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Omg...I'm so mad I'm spitting fire!

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Well, I have made candles and huge candles in big beautiful pieces of crystal that I made for gifts that I have been curing  and was going to mail out this coming week......Well, they are all sitting on my dining room table of which there are sliding doos right off the dining room and wow are they turning yellow on 1 side because I never covered them!  Well, they are cured now and 1/2 discolored.....I'm soooo mad...I know better.  I don't know what in heck I was thinking.  I never did add any uv...but that was ok...but now....I could just fling them out the door!  And these candle pieces are all like 2, 3 and  4 pound candles all triple wicked.....  How could I have been so stupid!  All I had to do was just cover the darn pieces but I didnnt...



This has never happened b/4 so I'm wondering if I scrape the wax out of the jars and sloowwlllyy remelt the candles and rewick and pour back into the crystal pieces will they be yellow or back to cream color?  Am I safe?  I hope someone can please give me advice????????????????





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I don't use soy but I've remelted paraffin that had faded and it turned out ok  :)

I hope it works out for you!

I know that's aggravating when you work so hard to do something and it messes up. I'm sure it will be ok though, just more work for you  :(

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I remelt but I've never tried to remelt something that was partially yellowed.  I'm guessing you would end up with an even color but not as white as originally.  I don't see why there

would be any issue because those discolored candles burn just fine.

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Tell them their candles are special and have been "kissed by the sun"...you made those out of love and your family will understand. Besides, once they start burning them it really won't matter :)

Edited by lmc
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I have had many discolor from sun from partial yellow to full on bumblebee yellow and I can tell you it does not effect throw or burn it's just cosmetic

If you melt them down they will be yellowish I would imagine just from what I have seen in the melt pool of the candles - if this were me I would send them as is and explain they were sun kissed like someone stated....that will be a lot of work to remelt and would it then affect the burn?

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Tell them their candles are special and have been "kissed by the sun"...you made those out of love and your family will understand. Besides, once they start burning them it really won't matter :)

lol, lol.....well, isn't that so sweet of you Imc......lol....you brought a smile on my face this morning......



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How bad does the yellow look? If you can live with it, I would just turn them around so they yellow on the other side.

I would worry the hot throw might be affected by the reheating, but then I am still a newbie at this.


lol, so even the candle up and let the other side gets "sun kissed", so the whole candle is now a light lemon yellow? lol, lol....now that's a different answer!



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Well, I'm going to chip out the wax and very slowly remelt and repour.


Or probably what I'll do is chip out the wax and pour into a huge crock and keep for myself and just remake a brand new candle from scratch and put back into the crystal piece and send out...I would feel better doing that.... I just don't want to jeopardize scent throw by reheating and sending out.  I don't think it will make much difference, maybe slightly....



You guys have all been troopers in your advice.  Thanks everyone!  Love your answers.



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