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Everything posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. We'll just attribute it to all the Fo's you sniffed today. Instead of candle nose you got candle head.
  2. Glad you had an awesome experience.... I knew you would!!! Now lets see those oob reviews.... Edited to add... I have the Brown Sugar & Fig and it's dead on. This was one of my fav scents from B&BW till I started making my own
  3. If the CS you're referring to is Candle Science they have discounts once you hit the hundred weight rate. Try adding a little more to your cart to get just over 100lbs and see if that helps your shipping any.
  4. Thanks Carol, I may have to order a small bottle and try it for myself. I've never ordered from them before so any suggestions on must try's specifically for air fresheners but recommendations for candles/melts are also welcome. Thanks!
  5. I've been checking the web also looking for this scent and so far sos and venus candles are the only ones I can find. Sos has 4 reviews of the scent 2 good and 2 that say it's not an exact dupe. Venus only has it in a huge quantity. Thanks Bliss for your response. Have you tried this scent from sos? Did you think it was dead on? Thanks.
  6. Anyone know where to get this FO from or maybe it's called something else in the candle world. My hubby has an air freshener in his truck in this scent and loves it and wants me to try to find it so I can make him air fresheners. Thought it might be a good seller for the men in my air fresheners as well. I did a search and found one post where someone asked this back in 2008 with no responses. I also checked fragranceoilfinder.com and came up with nothing. I can't describe what it smells like it's just a manly type of scent. I've seen the cardboard trees at Walmart in this scent and they are usually either sold out or extremely low so it looks like it sells very well. Thanks in advance for any help. :smiley2:
  7. I've been to Aztek several times and they do have a setup when you walk in the door. They have alot of items on display from jars to labels to fo's and so on. So you can sniff till your hearts content and check out some of their other products as well. We usually make a trip there about twice a year for wax and jars but we are about 2 hours away. They have a nice, clean and organized shop and everyone there has been very helpful and knowledgeable. I'm sure if there was an FO you wanted to sniff that wasn't on display they'd go get one for you to sniff. I've not used alot of their FO's but the ones I have used were all great. I have been selling alot of their hollyberry mistletoe right now.
  8. Awesome news!!! Congrats and don't worry, brag away, you've earned it.
  9. I've had several people ask me things like this. Once at our monthly flea market I had someone that I swear smelled every candle I had. As they were doing so started telling me they are thinking of getting into the candle biz and asked me just about everything under the sun from where I get this scent, that scent, what wicks do I use, what wax, how to make them etc. Then asked me how I thought the business was at the flea market as they would maybe be interested in setting up there if they got into it. They were a state up from me, but, where I live you can get to that state in 15 min. So of course I just told them I use different suppliers and that if they were interested in trying to make a candle to google suppliers, get some supplies and test it out. I was as nice as could be and I think they got the hint that it was not cool to basically ask me everything. I was thinking the whole time, would you like me to make them for you too?? There was no way I was telling someone that stuff when they would be competition for me at the flea market if they indeed tested it out and gave it a try. I thought it was rather ballsy of them but they were nice and didn't push the issue. They did buy a couple candles from me though and I haven't seen them selling anywhere yet so either they moved on from the idea or maybe still testing. I have no problem if someone who makes soap inquires about a particular scent as I don't make soap and have no plans to ever do so. I simply don't have the patience to get into soaping. It's one thing for someone who makes different things as you to ask about a scent , but, direct competition is something entirely different. If you're determined to make this for the customer, I'd order samples from different suppliers and also I'd buy a candle from the other chandler or ask the customer to borrow hers for comparision. I'd compare the samples to the actual scent she's wanting. None of them may be the same as what she's been getting as it could be something the chandler renamed.
  10. I know it was sometime this year but when I searched I didn't find it, but, I just looked at the topics. I wouldn't think most people would need the box unless they give it as a gift. They buy the basket and take what they want and maybe gift the warmer to someone. I think all they need is the manual which you could easily place in the basket and it be hidden from plain view. I guess you could always ask the buyer if they wanted/needed the box when they bought the basket.
  11. I think they look much better without the box as it shows off the warmer. Pics on the box sometimes just doesn't do it justice. If these are for local orders that aren't mailed I'd just put the box in a bag and give to them when they pick up the order. I remember there being a discussion about this before (been awhile) so you might do a search and see what the responses were if you don't get many responses.
  12. I really don't have my sales hurt by such people, if anything sometimes having a certain rep there actually helps me when they see they can get melts and warmers from me much cheaper. The shoppers just haven't been there like they have in previous years and I believe that's alot to do with all the many reps there are out there. The one we did on Sat has always been a huge show for us and it didn't disappoint at all. They are one that's one of the biggest and it has tons of crafters. It's in a high school and stretching from one end of the school to the other. They are in the hallways, 2 cafeterias, 2 basketball gyms, etc. and they do NOT allow any sellers that are not crafters. We sold about $300+ within 2 hours of opening so they day only got better. I'm not saying we won't do craft fairs again at all b/c many of our customers come to them just for us...what they say anyway. But it's getting old dealing with all the reps being at places they should NOT be, especially when one is right next to you basically bashing your products, which they don't know a darn thing about. To me craft shows should be exactly that, crafts. I get that these promoters want to make money but people won't come back if they are unhappy with what's being offered which in turn means the vendors won't be back, then show won't be back.
  13. Crazzie, I also borrowed your pic to post on our facebook page. Great pic!!
  14. I feel your frustration. We've had many of these so called craft shows that were really good in past years and just plain stunk this year. The traffic just wasn't there and what people did come most weren't spending too much money. We had one a few weeks ago and of course they advertise hand made craft show and even make the vendors provide pictures showing that they indeed made their products at the time you submit your application. However, I'd say a good chunk of the vendors were reps reselling some manufactured something or another. I think alot of these shows have ticked off the crafters to where they aren't coming back and then use these reps to fill the empty spots. Which in turn is turning alot of customers away. I'm plannng on talking to the person over this particular show b/c there were customers there that I heard say they would not be back next year b/c this was supposed to be hand made crafts and that these shows that have all these reps are boring. Not only that but I also want to vent about the fact that they put Sensy right beside us and they were pushing their new marketing heavily. In case anyone hasn't heard the new marketing it's about how bad and dangerous candles are and that no one should use candles. We sell candles so that ticked me off that first off I'm not bad mouthing your overpriced, overhyped products and secondly I belong there since I make all my products except for the warmers. Why the heck are you even here? Now we sell melts as well so then of course you have to listen to their bs of how theirs are the best and all others are crap and only their warmers will work with their melts. Anyone else find it amusing when they refer to their products as theirs?? Really how much time and effort did you put into "your" product. Gee it was real hard and laborous to go to the door and take your box of ready made product inside. Give me a break.
  15. I've been at shows before where they did have their warmers going and I couldn't smell a thing. I watched the lady dump an entire package of them in the warmer and never did smell a thing. When I walked by her booth I could faintly smell something. I normally don't have any going in the warmer b/c most of the shows here you have to pay extra for electricity and they don't allow open flames. But I always have people come and tell me my booth smells so good. Now if you can smell my stuff without it even going what's that say when you can't smell the competition when they have a whole pack going... Sadly I think many of these craft shows are going to end up biting the dust. We've heard many customers complain about the reps being allowed at these shows. They say we come to craft shows for handmade items not the other stuff. They said the shows that allow the non homemade products are boring and they won't return the next year.
  16. Glad to hear some are having great shows!! We had one yesterday and it was ok. We'd done that one in the past and done much better in previous years. That seems to be the theme right now going on around here. It seems like people just don't have much money right now as crowds are down and what crowds there are have little money to spend. Everyone I've talked to at these shows (whether they are selling candles, soaps, jewelry or anything else) have noticed the decrease in shoppers/sales. Hopefully this will pick up soon. The show yesterday my parents worked since I've been working double shifts at my job. They were set up right next to one of those wickless candle reps and apparently she was not thrilled about being next to some competition. Mom said all day long she was getting nasty looks and the lady had this selling pitch to everyone about how no one should buy candles as they are so dangerous and how their melts (or wickless candles as they call them) are better than any other out there. They last longer, they smell better etc etc etc. And of course the usual how their melts will only work in their warmers. At the end of the day she said she heard her complaining about how horrible of a show she had. Wonder if the lady will attribute her lack of sales to her over the top, bad mouth all the competition attitude she had. We never bad mouth any competition and have had many of their customers ask us at various shows how ours compare to theirs. None of us have used their brand so we don't make any claims that ours our better or anything. We tell them honestly we've not used theirs so we can't make claims of comparasion. I usually tell them buy one and try and compare for yourself. I've had many of their customers switch over simply by them comparing for themselves. Now I've had many people tell me they weren't happy with the other brand, they didn't last long, they weren't strong enough or that they simply stunk. But I never tell other potential customers that. I'd rather they try for themselves and see which they like better. Oh another thing the lady was using as a selling tool was that unlike candles you can't burn your house down and that their wax is body temp so if your dog or small kid knocks it over it won't burn them. And if your dog or small child gets the notion to eat the wax it won't hurt them as it's a food grade wax. I gotta say that's a new one I've not heard before. :rolleyes2 ETA- wanted to mention this was a show that all vendors had to provide pics of us making our products as this was supposed to be a handmade only show. But the above mentioned rep was there, thirty one and a couple other reps reselling. It annoys me that they make the handmade people jump through hoops to prove we make our prodcuts and then they allow the resellers in. I guess they do that b/c they don't have enough handmade vendors.
  17. You should be able to just do a search on Amazon for the KD7000 or KD8000. I think I did a google search for the KD8000 and Amazon was one that popped up. I checked several places and added in shipping to see which place was better for me to buy from. With the free shipping Amazon won!!
  18. Depending on the wax you use, frosting will be an issue with temps that low. I think I remember you don't use color so that may not be an issue for you. I never load my candles to sit overnight, no matter what the temps are. I load everything else that the weather couldn't possibly affect (tables, covers, chairs, risers etc.) I have my candles, melts, warmers etc. ready to go so all I have to do is load those in the truck and go. I was always afraid that low temps might crack the candles or break the jars. Not sure if that would happen, but, just a concern I have. I'd rather be safe than sorry to unload ruined products. That would surely start your day off horribly. Hope you do well at your show!!
  19. Another for designer218.com. It was very easy to do, add, change etc. I agree, I don't think Amanda sleeps. Everytime I had a question I'd send her an email and she'd respond quickly and take care of me. She even was helping me when she was camping (checking her messages from her phone). Now that's top notch CS!! I'd previously had a web designer do my old site and since I know nothing about html I couldn't do a thing with it, aside from paying an arm and a leg to have him do updates/changes. I posted on the board asking for a website/host and had many recommend designer218. I've been very happy with my experience.
  20. I have 2 of the KD8000. Love them!! I never used the 7000 so not sure how much difference the 2 are. I like that it has other weighing modes (say lbs and ounces) which makes figuring shipping costs a breeze. I know of hand it weighs in grams, ounces, lbs, lbs and ounces, kilograms. I got mine from Amazon with free shipping. It came out cheaper that way than buying it from the website you mentioned with shipping. It does not come with an AC adapter so you'll need to buy one if you want to use it aside from batteries. Be careful though as not as adapter will fit. I got my AC adapter from Brick Oven Baker.
  21. I found this place. They don't have prices but you could contact them to see what their pricing is. They are in Chino, CA. Looks like they would have something like what you are looking for. Best I can find so far. http://www.eastpackaging.com/products@ProductType_ID=1.html
  22. I've been searching as well and can't find them. I know I've seen them, I just can't find them now.
  23. I've seen them somewhere before, just can't remember where. I'll check around and see if I can find where I saw them.
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