!! Love it. Labels are great and I love the display...You go girl.:smiley2:
  11. You can find them several places if you want different colored ones. I only use the white ones, they sell better for me. The cheapest place I have found for the white ones are at http://www.cudge.net/wed_detail7.htm They cost 17.88 for 108 of them, and the shipping to my zip makes it right under 22.00. Matter of fact I just ordered some more yesterday. HTH:smiley2:
  12. I'd put it in the fridge, but there isn't any room in there, since my daughter and sil moved in with us, she's always cooking up some goodies and my fridge is crammed pack. It's a wonder I haven't gained back the 45 pounds that I've lost since last August. Guess I'll have to use the timer trick. That is if I don't fall asleep again in the recliner and don't hear it.........:rolleyes2
  13. Thanks. I can't wait to get the clamshells and play.
  14. Like the colors. But looks like the middle layer kinda pulled away from the jar a little. JMO:smiley2: Those tarts look good too.
  15. I love the colors, good looking candle.:smiley2:
  16. I love those containers with the embeds. I like the swirled clams too. Bet they are great sellers.
  17. Love em. The colors are sooo great. Great candles. :smiley2:
  18. Those are nice. Really like the display also.:smiley2:
  19. Those look like the real thing. color right on the money especially the raisins. Great job.:smiley2:
  20. Wowzers they look sooo real. Makes me hungry for some cinni buns. Geeze I oughta know not to look at these food pics.
  21. Ocean came to my mind too. I love the color combo. Good job.:smiley2:
  22. I gotta go with the bottom one, more detail and the nose is too big on the top one. :smiley2:
  23. Nice candles. Like the colors too.
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