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** An early What's in your holiday pot this week/end? **

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Is everyone going to be taking a break on the long weekend and actually *not* doing anything with candles or b&b?

Didn't think so lol... ;)

Three day fair this weekend, setting up tonight. Nice thunderstorm cleared the air last night so hopefully it won't be 100F. 85F I can deal with.

Never did get my lip balms made, and a few other products will be missing, but I should have enough to fill my shelves. Got new ones last week, and they work great - can put lots more product in them and keep the tables clear.

What's in your pot? Have a great long, back-to-school, relaxing weekend!

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My pot this weekend is like yours, Robin. A 2-day show for me instead of 3-day so I'll be loading up the truck tonight after work and setting up tomorrow night after work.

I sure love doing shows close enough for me to set up most of the heavy stuff the night before and not have everything to do in the early morning. Since I do mostly containers, that stuff is HEAVY!!! And I like getting to sleep for a while after setting up and before selling.

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My week-end will be mixing colors for more Foundations and trying to match an Eye Shadow color for someone. Then trying my hand at Matte Eye Shadows and also making a few more blushes. My jars came in yesterday so I'll be jarring up more eye shadows that have been waiting. I'll probably be doing all that in between taking better pictures of product already made for my site and then working on my site adding the Mineral Makeup line to it and then pawning it off to DH to add all that to the shopping cart ........ :tiptoe:

And then getting a few Makeup orders ready to go out, and sending new colors out to my testers *faint*

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I will be finsihing up all our Halloween candles and then starting on x-mas. I have eight gift baskets to make for PAWS, Project Open Hand, Aids/Breast Cancer Emergency Fund and finsih the rest of our Spa collection. Our new radio advertising promotes our whole soy line and have over 30 scents in that. So I will be very busy over the holiday.

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Waiting on some supplies so I can start making my fall candles, tarts and soap. Not all of them have arrived yet and the shipping stats say they won't be here til Tuesday.:( But I have market on Saturday as usual and will probably test out the sample oils I got from Fillmore on Sunday.:) Can't wait to try the Cocoa Therapy, Butterscotch Brulee, and Irish Moss.

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Hmmm. Will be test burning candles for the Luxury candle swap! Maybe I'll pour some replacement stock for the craft fair season (I really should!). In my B&B pot, I'll be making some lotions, lip balms and trying out the Body Butter Bliss kit I got from Lotioncrafter. We'll see how that goes!

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Waiting on some supplies so I can start making my fall candles, tarts and soap. Not all of them have arrived yet and the shipping stats say they won't be here til Tuesday.:( But I have market on Saturday as usual and will probably test out the sample oils I got from Fillmore on Sunday.:) Can't wait to try the Cocoa Therapy, Butterscotch Brulee, and Irish Moss.

Butterscotch Brulee sounds wonderful

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I have about 1,000 testers to test-burn. :D OK, TEN or TWELVE. :o

And new samples to paw through. But I'm having company this weekend, so I may not get to work much.

I did pour re-stocks this morning, but I have customers already bugging me for Christmas scent soaps and candles. So I'll be a pouring fool next week.

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Nothing in the pot this weekend. We'll be doing the La. Road Show, Saturday. Not much notice for this one but I'm as prepared as I'll ever be. I'm really excited to see the response to the new scents I've been testing to add to our line, especially the Brown Sugar & Fi and, White Rose Bergamot. The rest of the weekend, I'll spend helping DH pack. He'll be leaving early next week for a job in Montana. Good thing I have lots on hand to keep busy, with fall/holiday shows just around the corner. Best of luck to everyone with your weekend shows! :)


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Nothing in my pot this weekend (not that there usually is, LOL). We are going to camp tonight and staying until Sunday sometime. Monday we are having my family over for a picnic, and then getting ready for the start of school on Tuesday.

I am hoping to get our new kitch in by the end of September, so I can use our old upper cabinets for storage in my workshop. Until that happens, I am still using the kitchen.


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