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Everything posted by se2653

  1. That's what I was thinking too- I'll play around with some combinations (just have to find some time....somehow that day job gets in the way of my hobbies!!! sigh )
  2. Has anyone tried the 3022 by itself for melts? Will that work? I finally got around to cutting mine up and put in plastic bags to store- maybe try mixing some tomorrow! I'm eager to try some new waxes and fo's too!
  3. Oh, you enablers!!! do I really need to add another company to my list? maybe I'll just "peek" at the Cajun website, just a peek, ......
  4. Look forward to hearing the results of your testing!! Love your drawer- mine are all piled in a basket, overflowing! I just need to find time now to test all the wax samples I got, then I'll post some of my results too. Good luck and happy melting (after the waiting!!!)
  5. Chuck- thank you (is that 40/60 blend that you use?). Hoping to play around with some of the wax samples I got next weekend. I have some CD's, so I may try the 3022 in some tins, and see how it goes.... will report back once I have time to mix/pour and test! Thank you!
  6. I made a bunch of melts with Birthday Cake (P), added around 175-180- they are throwing pretty well. This fo has thrown well for me in containers, so testing with it in melts. My fav buttercream is Buttercream Frosting from DS, throws great in 4633 in containers, and will be testing in melts too (I love the Yank** Buttercream and this to me is SO close, maybe better!) So sorry to hear about the red dye- hope you got it out! (but being the loyal NE husker fan that I am, I'd leave some of the red dye on the clothes to wear on game day!- got to try to find a silver lining somewhere!) Good luck with your testing!
  7. I didn't either- sooooo, you don't trim these? do they burn better then? or do you still trim, sorry, I'm very confused....
  8. I was getting the "paraffin smell" from 4630, thought it was maybe the wicks, so tried different wicks and tried 4633- no paraffin smell with this wax. So interesting how everybody's nose and tastes are different, with wax and fo's!
  9. I like the jars from NG- very nice quality, the 2 oz white, and 8 oz black- my lotion is thick, wouldn't work with a pump....
  10. Do you use the 3022 in containers also- and if so, what wicks would you suggest, I was thinking of trying zincs, HTP's or CD's....
  11. I took up your suggestion- requested a sample and it just arrived today!! What a wonderful surprise- so excited to start testing this wax- thank you to Brad at Clarus if you see this post- SO much appreciated!! (now just need time to test, get the family out of the house Thank you for the suggestion!!!
  12. I love the Papaya Coconut in lotion, haven't tried it in wax though. I do have a sample of this in lotion if you want to try, I can forward it to you!
  13. Good luck and have fun! I hope to be in your shoes sometime next year- you will inspire some of us others that are in the testing/dreaming stage! Enjoy the ride!!
  14. I researched a bunch on here for different wax combinations for melts- I came up with 22 different combinations!!! 22!! and I'm sure there are more! I'm ordering a bunch of wax samples to try, but I'm sure it somes down to personal preference, what works for one person may not work for another (with wax and fo's). I figure I should test just one fragrance(one that I know throws well) in several different wax combinations to check the differences- otherwise I'm all over the board testing different waxes and fo's, and getting more confused I just get too eager to try out some new fo's......
  15. I've actually just put the scented aroma beads in a small bag, put under the seat- they've lasted a couple of months. (I've tried the ornies- I need more practice getting them to come out clean and not all raggedy on the edges!!)
  16. oh yes, feather and glass glow are on the list! (thanks for enabling!! So, how high of a fo load to you put in the 6006 for melts, if I can ask?
  17. Ok, now you just gave me another wax to try! I already have 2 carts going with 4625, 4786, 4794, feather palm, excel, EcosoyaPB, 4627- and now I just added 6006! I'm also testing a bunch (but making scent brittle- mainly to test some scents, but now I've gotten to wax melt bug!!) I'm also testing some EL and joy wax that I had left over.... oh boy, now I think we need a wax support group along with the fo support group!!
  18. What wax are you using? I've used the Buttercream Frosting from daystar in 4633 and it is very strong and long lasting, and the vanilla bean cookies from DS as well. Birthday cake from Peak is also strong and long lasting in 4633- these have been my favorite Vanilla type fo's so far...
  19. I typically have used 51z in 6 oz tins with the 4630 and 4633 with good results (that's with fo and dye though)- maybe first see if the sides catch up by the end first with the 44's -good luck!
  20. That did take a lot of nerve of that person, she maybe doesn't know better, just an eager beaver newbie. Direct her to this forum, SO many people are helpful and willing to give advice to those that put in the time to research, I know as a hobbyiest (sp), I have appreciated all the advice and comments here. All of you provide a wealth of information/hints as to what works best for them, which I have greatly appreciated. Many people have provided information of the blends they use, wicks they use with certain wax, fo's they use with wax, even wax blends- but you have to put in the time to research. I have learned so much by doing this. I would just tell her "use the craftserver forum, my supplies/scents are proprietory, and I'm sure you'll find what works best for you- good luck!"
  21. Wonderful! Glad it went well! Love the poem and look forward to seeing the pics!!
  22. I was thinking of trying the HTP wicks, as another thread talked about not needing to trim (?), so was maybe going to test to see. I've just really liked the HT with the zincs. I hadn't thought about mixing the 4633 with anything- I've been experimenting with melts with other waxes mixtures- now I may have to experiment with my container wax! The fun never ends..... what a wonderful addiction- glad I have a good support group here to carry me through!
  23. Congrats! It is wonderful when you find a wax that works well. I love the 4633 too- what wicks are you using with it? I've had good luck with zincs.....
  24. MMS Coconut milk is awesome in lotion, not sure how it would do in soy....
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