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Lolas Lights

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Everything posted by Lolas Lights

  1. Thanks all. When I went to post only Terrie had answered and I left the puter for a couple minutes then when I posted I saw all these answers, geeze you all are fast at coming to the rescue. I love this board more and more everyday. :smiley2:
  2. Thanks Terrie. I need Blackcherry bomb and muscadine. I was buying both from a lady that has a candle shop, she lives about 30 miles from me and she wants 18.95 per lb. plus taxes, so considering gas the way it is going off this mountain and back up another mountain to buy it, I'd come out better by buying it at NG (I found out that's where she buys hers from) even with paying shipping. NG FO's that I need are 13.95 lb.
  3. <............................whispering back to Terrie about Scrubzz Welcome to this great board.
  4. Has anyone bought FO from Natures Garden? They carry a few fo that peaks doesn't have that I need and was just wondering if anyone has tried these. Any help is appreciated. TIA
  5. Thanks all. Gives me a good idea of how to price them. I got in on the clamshell co-op so when they get here will start making some. Now gotta make some labels for them...agghhh that's the only part I don't like about the candle business. I just wanna play with wax all the time. thanks again.
  6. I always try to be exact, or close to it. I weight wax and fo. I'm not a perfectionist (yu can tell that by looking at my messy house and candle room:D ) but I like to try and be right on the money with my candle making.
  7. Thanks all, all of it's gone from my fingers but under my nails some is still there. When I take my shower in a little while, it might come off when I wash my hair. I made a big mistake of using some stuff called muscle magic that my daughter uses to get grease out her hubbys clothes (he works on vehicles for a hobby) talk about rough on your hands, about 2 seconds after putting it on my hands, began to burn now hands are peeling. Geeze shoulda read all these posts before trying to get it off. Next time I'm putting my latex gloves on even if I'm just gonna use a toothpick in the dye. oh well live and learn.
  8. Great display. Love the halloween stuff. Really wanting it to be fall now. I love the great colors of the foilage. We used to go to the smokies every year when the foilage was at it's height. I really miss it. My daughter got married on Oct. 19 in the smokies , 14 years ago and the colors of the trees and things were wonderful....here I go rambling again...sorry.
  9. I love that candle and the colors. Great job... I know I'm the odd one in the bunch but I don't like cornucopia. But the candle is wonderful.
  10. That is so neat. It does look like fruit loops.....Great candle.
  11. wowzer, great mottle, great color...well over all a great candle. Love that look and the fall color is awesome.
  12. Thanks again all. I am getting to like the blue one. The green one is...well it might grow on me too. Hey scented, I tried what you told me, well undoubtly I didn't do something right. I won't even post the 2 that I did this afternoon. Talk about a mess, I it took me forever to get them out of the mold, and that didn't help the looks of them either.
  13. Thanks all, off to try and clean my hands for the umteenth time, most of it is slowly coming off my fingers but under and around my fingernails is the worst. Guess I'll be washing my hands a lot today. And I feel better knowing that I'm not alone in this dye thing.... Thanks again.
  14. Thanks all. Think I'll keep the blue one and burn the green one. Burn baby burn.
  15. Okay,feel like such an idiot. What can I do to get liquid candle dye off my hands. I was gonna put just a bit of blue dye in my wax, so didn't put on rubber gloves like I usually do, the top of the bottle was loose, now I've got blue all over my fingers, under my nails and I have scrubbed with soap,used a little bleach, afraid my skins gonna fall off from so much scrubbing....agggghhhhh
  16. That would probably be better since most of my pillars are consistent in size, they might be off just a smidgen. Thanks.
  17. I love the plumber's putty also. It really seals the mold great, and with my seamless ones I can get them level and centered using a wick pin, which I couldn't do using the mold sealer.
  18. That is really neat looking. I'd try that but nobody will let me get close to a torch....:rolleyes2
  19. Not so happy with these so guess they will be remelted sometime today..oh well :undecided The blue one is Sea Breeze and the green one is Key Lime Pie.
  20. No way, I want it to be in Alabama:cheesy2: . I have to order soooo far away. There is only one in the state and they don't have a lot of choices of waxes, and you have to have a tax number which I don't have right now. Wish I had somewhere that it doesn't cost me an arm and leg for shipping.
  21. Lola is my nickname, my real name is Loretta. My hubbys cousin dubbed me with Lola. I got mad at him one time and was giving him heck and he said, "You have a temper like an Italian, your name should be Lola." So I was stuck with it from then on, he and a lot of others always call me Lola. So when trying to come up with a name for my business, my son is the one that said Lola's Lights. I kinda like it. Saved me from racking my brain for a business name.Guess that is more than you ever wanted to know about me.But I like to ramble, guess you can tell that by all my posts.
  22. I'm gonna be making some clamshells in the near future, was wondering how much I should charge for these, they are the ones that are 1x1 and six in a package. TIA
  23. On my pillars I use hangtags and since most pillars weigh different I just write the weight on the back of my hangtags. It makes it's a lot more simple than having to print out each lable different. That way I am in the limits of the law. JMO
  24. I love those, and l also theink the corragated molds make the rustics look really interesting. Great job.
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