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If you had to choose 3 FO - only 3 - that simply blow you away (either candle or tart form), which ones would make your list?

I had a tough time with this one, and so far I'm only playing making tarts!

My three FO are: (1) Passionate kisses (NG); (2) Pumpkin souffle (CS); and (3) Pineapple paprika (NG).

It would help if you listed the supplier name and the wax you use. I use Ecosoya PB and KY parasoy for tarts. Oh, and it doesn't matter if they're seasonal scents.

Your turn now!

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Ok, Scented, we think you may like Patchouli... have you tried the straight patchouli from Moonworks collection? What do you think of it? I was tinkering with the idea of getting it from NG, but some reviewers said it smelled like plain dirt/mud.

I noticed that Moonworks also carries one called Raspberry patchouli (or vice versa). Have it tried it? I think patchouli is one of those fragrances that you either love or hate.

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Ok, Scented, we think you may like Patchouli... have you tried the straight patchouli from Moonworks collection? What do you think of it? I was tinkering with the idea of getting it from NG, but some reviewers said it smelled like plain dirt/mud.

I noticed that Moonworks also carries one called Raspberry patchouli (or vice versa). Have it tried it? I think patchouli is one of those fragrances that you either love or hate.

Patch is something you either love or hate lol. Yes, I've tried both. Haven't put the Rasp patch into wax yet, but did in soap. You'll probably get a far more intense smell going wickless with the straight patch. It didn't come out being a tough one to wick as others normally are. You may find you like both.

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FRENCH VANILLA - Willow Woods (all time favorite)

Sissy's Sugar Cookie - Bitter Creek South

Clean Cotton - Willow Woods

And a new favorite as of this week is:

Plumberry Spice- KY

Edited by barbaranj
eta: CBL141 for tarts CBL125 / J223 for containers
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I have so many that would count but some of my choices in candles(soy wax blend) would be-

Amish Harvest (Peaks)

Cashmere Scarf (Southern Scentsations)

Cran-Apple (KY)

DH's choice

Blueberry Muffins (BCN)

Evergreen Pine (ST/ICS but no longer available :sad2:)

Pumpkin Souffle' (CS)

Edited by Meridith
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