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Everything posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. very nice!! Good thing I have cupcakes here b/c now I want one... as if I really needed an excuse
  2. This came from an email I rec'd from OBI today. Thought I'd pass it on to anyone who may want to stock up before the price increase. Don't know if this applies to the warmers that many of us get from them, but, they do say feel free to contact them with any questions and they can tell you what the new price will be for items that you may use. I'll try to contact them tomorrow to see if this applies to the warmers. If anyone else contacts them please post if the warmers are going up for the rest of us and I'll do the same. Dear Valued Customers; Due to the rising cost of manufacturing and shipping, many of the great items you are used to purchasing from OBI will be increasing in price. Our new 2011 inventory is beginning to arrive, but we want to give you the opportunity to purchase these products at 2010 pricing. We are waiting until Feb 21st before increasing any prices. As always OBI will do its best to keep you supplied with our great products at the lowest possible price. Some items, such as the large black ploy-dragons and other larger bulk items will not be able to handle these price increases, the current market will not support any price jumps on these products, these will be on their last run in the OBI inventory - this presents a great opportunity to purchase these items before they are gone and capture that market. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call and discuss these with the Sales Dept. at 317-353-6684. They will be happy to let you know what some of the new prices will be in advance and what items have a chance of being discontinued when inventory is gone. We are also developing several new items and product lines that we are extremely excited about - these items will begin arriving in the March/April timeframe. When possible we will post pictures and send newsletters featuring these new products and let you know when they will be available - we will also take pre-orders on the items when we have their definite delivery dates. AGAIN - ORDER NOW THRU FEB 21ST TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 2010 PRICING! Starting Feb. 21st pricing on many items will start to reflect the new 2011 pricing.
  3. If you have it stated on your site (which it sounds like you do) I think they maybe trying to get more than what you allow. Most coupons I've seen whether they be for restaurants, grocery, clothing stores, etc. they state pretty much the same thing and they surely don't allow you to reap the benefits of two offers when they specifically state that's not allowed. I would call it an opportunist try and as well all know there are tons of triers out there. I've not personally had it happen to me, but, I've heard other people that have had "shoppers" at candle shows that try to "haggle" with stated prices like they are at a yard sale or something. I would think about allowing the ones you've had try already to use both as you may open a door that you don't necessarily want to open. If you allow it once they will expect it everytime and bet they tell their friends, family etc and then there will be more to come. But that is ultimately up to you as the business owner.
  4. Ignore my stupid question!! :rolleyes2 I did a search on here and according to the posts you have to use the flat rate shipping if you use that type box. The post was a couple years old, but, I would assume that is still the case.
  5. I'm gonna have to order some of these as well. Seems like they are a better deal on shipping!! So I have a stupid question to ask.... I have something I need to mail and the only boxes I can find (so far) are the medium flat rate boxes. What I need to ship will fit perfectly in there, but, when you use those do you have to use the flat rate shipping or can you use parcel shipping? It makes a difference of 3.70 using parcel as opposed to the flat rate. I looked on usps and I couldn't find anything specifically saying one way or the other, but, the regional did say you have to use those boxes (which I don't have yet so that's out). Maybe I missed something there, but, thought I'd ask those of you that ship with usps on a frequent basis. Thanks!!
  6. Could be the case Candybee. I only acutally looked at them (the inside) at one of the regular walmart's but never looked at the inside of the ones the super walmart had so maybe both places were like that. In any case neither of them by me carry them any longer.
  7. Quote from Eric's post - Scentsy alleges, imitate the unique brand developed by Scentsy which has caused losses to Scentsy and customer confusion. Seriously, I doubt that people confused what they were getting at Walmart or Hobby Lobby (as I've seen that brand there) with Scentsy. They may have different designs or maybe redesigned the packaging, but, the ones I've seen are in the same type packaging that we all use. Maybe Scentsy lost business due to them being overpriced and most people figure they were getting a better deal. Hell I'd rather pay 2.00 per pack and 15.00 for a warmer than what they charge anyday. Maybe I just have a little more sense than some consumers, but, no way I'd think Walmart would be selling Scentsy especially when they are under a different name and state they are not affiliated with them. So is Scentsy gonna try to sue all of us as well since I know from personal experience we who handcraft our tarts, melts or whatever you want to call them have caused them to lose sales. Just based on shows I've seen the handcrafted ones kick their butts in sales. Contrary to what I read on one of their sites where they claim they invented the melts, tarts, bars, bricks whatever. BULLSH!$!! Yankee had them before they came out and from what I've seen other candlemakers were doing it before them as well. It's laughable really :laugh2:. Btw, I checked my superwalmart and they no longer had them either.
  8. I don't have a set schedule either. I have another job where I work third shift so when I get home from work in the mornings I work some until it's time for my sleep (my job is very physical work) so I get tired. Sleep a few hours, get up take care of stuff around the house, run kids around etc and maybe if time permits and I'm not too tired work on the obsession some more. I usually do most of my work on the weekends when I can string more than a few hours of sleep together I'm more rested. I wash and wick cases ahead of time and have most of my scents already printed on labels that I keep in a file folder so that helps me since I have such a crazy work/sleep schedule with some of the little things. I'm sure I could improve on my "schedule" but it works for me.
  9. I like them both, but, agree that whatever you go with they should be consistent. As for the colors of candles I once had a competitor tell me that Love Spell is purple not pink. I thought am I over there telling you what you are doing wrong with your products imo. This is a craft and everyone has their own personal preference of doing things such as if I want an orange blueberry candle dang it I'm gonna make an orange colored blueberry candle. Now I wouldn't do that for customer purchases unless it was a special order or if they were for me, but, I thought it was rude of the competitor to tell me that, what business is it of theirs what color I make my Love Spell. I personally like it better in pink and I sell it like crazy so obviously no one else has a problem with it.
  10. sorry to the op but wessex what the heck is a SHILL? I tried to find the abbreviations on here but all I can find is the supplier abbreviations. Just curious... took me awhile to figure out some of the abbreviations people use (none supplier related). I still haven't figured out if DH is dear husband/hubby or damn hubby???
  11. I get mine from the Candle Makers Store. I use in body butter and body spray. I have a few that used to buy the real thing and now get from me. HTH.
  12. The Walmart here had them around x-mas time but I've not seen them since. I looked for them the other day just to see what other scents they had now that x-mas is over and v-day coming up and they didn't have them anymore. I thought about getting one or two to try them but when I opened them to smell they were horrible looking. It looked like they had melted standing upright and then set back up. The wax was all over the place and I thought I sure wouldn't sell something that looked like that. I will check the super walmart next time I go to see if they have any. Maybe they will have some in scents that I can actually stomach. The ones they had at x-mas time were none that I personally would burn. I'm sooo not a pine person!!
  13. Beautiful!! You are very creative with all your candles I've seen!! Great job!!
  14. Email or call them. They have always been extremely helpful anytime I've ever had a question.
  15. Just wondering how long are you curing these before you are testing? I use that wax and I have great CT and HT with it. Yesterday I finally put my Pomegranate tart in the warmer (which is in the back bedroom/bathroom) and I could smell it down the hall into my kitchen. I usually let mine cure for atleast a week before I test them. This one had cured for about a week and a half or so. What supplier are you using or are they different suppliers?
  16. I've used the Ultimate Vanilla in lotion and it turned dark brown (like chocolate pudding) after about a month. I do have the Vanilla Bomb but never used it in lotion just soy. I do love the Van Bomb in candles.
  17. Citrus Splash from Cierra is really juicy citrus imo. I made some m&p molds and did some of the silk soap dipped petals in it. I did it about 2 weeks ago and my bathroom is still really fragrant from it. I've got them in a decorative bowl on the sink. I also did some tarts but haven't tested them yet but CT is really strong. Gonna make myself some air fresheners in it as well.
  18. Here's a link for fragrance oil finder for passionate kisses. http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=passionate+kisses And here's a link for candlewic http://www.candlewic.com/Store/Product.aspx?q=c57,p887,fScents I have not tried that particular scent so I can't help as far as which ones are good but someone else maybe able to help there. But atleast you have a starting point. HTH
  19. I agree with the others. If the jj's are selling then why replace them? It would be horrible to replace them with something that didn't sell well. I would keep the jj's and add a line of the new jars and see how they go over without spending a huge amount of money on new jars before you know how and if they will sell. Isbennis said it perfectly.. if it ain't broke
  20. Also to note if you are using this in B&B products, I have a customer that stopped buying it from B&BW and now gets it from me. That's how dead on it is.
  21. If you are looking for a dupe of the Bath & Body Works version, JS has one. I use it and it's dead on. I used to buy this from Bath & Body Works but now I make my own lotions, shower gel, body spray of it. I have also used it in soy candles. HTH
  22. I used to use them all the time when they had a warehouse in KY. They closed that one down and they imo have gone downhill since. I never had any problems when I got my order from KY and I had problems with almost every single order when I had to use the AL store. I pretty much have switched to other suppliers for these reasons and many times when I would need to order things they were always out of stock for weeks/months. I know from talking to others they have lost alot of business when they closed KY and due to the problems and lack of supply. I honestly think it's only a matter of time before they close or sell. Anyone that I know that used them no longer will do business with them so they have lost alot of business just based on the ones that I know. But who knows what's going on...
  23. wow the nerve of some people!! Thanks for sharing so we can all be on the lookout.
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