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Lolas Lights

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Everything posted by Lolas Lights

  1. Went to the movie rental place that is about 1/2 mile from my house and well to make a long story short, he is gonna let me set up a display of my candles to sell and isn't gonna charge me anything to sell them there, just wants to burn a couple of candles in his store. So glad I've been testing testing testing so I can get these out so people can buy them. I'm soooo tickled.
  2. I use zinc core on most of my candles, container or pillars and if I keep the wick trimmed I don't get any mushrooms. I also have a little sheet I put in with every order about keeping the wicks trimmed (along with the caution lable that are on all my candles.) so you don't get the mushroom effect. JMO
  3. I haven't used any molds like that but in the cookware section of walmart they have the silicone bakeware with rose muffins that I use for cinni buns and they have the bunt cakes one also. The rose muffins have six cavity and I pour them and right before they set up real good I take them out and I put in a wick. Or you can wait til they set up and then take a small drill bit and make the wick hole or use a wick pin before they are set up real good. Hope this makes sense. HTH
  4. Love them, looks like you got it going, love the picture frame idea also. :smiley2:
  5. double wowzers. That is one great looking candle. Really artistic. Makes me wanna try something like that......hummmm...guess not....can just see the mess I'd make. Great job.
  6. Wow I love them. I love that color for blackberry. I think the jump lines add to it not take away. Great job.
  7. Lots of great candles. I haven't done a festival or showing yet. Maybe next year after a lot of testing and more testing.
  8. Love the ornies and the candle. I haven't tried any ornies yet. Gotta get some metal cookie cutters or pans , cuz I'm not one for baking since 2 of us are diabetics so gotta keep down the sweets.
  9. cream turned pinkish red from the over over ripe almost rotten strawberries....
  10. Thanks all for looking and the great comments on my chunks. Just wish I could make a shiny smooth plain pillar. The one color plain ones come out with scratches and I don't know why, cuz I'm real careful taking them out of the mold. Oh well guess I'll keep trying. Thanks again.
  11. Thanks MaryinCary,I didn't even think of that. Next time I make one I'll do that. I just love doing the chunkies, might be cuz I can't get a plain pillar to turn out right Thanks again.
  12. I was wondering when you were gonna tell us, cuz the suspense was driving me nuts. LOL I love the candles and the colors are great for that FO. Good work.
  13. Looking good, keep practicing. I've tried a couple of marbles, first ones were yuck, third one was great but left it in the freezer too long and it cracked then broke cuz I left it in too long. I love the colors on those also.
  14. A cut off clorox bottle. Neat way to practice. You had better luck than I had with a cane.
  15. Know ya'll are getting tired of my pics, but I'm addicted to chunkies and my camera. LOL Here are my rustic chunkies, which I didn't mean to be rustic but I didn't pour hot enough. Oh well practice makes perfect. Overlook my messy table.
  16. I use J50 for my containers. I never have made wickless ones but the cold and hot throw from the J50 is great. There are oodles of supplies out there. as for the heatgun you can buy them at walmart, anywhere from 20 bucks and up, depends on how many heat settings etc. I order my FO, molds, from Peaks. but like I said there are several that you can order from. I use Aztec for my colors since I like the liquid form instead of chips. HTH Maybe someone else can chime in here and give you more help. welcome to the addictive world of chandlers.
  17. wow, you've been a busy chandler. They all look great. Good luck on the show.:smiley2:
  18. thats what I'm using right now, and I get a rustic really well with it, sometimes I get a rustic and wasn't going for it. In my case it depends on what temp I pour. If I pour really hot, get a great shiny smooth pillar or chunky but cooler pouring gets a great rustic look.
  19. I haven't been in this long but I have a very very small spare bedroom, I've got stuff piled up in there presto pots, molds, jars and more jars, have an old computer desk that is piled high can't find anything,under the desk is wax, in the corner wax,the closet I put shelves in filled them up with jars of aroma beads waiting to be packaged, my dining room has cases of candles ready to go , the dining room table is piled up with pillars, gift bags, and junk. I'm thinking about taking over the garage which is not attached to the house but then I'd have to have a different heating plan.....geeze when I started this I never knew that it would turn into such an addiction and mess... Was gonna take a nap, but think I need to straighten up some stuff....Yuck
  20. Those are great too. The color combo is different but in a good way. I love it. Never would have thought of using those colors but they look good for the FO.
  21. ohhh I love those. The colors are great too. :smiley2:
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