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New Years Business Resolutions?


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We had this thread last year that was kind of fun


So, if you posted to that last year, did you keep to your resolutions? And what do you plan for 2007?

Mine was

- keep a reign on expenses, without sacrificing R&D

This I did. My gross was up 30% this year, but my net went up 55%.

- stop most of my candles except for my 2" pillars. Votives have got to go.

Yup, did this. I think I made 12 votives all year. I was really pleased.

- gain 1 more wholesale account, if not 2

Nope, in fact I've kind of backed out of wholesale

- introduce 2 new products that didn't make a holiday launch. Have ideas for 2 other b&b products.

I did launch my face serum and cleansing oil. The other products didn't pass all my tests, so I canned them.

For 2007, plans will be modest. Expanding lip balm line, a few new soap scents. One big R&D push into another medium to see if I can actually make what I visualize in my head :) And possibly another scented product line.

But mostly, expansion of marketing efforts during the summer, continue with the fairs I've been doing, growing by 30%.

So what do you hope to do next year?

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I wasn't here last year so anything I've done has been a great accomplishment for me! But I'll give it a go this year.

1. Test a new wax blend and wick to stay with.

2. Get in on as many local shows as I can handle.(I haven't done any yet!)

3. Get website done-it's on hold, but started.

4. Get new scent line tested and underway. (6-10 I want to add)

I'm pretty motivated. Thanks to people like you Robin, sounds corny but it's really inspiring when a newbie sees someone else making it all work. :wink2:

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Oye! Robin, you just had to bring up the old thread huh? It was actually funny to look!

Here's what mine said:

Definitely get organized. Hopefully my uncle will be gone by then (he's been staying in our spare bedroom for a year and a half!) so I can start moving most of my production into that room...My uncle did move out, I moved into that room temporarily, but it was too small. Our garage is now my workshop and it's really cool! It's not organized, but it's awesome!!

Focus on getting a brochure/catalog type thing for my pillars to send to my wholesale accounts. Most of them don't realize I can do other scents/colors, and I'm so tired of BROWN! LOL This didn't happen, but it actually is at the top of my list for the new year. I have a lady who is going to take professional pictures of my product for me and then I'll have a catalog printed.

Get organized. Uh, nope.

Revamp my jar label/packaging... It's too plain right now. YES! I did work on this, for months! The labels are going to be professionally printed in January and I can't wait. Once I get the labels, I will have the new pictures taken, then the catalog and a new website!!

Get organized. Uh, nope.

So this new year is gonna cost me a chunk of change the way I see it, lol!

I want to grow my wholesale business but add a few fairs in too. I miss the people part of shows. I have a huge show in April that I'm looking forward to, so now I'm learning about gel and embeds.

I'm also going to be testing some soy wax and look at adding soy jars to my line.

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Last year

1) More upscale look (both in labels and decor)

Designed new labels and like them, but the decor is my same ol' gripe and I plan on burning it all if it doesn't get changed in less than a month. (Yep, pard you read that.) We have some copper and metal added to our layout, but I'm sick of all white for the second straight year. For the love of God, can we have color?

2) Redesign the website to be more efficient and attractive (and go with our new look)

Accomplished, but ineffective. Seek to make it more effective this year and to stay on top of it ... as it needs to be gutted in some places and started over again (including product pictures retaken.)

3) Get a banner!!! (this should almost be #1 lol!)

Accomplished. Just need one that will be effective for indoor shows.

4) Work on marketing

We should have been more precise in this goal. Marketing sucked, mostly because that is too broad of an idea. However, we caught a break and made the press twice for featurish articles before shows. Feel that really helped. Feel that our handouts helped, but we are looking at a brochure about our products as well as incentive clubs.

5) Get taxes done before the very last day ;)

Need to implement a more thorough inventory system to make this go easier and establish a monthly bookkeeping system instead of putting it off because it's not the more glorious thing to do.

This year:

Last year we offered five new products, three which I feel were worth the trouble. I do want to see an additional two new products. We'll see how that happens as I feel taxed and maxed on being the sole person in production. I think I've reached a limit where none of this is all that much fun any more, so I would like to get back to the initial enjoyment of it all.

I do plan to weed down the FO so that an additional 10 newer scents may be added to the line. Right now some has to go. We have no room for stagnate items.

We had a successful year in most phases of the company. We brought in two different kinds of prospective customers in what we chose to add. Next year, we don't want to be so slow in terms of getting with the game. I felt "off" through most of the season -- either too late or a year or two too early on most things.

We do need to take a closer look at shows and maybe implement some throughout the summer as well, add parties and stop just talking about things we should do. Instead we need to just get off the fence and either do those things or move on.

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I didn't post last year, but mine for this year are:

1. Better CS - going back to my roots and remembering what it was like to have my first sale. How I would go out of my way for a customer even if they only spent $20.00. Just because I am bigger doesn't mean I am better.

2. Return slips with all orders - I am going to pack return slips with all orders so if someone has any problems, they can use the return slip and have it picked up and sent back to me. I am going back to a "no questions asked" return policy.

3. Opinion polls - I am going to offer customers a questionaire to fill out regarding products, CS, etc and offer them a coupon code off for their next order for doing so.

4. Friends referring friends - I'd like to come up with a referral program this year

5. More shows - Since my MIL and SIL are interested, I am going to let them do more shows this year.

6. Brochure, catalog & fundraiser sheets (professionally done) - I am finally going to make my brochure, catalog and fundraiser sheets this year - I may even do a home party program (maybe!)

7. Work in my shop more - Since I have employees it is easy not to put in face time at my own shop. I am wanting to work over there more now that I have someone to help with BB's.

8. Offer more "specials" during holidays - I never veer outside my 30 scents, but this year I may do some seasonal scents for fun.

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1. organize (my room is just a big pile of stuff)

Yeah I organized...I kicked my husband into the basement and took over the guest room and turned his office into the guest room. (check)

2. redo labels

Definately did this. I am very please with the new label that I have done.

3. do more craft shows and home parties (have lots of people interested in these)

Didn't do this...still a little timid about shows, but definately planning on adding this to my to do list this next year. Already have an open house planned for the first week in January.

4. start testing balmoral jars (really like these and might want to add to line)

Did this and glad I did. People love them and I love them as well.

5. start playing around with CP

Didn't do this....still too chicken. Just started working more with MP soap.


Try and get some wholesale and fundraisers and maybe try and do some wedding centerpieces. That's it for this year. I am happy with how this last year went. I make almost 4 times what I did last year and hope to just keep growing. Good luck to everyone and their resolutions...Happy Holiday and everyone have a great new year.


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First step, numero uno- Cease all impulse buying. :whip:

I have calmed down somewhat, but still lack control on buying everything and anything in quantity when I feel like spending for no ungodly reason.

<Repeat the first step.>

2. Implement MAJOR organization plan before lack of it kills me. LMAO!!

<Repeat the first step.>

3. Get my website up and running again without changing it a million times.

4. Get rid of a few products/scents, and streamline my packaging.

5. Keep my top ten candle scents in stock, ALWAYS. Not just in bottles, I already do that. Poured, labeled and ready for sale at any given moment. This is starting to become a PITA. I blame this on disorganization with a healthy dose of procrastination. Bad, very bad.

<Repeat the first step.>

6. Soap more, bitch less. :grin2:

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1. Oh yeah, I need to curb my spending as well.....:embarasse I'm getting to be like one of those old ladies who collect cats, only my "cats" are my fragrance oils that I hate to part with! I see the look on my husband's face when a new fragrance comes in....like, "are you kidding me?" (OMG, and we won't even discuss silicone molds!!!! :o )

2. I would like to work on marketing a little more. Get my name "out there" even more.

3. I am thinking more open houses and home parties than craft shows....maybe kissing craft shows goodbye altogether. I'm really getting sick of doing all that work for little return! :angry2:

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I didn't do this last year either.So here is mine for 2007

1) Only do the 4 shows that I have planned , no over scheduling like I usually do

2)clean out all the unused supplies from my shop-sell or give away

3)stick to my pour schedules-I have a habit of getting sidetracked

4)stop adding scents that someone requests,that's why I have to clean out the shop !

5)keep better records:laugh2:

6)continue to remain humble

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okay here are mine....

1) put together a new wholesale catalogue, and a catalogue on disc for mail outs.

2) get a new wholesale rep for one particular territory.

3) new more interactive and flexible website. I like the current, but it's a templated site, so I can't get ti do exactly what I want.

4) a sales increase of 9%

5) treat me emplioyees better. I lost it a few times this year, and I had a pretty heafty staff turn over this year, and it's costly and timely to keep retraining. I think I have the 'right' people now, so this one should be easy.

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I didn't post for 2006, but I always set goals for myself.

1. Get more wholesale accounts. I have about 40 accounts and want to

double it this year to 80. Not sure how I am going to do it but I didn't

know how I was going to get the first 40.

2. Quadruple my candle business income.

3. Start my new publication. Top secret until it gets published.

4. Create my new B&B product line. I was out of town and the brand new

hotel had the cutest B&B products in the room that I want to duplicate.

5. Work on two new products to add to my product line. Already have 1.

6. Think smarter!!!

7. No more craft shows. That is going to be the hardest one to give up.

I hope I can achieve at least half of these.....

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Launch my website.I did accomplish that and just in the last month got some sales.2 were out of state and 3 were my friend and her 2 co-workers.I did talk to my friend tonight and her candle was a big hit at Christmas dinner and she wants a couple more. I gave some tart samples and her co-workers loved them and took those and she lost out.

Craft show will be the same.I will do the 3 I did this year.Really would like to do none but I have some great repeat customers and that is the only time I see them.

Last year was going to put a room in basement but did not accomplish that.Changed my mind about the room but I will organize that basement.For sure my scents are going to have to be put in alphabetical order.I go nuts when I look over all I have.So organize my jars, scents, and packaging supplies.That won't take long.Already got my computer room in shape before New Years.Some candle stuff went back to the basement.No more of that in my computer room

I still want to do a fundraiser like I mentioned last year.Having lunch with my cousin and giving her a candle so she will see they are good.She is a high school English teacher.She has plenty of contacts and believe me she is a go getter.

Open House is still going to happen.With all my orders coming in the last 2 weeks it went by the wayside.I also tested some chunk candles(still need some more work on those. Although that was the candle that was a big hit).

Oh cannot forget my aromatherapy line I will start on my site. I have had so much help here on my thread.Did some research on it last night and thinking what I could offer besides just candles.Something for the pain problems and how I can do that.

Pretty much what I wanted last year but the aromatherapy will be new.The website, plan/hope for a fundraiser, organizing, Open House and craft shows are pretty much the same.

OMG forgot.I am going to pay a little to get into search engines.Not alot of money.Will see how that goes.I like my site and am getting some traffic but always want more.Since adding things want more traffic.

That is ENOUGH for a year.


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Couple more things that others have said and are very important.One is receipts.That is a must.No problem with orders on site but at craft show impossible.You can get to busy.These last out of state orders were last minute Christmas orders and I didn't do it. Receipts Must be done and sent with orders.

The other is always treat my customers the same.I have a couple with $100 or more orders but I treat my $20.00 people the same.That is the way it should be.We have to look at it that the person with a $20.00 order might give us a fundraiser or a $300.00 order someday.


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1)......definitely NOT sacrifice sanity nor personal finance for my business.... I don't want to loose stability to buy a couple jars and supplies....

2).....work in a new website... I hate mine.

3) Be more organized, I have a pile of receipts ready to be filed and "excelled" for 2006 year.....ugh...

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Dallas, I agree on the more prep in July, but how can you outguess your customers??

**The Fundraisers almost killed us in Nov/Dec. Of course, I am thankful for them, but we have to do "BETTER" in scheduling them.

**I will absolutely say NO to "consignments." Not worth it!

**Try to increase website traffic & orders. This is such a good way to sell.

**Become more selective and decrease # of scents offered.

**Stop & smell the "roses." Working "too hard" causes me burnout.


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1) to go from 6000.00 in sales, to 1,000,000.00 in sales jk:D

really I just need to organize everything, if you seen my candle room you would lyao, im sooooo disorganized. I would like to start testing a bb line but that takes time im just enjoying my self right now, bc most of that 6000.00 went to new fo:embarasse

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Mine for 2007 are

1. Do MORE Shows. We have received numerous invites, but only did a couple shows in 2006.

2. Get at least two wholesale accounts. (got a possible already :D )

3. Get all of my labels to match across the board (currently working on this now)

4. Make a final decision, hopefully, on soap packaging. Hubby says I need to decide on something and stick to it (any ideas, anyone?????)

5. Keep better record keeping. I did much better in 2006 then I did in 2005, but plan to do even better in 2007.

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The resolutions I made last year were:

1. Get more organized!! I did accomplish this. Our local Big Lots closed this year and I was able to acquire much of their shelving. DH installed it in my garage and my supplies are more organized than I ever thought possible. Sis helped create spreadsheets to track my inventory and this also helped tremendously.

2. Am renaming my candle business and have someone designing my new logo as we speak, so by the first of the year I'd like to get the new name and logo into production. This was accomplished. With the help of an awesome graphic designer, I was able to create a logo I am very satisfied with and just a couple of weeks ago it became a REGISTERED trademark.

3. Keep a good handle on my expenses! This is still an ongoing project. Becoming more organized in 2006 has helped my expenses, though. I no longer order supplies I THOUGHT I was out of but still had hidden away in all the mess.

4. Launch a website by the end of 2006. This was accomplished by mid-2006.

5. Do more craft shows. I again only participated in the one large craft show at our high school this year. I need to decide if this is still the avenue I want to pursue.

6. Plan a holiday open house. Planned it, did it, and it was a great success. A DEFINITE repeat event for 2007!

My resolutions for 2007 are to weed out a lot of fragrances that are not selling well, continue to work on organization and tracking expenses, and to hopefully turn a profit in 2007!!!

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