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Lolas Lights

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Everything posted by Lolas Lights

  1. I have never done clamshells, but think they will sell well around this area.I got in on the clamshell co-op and would like to know the best kind of wax to use in these. I know container wax is too soft, but could you use pillar blend or maybe part pillar blend and part container blend. Any help would be appreciated. TIA
  2. That's why I melted and poured before I posted on here. When I opened my my blackcherry bomb FO, the OOB was horrible, but I thought well gotta put some in wax and low and behold it smells wonderful. I found out real quick most times it doesn't smell the same OOB as it does when yu melt and pour. You can't judge a FO OOB, gotta put in wax and most times it makes a whole world of difference.
  3. I tried a marble candle last night, it had blue streaks in it and FO was Sea Breeze, when it got cool I put it in the freezer cuz it wouldn't come out of the mold good, was gonna leave it for about 15 minutes as usual, well to make a long story short, sat down in the recliner woke up about an hour later took the candle out, had almost perfect marbling but the dang thing was cracked,then broke into 3 pieces. Wouldn't you know it, made something good and then screwed it up by being lazy:rolleyes2 Guess it will turn into a chunky after I remelt.
  4. LOL Mtngrl. I had read posts from some that loved this FO. glad they sent me a sample before I went hog wild and bought a whole pound of it like I usually do.I know it might sell but dang,I'd have to have a gas mask on to pour the stuff.
  5. I thought when I smelled it OOB, well it's gotta smell better when put in wax....poured it and well needless to say my daughter and I both think it still stinks. ...guess it's like the old saying goes....different strokes for different folks.
  6. Wowzers ...as usual those are beautiful. Donita do yu ever make a ugly candle ? Everything I've seen is so great. Dang woman, you got more talent in your little finger than I got in my whole bod.
  7. I got a sample of this with an order from peaks and to me this stuff stinks to high heaven. My daughter and I were discussing changing names on a few FO's and she said we need to name that cornicopia to "Love Stinks"
  8. I haven't done any shows yet with my candles, but when I was in the crafting business (20 years plus) I just used plain tables and put whatever color scheme that I wanted to cover them and kept it kind of plain. Wanted my products to stand out more than the setup. Worked out pretty good most of the time.
  9. Thanks. I only use the white ones. The colored ones don't sell to well for me. I checked out papermart but their packing fee and shipping to my zip 35768 makes it about 6 dollars more than the place I order them from. I would love to use the different colors, but everyone I've sold to says they prefer the white ones cuz you can see the color of the beads better....go figure. Thanks again.
  10. For those that use the aroma beads and put them in organza bags I found this place that is the cheapest I have found so far. I have ordered them twice and they are great, you get 108 of them for 17.88 and with shipping it adds up to a little over 21.00 . http://www.cudge.net/wed_detail7.htm\ Most of other places are higher than that not including shipping. Just thought that might help someone. If you can get them any cheaper someplace, please let me know as I sell a lot of these.
  11. LOL yep but we all do that sometimes. It wasn't that I was disputing what you said, I just had to look it up to see if I had been calling muscadines the wrong thing all these years, cuz knowing me, I'm always bassackwards.
  12. Thanks for all the input on my muscadine chunkys. I guess I tried to get as close as I could to the full ripe muscadine color. Sallykate here is a link to a muscadine site.http://www.muscadine.com. muscadine is purplish and The scuppernong is a greenish, or bronze, variety of muscadine.We have them on our property close to my son's house. Everyone here in the south has always called muscadine, the passion fruit of the south.
  13. Thanks all for looking and the nice words about the chunkies. My son and his girlfriend gave me raves about them. I have been testing like crazy and so far so good. Can't wait til I get ready to sell some of them, as no one in this area makes the hand poured pillars or chunkies. So maybe I'll have some sucess with them. Thanks again.
  14. I love it. It looks great, and I love that purple color.
  15. wowzer wowzer! Your candles are beautiful. You are truly a talented person.
  16. I think they look good. Kitty is cute too, but looks like it's camera shy or like someone else said had enough of FO
  17. Made these last night. FO is black cherry bomb. I was experimenting (as usual) Made the tall one like I always do then used what was left in the melting pot and cold poured the square one. Couldn't believe the difference and texture and color that I got, just from the temp. I love playing with wax. These might go in the fugly competition !Thanks for looking.
  18. Those look great. I like the blue round one best. Great job.
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