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Lye Safety


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Oh my goodness....I dont even know what to say.....I had to try and hold back the tears reading that story. That is definately something to make you stop and think. Thank you so much for posting this Bunny. And I think we need to keep this on top for as long as possible for everyone to read!!!


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I cried too.. Not only for baby Konner, but at how lax I'd become. That so easily could have been one of my girls. What a wake up call. I applaud the Mom for having courage enough to share her story for others to learn.

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How scarey, thought it could have been much worse, it would have been scarey for me. She must have been out of her mind, but thankfully had enough of a mind to get him rinsed off with water and vinegar. You just never know what kids will do, and it only takes a minute. You have to respect how powerful and damaging lye can be. Since I am at home, I always soap when the kids are at school, and wipe everything down when I am finished. If I ever soap when they are home, I will be locking the lye water in the master bathroom until it is needed. What a wake up call. Thanks for sharing Bunny.

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Still crying here. I was so anxious to get started on my CP making, I thought well maybe while my son is watching TV or playing a game. No way in HELL after reading that. It will be while he's at school. I'm throwing my pets out too.

Thanks for sharing that with us Bunny.

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NOPE im not reading that again. I cried this morning when i read it on the dish and i cried with my hubby again when i read it to him. I dont have any little kids around my house but im still very careful. Hopefully her story will save someone else from making that mistake..

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Oh that poor poor child! I feel so bad for the heartache that mother must and certainly does feel!!

Thank you for this post. I haven't cried like this in a while, but at the same time, it's such a good "lesson" on being careful.

Thank goodness my children are grown and I always soap alone.

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I hope everyone reads her story. How horrifying it would be to experience that happening to your child and know that it could have been avoided. Thank goodness she knew what to do immediately after!!

It is a good reminder. :(

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Eye Opener, that's for sure. I soap in my mothers basement. My son isn't allowed to go down stairs no matter what until I'm done.

I remember reading about a woman who made lye water in a pitcher that the family always used. Her husband thought it was a pitcher of water and drank it. I never saw that site again but always wondered what happened to her husband. Anyone else remember that?

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This is HORRIBLE, I'm sitting here crying as well..... my 2 older kids came in so I showed them the pictures and explained to them what happened. As I'm crying & explaining they're asking if I'm ok and why I'm crying. I can just feel her pain and the agony of hurting someone so precious, that you'd give your life for in a moment!

I'm careful as well but not careful enough after reading this. Thank you for posting this.

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Eye Opener, that's for sure. I soap in my mothers basement. My son isn't allowed to go down stairs no matter what until I'm done.

I remember reading about a woman who made lye water in a pitcher that the family always used. Her husband thought it was a pitcher of water and drank it. I never saw that site again but always wondered what happened to her husband. Anyone else remember that?

I think I read something about this on Miller's site and he had major esophagus problems afterwards. It didn't go into specifics.

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Thanks for posting this Bunny.

Two years ago I was weighing lye without my safety glasses on. A piece flew up and landed in my eye. It scared me to death. I rinsed really good and had a very irritated eye for a couple of days. It actually didn't do any damage to my eye but burned the inside of my eyelid. I had a clear flap of skin making me see with blurred vision until it healed.

Don't be afraid of lye... just respect it and know what it can do. It is when we take things for granted and become laxed that accidents happen.

I too soap when my children are in bed but it was a good wake up call and reminder.

I am glad that it was not worse and I hope that he has a complete recovery!

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A good wake up call is right. Im sorry to admit that I was reading this with a pitcher of lye water on my counter, and my 2 year old in the living room. He's gated out of the kitchen, but there has been times when he's broken the gate down, or i've forgotten to chain lock the door. I could not imagine this happening to my baby boy.

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I'm a member of a few email groups where she posted this. There is word that Konnor is doing better and healing well, but to what extent if there is damage, they don't know yet.

I know I don't have kids, but I have a cat would can get into things and it made me think that I'm not all that cautious as I should be and I'm paranoid of that stuff. No one is allowed in the kitchen when I'm mixing it or till I've added it to the oils.

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i think some one should tell her to get some therapy after her son is better.what she said about her sons screams and blaming her self might not go away.one of my kids was burned when he was 5 not by lye.but i believe when i child is hurt we all think it is are fault.and will think about it over and over again.any one that goes through a traumatic event with there child i think should get therapy.

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Some of you remember when the same thing happened to my kitty and he was in the vet hospital for a week. At that time I said I would never soap in an area that a toddler had access to. This is a tragic story. But let's think less tragic for a moment. When I soap, even though I am quite neat and tidy, lye crystal tend to fly all over the place. Do you really want your toddler in an area where lye crystals are on the floor and can get on their feet and hands? Then just think about that toddler putting his hands in his mouth. This is a recipe for disaster! I learned the hard way with my precious kitty. DON'T SOAP IN AN AREA WHERE YOUR TODDLER IS CRAWLING AROUND!!!!

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