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Mine is at a complete standstill. Not sure if it's the economy, the weather ( being too hot to burn candles) or what. I am thinking about folding yet my heart aches because I love candles. Is it just me or are other people feeling the pinch ? I have seriously not gotten an order in over a month. This is not like me. Some of my customers are really close friends of mine and I even asked if it was my product. They say no, they love them and will order. Yet they still haven't. Maybe it's my time to shut down. ARGH!:cry2:

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candles generally slow way down in the summer. The temps in your area have been really HOT too. I would set my sights on Fall and get ready for the fall season. Do any testing of new scents and any other testing you may need to do. Summer is always my time to prepare for the busy season and make SOAP!!:D

Hang in there


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No, it's definitely not just you! My candle sales have plummeted over the past several months. If it weren't for the slow, but steady, trickle of orders for tarts and b&b products my business would be kaput.

Summers are normally slow for me on candle sales but this is the worst it's been in the 5 years I've been actively selling.

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Gee, don't give up yet. I think it is probably slow for lots of candle people. It is still cool/cold up here in the north so it may be better up this way. I will say though that my one account did slow down a lot but has just recently picked up a little. It is not a very big account. Another new account (not all the way going yet...hard to explain) said that candles in their store have been real slow. My Coeur d' Alene account has been great though.....if you compare it to my other ones and at this point in my business. At first I was getting really worried because I thought it was going to be really dead until Fall, but just recently it has picked up. As a matter of fact, I feel a little overwhelmed. But, part of this is because I am creating new stuff so it is hard to even keep up with normal orders. I get online orders now and then - a few recently and I have a fundraiser I am working on now.

Have you gone the home party route? If you can get someone to do do home parties for you, that would help. I have one consultant so far and she has done 3 parties in the last couple months and has more lined up. The last one was over $500. Sometimes different ways of marketing can help.

I am sure I will get to another dead period. I still need to be busier but until I get my shop better set up, I don't think I can handle getting much busier. It is only me, myself an I. LOL Also, the kids' last day of school is tomorrow so even though I want to make some money I need some extra time with my kids, so if it slows down that is ok.

Give it some time. I bet it will all change, especially close to Fall. I would just take this time and enjoy some other things you like to do. I sometimes wish I could just take a little bit of a break and get my house organized and my shop organized and expanded.

Hang in there. It will get better. :)

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Mine is VERY slow too and I've cut the candles WAY back. My one wholesale account has pretty much died and I'm not going to try and bring it back. I have one show next month and I've hardly poured any candles because I've lost the excitement of candles but am having a great time with the soap.

Still, because I'm not insured for soap, I can't sell it!

I'll pour candles this weekend. But the prices are just killing me. I will be buying wax tomorrow and jars too and I'm sad because I'd rather invest in soaping oils!:undecided


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I am the slowest I have been in a very long time. If it were not for couple local sales I would not be doing anything. But look at it this way - If we are not selling we are not buying and spending money on supplies, or I am not. :wink2:

I'll just take this time to -we call it piddle about. I have had Grama duties for the last 2 weeks with 1 more to go so that is keeping me busy. DIL teaching summer school. Could be doing housework and yard work but I have decided to just try being lazy for a change and seeing how that feels :D

Well it looks like most of us slow ones are in the South - It has really been hot!!

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My candle business is not a steady source of income for me, but I'm loving the fact that I've been able to slow down and enjoy life a little more. I do have a few candles to pour for an order. At first I was upset that things were slowing down, but I have to admit, I'm loving the time to myself and the time to have a social life.

It will be Fall before you know it.

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I am having my first home party on Saturday. My sil is having it, so I am hoping it will get my name out there! SHe has some great contacts, so I think that will help. HOpefully someone else will book a party (her friends live in one of the more ritzy parts of town, if you can call it ritzy, it is a development with most of them having huge houses and pools).

I am in the middle of downsizing my lines, going with just my JJ candles (and maybe votives if I ever get them tested), melts, 4 oz lotion and body wash, 2 oz body splash and hand sanitizier, lip balms, and soaps. HOlding off with 15-18 regular scents year round and only adding a few here and there for seasonal sales.

I am not giving up yet! I have worked hard on this.

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Thank you all for your opinions and honesty. I am going to give it a through the fall and winter and see what happens.

I think I will try the home show as well. I guess I need to get out and meet people around here huh? I have a friend here who her and 5 of her friends buy tarts in bulk from me. That is all they ever burn so it would be hard to host a party based on tarts. LOL

I haven't met a lot of people here in the 2 years I have lived here. All my friends are out of state. Dang it!

I haven't bought anything since moving. I used to buy just to buy but I can't afford that anymore with having a huge house payment. Hubby put the smackdown on me and told me only order when you run out or getting low and an order comes in for it. :o

Thanks for the replies!

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I used to buy just to buy

Yeah - that always cures a good case of depression or just plain feeling sorry for yourself :D My husband sounds like yours dcroome2005. He can't understand buying when you have "stuff" made up or when you don't have orders. Really trying to do better but I do so want to buy some more FO's to add to my "collection" ;) ;)

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WE're still steady. The orders aren't flowing in, but I do have some dated orders for this month(whiich I normally don't have) that I am trying to get done, actually I'm a bit behind. Normally I'm looking for work, but since I'm down a person, we are getting a bit backed up.My regulars are keeping me busy, plus I have a big show coming up shortly that will get me through the rest of the year.

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I've come to almost a standstill with selling tarts lately and sell very few candles. Most of my sales are soap and b&b. I continue to pour candles, though, cuz I like to! Luckily, I've got a couple of regular customers who have extremely busy lifestyles. When they need gifts, they just call or email, tell me how much they want to spend, and leave the rest up to me. If I feel a candle is appropriate, then that's what gets put in.

I've met a good many of my regular customers through some of the volunteer work that I do. In the past couple of weeks, the ladies aux pres of the VFW has ordered over $300 from me for different gifts, etc. Try meeting some people through volunteering or joining a fundraising team for cancer or MOD.

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No ,it's definately not you,so don't throw in the towel. Everything right now is slow,all of my accounts are telling me how slow their shops are.I've been doing this for 12 years now, and one thing I've learned is this business is "Feast or Famine".

Spring & summer have always been this way,and I used to panic-still do at times :wink2: But people are spending alot more time outdoors or working on their homes,vacations,ect..and scenting their humble abodes is usually not at the top of their list right now.

I use my down time to test ,create and prepare for the feast :D

It's coming,before you know it you'll be wanting the time off :shocked2:

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A couple of years ago I hit this brick wall called spring/summer and began marketing for brides - as so many get married during those times. Now I average about 4 brides a month between April and August, this year into September and October. I worked on it just like I did my regular wholesale and private label aspects of my biz and it gave me some stready income in the slow times. Started with favors and a couple of pillars, not I get orders for the entire wedding - centerpieces, favors, gifts, gift baskets, shower favors, cake table decorations, etc. It's really grown and the wonderful thing is - I do very little marketing, it's all referral. Plus once I have a bride and her friends lovin' my stuff they are clients the rest of the year too!

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Great idea! I did a wedding show once, but did not do much business for a $400 show fee. The other candle place in town is really big on weddings, so I do have that against me. The show promoter told me also that it's all about referrels, that's how the wedding biz works

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It's a huge industry and people keep getting married! The key is getting in the right networks. I joined a professional organization and they really took me under their wings and sent biz my way - now I am able to return the favor.

I really did not mean to go off on a tangent - my point was that in times of famine - you must think outside the box, diversify. Start looking for other sources of income that are not dependent on those 'fall/winter' times.

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I think right now it's very normal to be slow. When people can't afford to put gas in their cars, how can they justify buying candles?

The showers bachlorette parties and weddings are what's keeping us alive. As long as people keep getting married and having babies, I'll be happy! Graduation gifts helped a little too this year.

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It's a huge industry and people keep getting married! The key is getting in the right networks. I joined a professional organization and they really took me under their wings and sent biz my way - now I am able to return the favor.

I really did not mean to go off on a tangent - my point was that in times of famine - you must think outside the box, diversify. Start looking for other sources of income that are not dependent on those 'fall/winter' times.

I do only a handful of wedding related stuff,votives & pillars

it's through a friend who has a floral business. I just don't care for the custom color orders-it drives me crazy when they freak out if the color varies slightly :eek:

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Mine is VERY slow too and I've cut the candles WAY back. My one wholesale account has pretty much died and I'm not going to try and bring it back. I have one show next month and I've hardly poured any candles because I've lost the excitement of candles but am having a great time with the soap.

Still, because I'm not insured for soap, I can't sell it!

I'll pour candles this weekend. But the prices are just killing me. I will be buying wax tomorrow and jars too and I'm sad because I'd rather invest in soaping oils!:undecided


Fire--create what makes you happy, the candles will be there when you're ready:smiley2:

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We have noticed a decline as well in the past few weeks. For us we find that the month of June is the worst because of graduation, end of school busy stuff, planning vacations, etc. July is typically better (than June, but still not awesome) and August is when we begin our "busy time" with our wholesale accounts ordering for the fall season.

Hang in there everyone, it will get better once the weather gets cooler. :wink2:

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It is slow for everyone, but I do like the idea of weddings, I work in a salon and sell to my clients and have done a few shows too. But where I live its very hot. So people don't really like to burn candles in the summer. Don't give up at all, I try never too. I have been selling candles for 7 years. This is a slow time for everyone in any field but it will turn around again.

But I know fall time will be crazy as well as holiday. So I plan I starting scents for then but not going to crazy. I do hand out brochures too.

We have a Bridal Shop that opened up next door to us, what is a good way to approach them about candles? Which candles work the best for weddings?



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Well we sell Tins for weddings. Our label is on the side so they are able to personalize a top label with their wedding info...... just a thought.

AND you need to have a low price point..... 4 oz tins work best.

I am also marketing toward weddings. I have just finished favors, pillars, etc. for my nephews wedding. I hope to get some biz from it!

I did palm votives in the votive glass and put a clear custom label on. I ordered the semi custom warning labels from Peaks for the bottom with my website address & phone #.

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