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Label feedback. Thank you.

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So I have been working on some new labels lately and would enjoy some feedback, either positive or negative, all is welcome. Negative feedback will only help me so do not hesitate to rip into my designs with suggestions and/or comments. 


A few thoughts before discussion, yes indeed I have purchased the rights to use these images. In case you want to get some for your own, websites such as Shutterstock, Dreamstime, 123R and many more offer images for fees. Ive payed upwards of $20 for the rights to use a few of these images so keep in mind this route isnt the cheapest lol. 


The first photo is my test jar. I am using Libbey status jars in the 3oz and the 12oz with plans to maybe go for the 20oz at a later time. The "concept" I went for is the full wrap around label type. I know many of you will not like the idea of the label covering the wax, but I seem to have fallen in love with it. I do not color my wax, so seeing the wax color isnt an issue. I am hoping with the bright colors and cute images it will distract customers from not having a traditionally colored wax candle. "I hope" Lol. 


Without further ado....
















This is about 6 of the 30+ fragrances I have at the moment, but it is enough to get some feedback started so I can make any changes or srtat over lol.


Thanks a bunch :D

Edited by Clear Black
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17 minutes ago, TallTayl said:

The first impressions are pretty great. how do they look lit? Does the flame glow through the non-clear label?


i don't see uncolored wax being a problem even with transparent labels (heck Kringle does not color theirs). 


yes, actually thats one of the things I like most. Its very noticable as well. Im not sure if this is a good explanation, but ancient Chinese used wooden boxes with a candle lit inside to pay respect to the dead. It gives a similar glow when lit through the label

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6 minutes ago, debratant said:

I think these are great!  You did a GREAT job on matching the rest of the label to the colors in the images of the scent.  

Awesome Job! :)


Thanks! When choosing the backround colors I always cherry pick from the photo so that whatever the backround color will be, its in the photo to begin with. That way it has some cohesion 

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7 hours ago, MLG said:

I love them!  They are clean, neat and professional looking.  If I were out shopping for a gift, I would definitely give those labels a second look!  Do you print them yourself?


Yes. I use Online Labels and the Maestro label design it comes with. Order a bunch of blank ones and print them here at the house. Having over 30 different labels and then 3 different size candles makes over 90 unique labels. Having a print shop do that for me would be far too costly. So for now, its on my printer lol

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Well, FWIW (keep in mind I'm a soaper) as someone that should be considered as an uninformed buyer, I like them, but I would like to see the wax or some of the candle. I know nothing about chandlery except maybe how to fashion an improvised wick and stick it into a jar of tallow for emergency light. (I mean, I understand the concepts, but I don't make candles.)

Pretty labels though! Maybe if they were a tad more narrow? I dunno. 




Sponie the suspended executor of nuff'n. 


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2 hours ago, Sponiebr said:

Well, FWIW (keep in mind I'm a soaper) as someone that should be considered as an uninformed buyer, I like them, but I would like to see the wax or some of the candle. I know nothing about chandlery except maybe how to fashion an improvised wick and stick it into a jar of tallow for emergency light. (I mean, I understand the concepts, but I don't make candles.)

Pretty labels though! Maybe if they were a tad more narrow? I dunno. 




Sponie the suspended executor of nuff'n. 



I could get them narrower, but it just didnt look right. I think its either an all or nothing kinda look. Plus my wax isnt colored, so there isnt much to look at lol :/


Appreciate the feedback though. Keep it coming please :)

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3 hours ago, Candybee said:

Nice job! Colorful and inviting. I can't find anything to criticize.


Thanks Candy. I do appreciate the criticism though. I see my labels theough my own eyes, but I cant see them through other people eyes. Its always nice to hear the good and the bad so I can make changes or start over if need be. 

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Great labels!  Very professional looking and colorway is terrific!  And being you can make them yourself is even more wonderful.


Question:  What do the numbers mean on the right sides of the pictures.  Some are No. and some say UB....What does that mean?


Great job!!!



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11 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

Great labels!  Very professional looking and colorway is terrific!  And being you can make them yourself is even more wonderful.


Question:  What do the numbers mean on the right sides of the pictures.  Some are No. and some say UB....What does that mean?


Great job!!!




They dont mean anythiing except for which number recipe I came up with. Like my Red Hot Cinnamon was the first ever recipe I tested, so thats NO.1 All it is is just something to put on the label to fill in that white space that was over there. It looked naked because the left side that space is filled with the warning text. So I came up with the numbers and thought it kinda looked silly, but cute at the same time.


The only reason why the wine is listed as "UB40" and not "NO." is beacause I was being over the top silly with this one. This is my Red Cabernet (Red Wine) fragrance. Back in the mid 1980's there as a band called UB40 that had a hit song called Red Red Wine. So I decided to give a subtle laugh to myslef and label my fragrance as Red Red Wine and change the NO. to UB40. Hehe, my sense of humor is a bit off in left field sometimes. I chuckle when I read it still, I figured if 1 out 1000 people get the reference, then its worth it for me :P

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As great as they look, and they do, I don't like that the labels coat the whole jar. Of the ones you show, I'm not fond of the honey one because there's a lot of wasted space that perhaps you could work something into it. 

I'm 50/50 on your type. I can't decide if I like the typewriter look or not. Part of me thinks it doesn't match the professional look of your label and part of me thinks it's uniquely different. And all of me would like to see your candle name bigger and bolder. Otherwise very nicely done. What's the label on the lid look like? I ask because that top picture looks like something was scribbled out with a marker ... 

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4 hours ago, Clear Black said:

The only reason why the wine is listed as "UB40" and not "NO." is beacause I was being over the top silly with this one. This is my Red Cabernet (Red Wine) fragrance. Back in the mid 1980's there as a band called UB40 that had a hit song called Red Red Wine. So I decided to give a subtle laugh to myslef and label my fragrance as Red Red Wine and change the NO. to UB40. Hehe, my sense of humor is a bit off in left field sometimes. I chuckle when I read it still, I figured if 1 out 1000 people get the reference, then its worth it for me :P

Actually is there anyone here who hasn't heard Red, Red Wine? 

I just thought you were labeling your scents to be different and to get customers to strike up a convo with you. 

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15 hours ago, Clear Black said:


See Trap, ^^ this comment is why I did that :D Kinda cheeky I guess

Cool!  I don't think they are cheeky at all.......that's your own look you created.  And as long as your happy with it and it works, I say go for it.   



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Clear Black,  got a question thinking about what Scented said.  Have you tried your label exactly as it is but smaller so you can see the wax?  I know you mentioned that since it wasn't a colored wax you did a label to completely cover the natural look of the wax.  Natural color wax I think is beautiful.  Just a thought...I go nuts myself when I do my labels and it's a non ending task of getting the right size.  Was just a thought.  But I do love your labels....



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18 minutes ago, Trappeur said:

Clear Black,  got a question thinking about what Scented said.  Have you tried your label exactly as it is but smaller so you can see the wax?  I know you mentioned that since it wasn't a colored wax you did a label to completely cover the natural look of the wax.  Natural color wax I think is beautiful.  Just a thought...I go nuts myself when I do my labels and it's a non ending task of getting the right size.  Was just a thought.  But I do love your labels....



That is where I was leaning with my reply. Leaving a peek into the business end of the candle (the wax) can be very inviting. Whether using clear label stock, or a slightly smaller label the glimpse into the beauty of the wax itself adds to the overall picture. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree... I like the overall labels, but wonder if smaller would be better so you can see the wax. 

I think full covered labels look more "cheap" and mass produced than one that shows more candle.

Yours dont look cheap... dont take that the wrong way. I'm just saying in general, seeing the wax I think looks better.

So.. I would take your labels (which look great) and try to downsize them a bit so you have best of both worlds!


Personally on my labels, I go with simple clean, labels that dont take much space. But it depends on the container as well.

Ill try and post some of mine later to see what you think and maybe you can find a happy medium. I go back and forth on

whether or not I want to label both the side and the top of lid. It has benefits to do that, but my wife thinks it looks better without lid labeled, which I see her point as well.

I am ALWAYS tweaking my labels... probably to a fault, ha!


I am just constatnly to trying to make my candles not blend in with all other candles on the market. Labels are a good way to do that. Its tough

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They are great labels but I do agree that even 1/2" on top on bottom of jar should show.  I like seeing a bit of candle when I purchase them and I can't give you a reason other than it's more pleasing to my eye.  Aside from that, I think they are great!

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