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Everything posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. Yes the WSP one. I will definately try it as a bubble bath as well.
  2. UPDATE---- The shower gel sat for a few hours and still no thinning. It lathered great.. I normally use shower gel from the big B&B company and I couldn't tell a difference between the two. I'm very pleased with my purchase and will definately be getting more.
  3. Haven't heard that but it's not really a surprise if it does happen. With the cost of gas and some of the other supplies we all use going up seems like it's inevitable.
  4. Thanks everyone!! I made up a bottle for myself just a few mins ago and I can say that it kept it's consistency once FO was added no thinning at all. I'm gonna let it sit for a few hours just to make sure it doesn't thin any as it sits and then I'm gonna shower and give it a try. The FO I used was Twilight Woods and I added a drop of strawberry dye for color. I will post results later...can't wait to try it!!
  5. I don't recall them listing that on the site (whether they are B&B safe). I would contact them and ask them if they know if it's safe or not. I have contacted them before via email and they were quick with response and very helpful.
  6. On another board there was someone who had placed an order on Dec 20 and had not heard anything. I gave her the new website as it was given on here and they tried to contact them through the new site. She also had tried to contact them through paypal as that's how they sent payment. She never heard back from them but did receive notice from paypal that the case was closed and her money was refunded. You would think they would respond to emails especially when someone has sent them payment and contacting them regarding their order. Whether they are still in business, closing and selling off their inventory they should let their customers know what is going on instead of leaving everyone in the dark. If they reopen it's going to be hard for people that are aware of what's been going on to trust placing an order, sending their money and crossing their fingers they get their order. Atleast she did get her money back, but, with no explanation whatsoever.... seems shady. I never used them, but, have thought about getting some samples so that won't happen if they reopen. They have damaged their rep now and that's a hard thing to repair. And to add something could have happened, but, you'd think there would be someone that could have the smarts to update or to send out a mass email to their customers on their list and customers who had placed orders with an explanation.
  7. your very welcome!! As I said in my previous post the ones that I did use were all great but they don't have any left that I was interested in. I think I got 4 or 5 of them... love love love the Fall Harvest I got from them and was so bummed that I wasn't able to get anymore. I did get some from Bert's but haven't tried it yet to see how close it is. I hope it's close as it was soooo good and strong.
  8. I haven't used any of the ones they still have listed. I have used several of them however all the ones I've used they no longer have as they sold all they had in those FO's. I had good results with the ones I did use and to let you know these are NOT Aztek FO's they are ones they acquired from a supply company that went out of business. They do tell you this when you click on each particular scent but thought I'd throw that out there in case you missed it. Not sure what company the oils actually came from.
  9. Thx so much!! I tend to sometimes overthink things and I just wanted to make sure before I "wasted" any by screwing it up. How do you like the gel? Good lather? It had alot of good reviews on the site so I'm hoping it lives up to the "hype". Thanks again ladies for your help!! It's much appreciated.
  10. Just got some of this to try and forgive me if this is a stupid question, but, to any of you that use or have used this.... Does this need to be heated and then add FO/color or can it be used as is (and adding FO/color)? There are no directions and I checked their site and there are no directions there either (aside from max FO% max heating temp etc.) Which made me think it needs to be heated before adding the other. And lastly any tips or suggestions on getting it into bottles. I did a search on here before asking my question and I couldn't find anything as far as that goes. If I missed a thread that will answer my question please point me in the right direction. Thanks so much for any help.
  11. I can be of no help as far as the votives go b/c I have never tried to do those..yet. You will get varying opinions on which wax is better as I think it's more of a personal preference for most and what sells in your specific area (if you plan on selling in the future). Personally I use soy, won't touch parrafin but that's my preference and in my area people want soy (not a soy blend). There are many waxes out there that are already mixed (parasoy) and again I have never used those so someone else may chime in on that. There are many that mix their own waxes but just starting out I wouldn't try getting in that deep yet. The scents are not that difficult really b/c most reputable suppliers of FO's say use 1 to 1.5 oz of FO per lb of wax. And you will also need to know what the max % of FO your wax will hold and not go above that. So if you have 1 lb of wax you would use 1 to 1.5 oz of FO depending on the scent. That's where you will need to test. And for the colors that is going to be something else you will need to test to get the color you are wanting to achieve. Start out using a little and add if you need to get the color you want. The wicks again are something that is going to have to be tested. Candle Science has a wick guide that is helpful but it's only a guide and you should test for yourself to see what works in your wax and container. The best advice is to utilize the search feature on the forum and to test test and test. There is ALOT of helpful info on this board that can be found by using the search. I do have one suggestion as I didn't see this on your list of supplies... a good scale... it is a must have. Good luck and have fun!!
  12. The rooster one seems very familiar, although I can't think of were I've seen it. I know that was of no help whatsoever...:rolleyes2
  13. I have used alot of JS oils and I have been really happy. I love the same day shipping and since I'm just a state down from them I have my order the next day. I haven't used any NG so I can't comment on them.
  14. I got the one from Taylored based on some recommendations on another board and imo it didn't smell like any fresh cut grass I'd ever smelled
  15. are the press and seal liners from WSP what you are looking for? They have various sizes. Here's the link... http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/StoreCategory.aspx?CatalogID=9&GroupID=585&CategoryID=1685&CategoryName=+Press+%26+Seal+Liners
  16. Well put Isbennis!! I am not worried, scared or what have you to competition as most of us on here are not. However we all have put in alot of money, time etc. to start, build and learn this business... some of us more than others as some of the people here have been in this business for a very long time. We all have tried, tested, failed and learned from each and every part of this business whether it be failed scents, soaps, slow shows to where we maybr got our booth fee back or maybe not even broke even at all. And to ask for those people to just give you what has worked and failed for them so you can not only do the same thing that worked but do it better is very bold imo. I am not easily offended but I must say I was somewhat with your comments. Honestly, how do you expect to be this huge success online without having a client base at all. Doing shows in your area will get your name out there and build a client base. That can start your online sales and help to give you some testimonials. Anyway there is a huge difference between giving help/advice to someone and just flat out telling them how to do it. You say you are not wanting to come across as not wanting to figure things out for yourself but your question here screams the opposite. If you truly were figuring things out for yourself you would do the things that we all have had to do and learn from. Instead you seem to be asking for a business plan that has been created, tested and worked for someone else to you on a silver platter. You are in the wrong place for that... most everyone here is glad to help someone who is helping themselves and not offending people. Good luck to you in your venture.
  17. Steve, I think that is going to be the general consensus here. I can see some of the other posts already... DUCK!!!
  18. I would have to agree here you can't base your success or lack of on someone else's success or lack of. Some areas sell things that other areas can't. For example Monkey Farts seems to be a big seller for alot of people but in my area not so much. Same goes for jars, depending on the area some will fly and some will just sit. The best advice is to get out there and see what sells and how the people in your area accept your products, prices, presentation, and your knowledge of what you are selling. Most of my business comes from customers I have actually meet at craft shows, flea markets etc. that are repeat customers and they bring business to me by word of mouth. There is alot of competition on the web like Chris said and if you are thinking that is going to be your bread and butter you will be sadly disappointed. I think the majority of us have other jobs so just starting out thinking you will be able to do only this with no other income just isn't going to happen, hell it isn't happening for people who have been doing this for years and years who have a client base. With that said I am going to have to repeat what Sliver and the others here are saying you are going to have to get out there and try the different avenues to see what works in your area.
  19. I can't imagine how spinning melting wax could possibly be a fire hazard!! lol I'm sure it took someone actually burning their house down for them to figure out that wasn't such a good idea.
  20. Finally getting around to pouring some new scents I've been wanting to try so I poured myself some tester tarts today. Pomegranate from JS ooohhh smells so good. Can't wait till I can actually burn them. Anyone else tried this scent? How was the HT in soy once they cured? The others I poured were Valencia Orange (Cierra), Apple Jack n Peel (BNL) and Orange Clove (JS). They all smelled good but I am loving the Pom. Still have some others to do (Cinnamon Crunch Cake, Brown Chestnuts & Sugar, Lemon Peel) and I know I have a ton of others...maybe tomorrow. Anyone have any thouhts on any of these scents?
  21. I had chocolate raspberry for v-day once and it just didn't sell well. People commented on how good they smelled but when it was time to buy they went with other scents. Maybe it is that it makes them want the real thing?? I like the idea of the 2 scents. Before I started making candles I used to love the candles that had the 3 layers with different scents for each layer. I have yet to venture into trying to do that though. I love pink sugar, but, roses eek! I get that you would want to make the rose of the candle have a rose scent, but, I personally can't stand the smell of roses. Then again I'm not a fan of floral type scents at all. I hate having to make them but there are alot of people that like florals so I think you'll do very well with them for v-day. Good luck with them and post some pics of them partially burned for us.
  22. I remember making candles when I was a kid. I agree that as long as they are being supervised by adults who know what they are doing they are fine.
  23. Very pretty display... I agree you nailed it!!
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