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So, what do *you* do when you spill.....


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almost a gallon of oil on the floor :(

I was shaking my gallon of RBO upside down and back, and hmmm, someone (who could it be :D ) left the top loose the last time.... Goodbye 1/2 a gallon.....

I don't have any kitty litter around, and all the sand is wet cuz it poured rain last night. Is there anything else that works besides hands and knees and a whole roll of paper towels?

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What a pain! Sorry that happened to you today. :( The last time I had a sizable "oil spill" I grabbed an old bath towel I use to cover the mold and just sopped it up with that. It was enough to get the bulk of the mess, but I still had to follow up with a spray cleaner and half a roll of paper towels.

.:laugh2: So it's not a very good suggestion, is it? :o

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It's a good thing you bought the 1 gallon containers instead of the big 35 lb container! Well, better to be RBO than some other oil. I find RBO to be less greasy, so cleaning up wouldn't be as bad as some of the other oils.

Funny you should mention this. I decant my 35# container into the 1 gallons - I had done this the day before, so the 1 gallon was full. Guess that's when I didn't close the gallon tightly. Note to self: check lids before turning bottles upside down :)

Still kind of a mess down there. To boot, it's a brick floor. It has a light sealant on it, but the oil soaked into the grout more than I expected :(

Another bath towel has joined the rag pile.

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I got up as much of the oil as I could with paper towels and then scrubbed with straight dawn dishsoap, it's awesome at getting grease & grease stains up and out. Afte scrubbing, I dumped lots of water on it and used the wetvac to suck the excess water up.

I've done this twice, but fortunately for me, it was only about a litre each time.

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There is some stuff you buy at Walmart or proabably other auto part stores. It is sold in the auto section at Walmart and is used for spills like oil. It is in a pinkish purple large looking milk carton type thing. It is very light and has some kind of fiber inside that soaks up oils. I wish I could remember the name of it but Walmart uses it in their store around their emergency clean up stations. You just sprinkle it over the oil and then sweep it up, it is amamzing how great it works. I used it when dh spilled motor oil in the garage one time and it was gone like that. It is not expensive either, maybe a 1.00 or 2.00.

Hope that helps, might be useful to have on hand for the future.

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There is some stuff you buy at Walmart or proabably other auto part stores. It is sold in the auto section at Walmart and is used for spills like oil. It is in a pinkish purple large looking milk carton type thing. It is very light and has some kind of fiber inside that soaks up oils. I wish I could remember the name of it but Walmart uses it in their store around their emergency clean up stations. You just sprinkle it over the oil and then sweep it up, it is amamzing how great it works. I used it when dh spilled motor oil in the garage one time and it was gone like that. It is not expensive either, maybe a 1.00 or 2.00.

Hope that helps, might be useful to have on hand for the future.

Cat litter works great!

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