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Everything posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. I'm with Judy, doesn't matter to me as long as it doesn't tunnel and it throws well. When I bought candles I bought by scent I never looked at how many wicks it had. Didn't matter to me how many wicks it had if I didn't like the smell of it. I've not done any double wicks so I can't compare which sells better, single or double. But I have never had anyone ask for double wicked candles if that helps.
  2. I did this once by mistake. After I had poured them in the molds, I decided it wasn't dark enough for my liking (these were for me anyway) so I put a drop of color in each mold and stirred with a skewer. Once they dried completely they has the tie dye look (guess I didn't stir well enough). It was pretty cool looking though. Good luck!!
  3. Wow, thanks for posting so we can all be on the watch for any funky charges showing up. I had someone steal my cc # and tried to purchase airline tix and a couple thousand in shoes. Chase thought it was funky and declined the charges and put a hold on my account until they could contact me to see if they were legit or not. Of course they were not so they closed that account and gave us a new one. It's annoying when people are so damn lazy to work but they will work their a$$es off trying to steal and scam Just out of curiousity what the heck is a hootsuit??
  4. So I'm placing an order with NG and this is what I've got so far.... they have so many it was hard to keep it small but I think I did a pretty good job. This is what I went with ... Baby Powder Lilac Frosted Lime Cupcake Stormy Nights Sweet Orange Chili Pepper Black Linen & Amber Sinfully Hot Kulu Bay God's Love Guardian Angel New Car Scent Niagara Falls ( I use this one from Candlemakers but thought I'd try their's as well) Any thoughts on these? And any others I should try next time?? A couple of these I got just for air fresheners. I used to NOT be a clean scent kinda person, but, I have to admit some of them are growing on me. I think I associated it with all the clean scents you could buy at the store (before I started making my own) and they all smelled like soap. Trying out FO's over the years that were clean have made me appreciate them I suppose. But I still can't stand florals. YUCK!! Yeah I know I ordered Lilac but people want it so what do you do. I do make floral scents, but, I hate doing them. TIA!!
  5. You need to have been a member for 30 days and have so many posts. I'm thinking it's 12?? I know it states it on the forum somewhere, I just can't remember where. I'll check around and see if I can find it. found it.. here's the link. It's under the board usage section and it's a sticky http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1802 The number of posts is 8 not 12 as I originally guessed. HTH.
  6. Me too!! I have boxes that are filled with peanuts, paper etc. I often think about getting rid of some of it, but, sure as I do I'll need it. And I also use the dividers that come with the boxes when I order jars.
  7. The tarts they sell come in six pack clamshells similiar to what many of us use, but, they redesigned their packaging to where they are more like an hourglass shape kind of thing. I'm guessing so people didn't confuse the handmade ones from theirs. Like the price difference would be a dead give away. Anyway the one's I've seen were 5 or 6.00 a pack (that has 6 tarts in it). I wasn't aware they were doing fundraisers either. I can't imagine they would be too overly popular at their prices. Yeah you're gonna have the ones that will only buy that brand b/c they have been convinced that their's are superior to any out there and that they will only work in their warmers...which is BS by the way. I complain about some of the prices I've seen with the usual fundraiser things, but, this by far is the most expensive I've personally seen. I have no problem with their reps trying to make a living, what rubs me wrong is the attitude that so many of them have. Just based on my personal experience with their reps at shows, they have been snobby and sometimes down right rude. The dirty looks you get all day long from them and the fact that they tell people that only their melts will work in their warmers. Many of us know for a fact that is BS. But the normal consumer doesn't and if you have to deceive your customer to make a sell that's poor business ethic. I think many of us have had increased sales on our own melts b/c of them flooding the market and in a way educating consumers on what melts/tarts are. And I think alot of us get annoyed by them showing up at shows that are marketed as hand made crafts only. It's really annoying to those of us that have to jump through hoops to prove we actually made our products by having to provide pics and then they allow people in who obviously are just reselling something that was mass produced. But it is what it is.
  8. :shocked2: Wow!! Just out of curiousity how many melts did that include if you bought the warmer and melts? 30.00 for some melts... that was what one or two packs???
  9. Pretty!! I love butterflies. Very nice job!!
  10. No I didn't have a personal page until I did the business page. Never really planned on having a personal one, but, it made me so I had no choice. I'm not sure why you can't just have a business page, maybe it's their evil way of trying to suck us all into the world of FB...lol
  11. When I did mine it made me make a personal page as well (a profile). And yes you have to have a personal account (profile) to be able to comment and I know there are many that I have to log in to see the pages (business). That's my experience with it anyway.
  12. I have wondered why if lead wicks were banned from the US how many years ago, why I see boxes being shipped that are marked Lead. I see many boxes of Yankee and Colonial candles come through were I work and alot of them have the words Lead printed on the boxes (you know like how they have the printed words Fragile). Is there some other reason they would be marked like that? I could understand if these were coming from China or someplace but from companies in the US??? And yes I've had many people ask about lead wicks so I don't think the normal consumer is really that aware that they were banned. Anyway just one of those things that make me go hmmmm.
  13. Can't you just take the total cost of the warmers and figure out what the shipping was? Say you ordered 50 warmers and they cost 5.00 each so that would be 250.00 and your total amount paid was 300.00. Your shipping was 50.00. If you have the subtotal before shipping and you know what the total was that they charged your cc all you need to do is subtract the total and the subtotal and there's your shipping. But I would make sure to still get something from them on paper for your business taxes.
  14. Ok I need some ideas for doing a wax dipped scented bear for a baby shower. It is for the mom to be and she's having a boy. Of course baby powder popped into my head, but, thought I'd get some other ideas of nice baby smelling scents. I think I have a sample of the johnson's bedtime bath from Berts so that might be an option. Any ideas? Thanks!
  15. There have been several discussions about this so I'm guessing that's why no replies. Use the search and search the forum you'll find some threads on this subject. Here's one to get you started... http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95551&highlight=straight
  16. Glad your supplies finally made it!! However, why would you think they should compensate you for something that was out of their control? They have just as much control over the weather as you do. None. Even if they would offer some sort of compensation if it were due to their own actions, the weather (which is considered an act of God) would never be covered under that. Take UPS for example, they refund the buyers shipping costs IF a next day air does not make it on time but they are not liable to do so if it's late due to an act of God (weather). Think about it like this would you offer to compensate all your customers for receiving their orders later than expected when it was delayed by something that was out of your control? Anyway, hope you have fun with all your supplies!!
  17. Have you looked at Aztek? They are in Knoxville, TN. Not sure what kind of jars you are looking for but they may have what you want and since they are in the same state that may cut the cost of shipping. They also have a warehouse that you can pick up from so that will eliminate shipping charges if you wanted to make the drive. We make a trip there about twice a year and stock up on wax and jars (the shipping killers). Their wesbite is www.candlemaking.com HTH
  18. I think it depends on the wax that may be used as to why pillar is added. I've read some people add the pillar to the 464 soy wax which is horrible with frosting issues. Adding the pillar wax to that apparently helps with the frosting that's prone to the 464. Others I understand to use it for the hardening. And there may be some that just add it as a personal preference. I've never had a single issue with frosting with the Advanced so there's never been any reason for me to add any other wax. Don't fix what ain't broke ya know.
  19. I think they are like any other supplier hit or miss. I use many of the FO's from there and never had anything but great customer service. I agree with 2 of 7 do a search here for reviews. And I also have to agree that Caramel Cinn Latte is awesome. Here's a few others that I've had great results with.... Black Cherry, Blueberry Cheesecake, Pomegranate. There's many others those are just a few.
  20. I also use the Advanced and make tarts with it. Never added any other wax to it and mine come out great. I've made these in the clamshell packages, the scalloped molds and even the silicone molds for the mini melts. No matter what I put it in it comes out nicely. I think some people add the pillar to harden. If you're using the clamshells packages I've not had any breakage issues but if you're using the other type of molds where you will be packaging them yourself they can break easy if you're not careful with them.
  21. Just had a show this past weekend where I introduced some new scents. They sold like crazy. Pomegrante, Mango Papaya, Blueberry Cheesecake and Butter Rum Cappaccino were huge sellers. Other big sellers were Black Cherry and Wild Cherry. And I sold out of Honeysuckle, Baby Powder and Niagara Falls Mist. There were others but these were the biggest sellers.
  22. Meijer is similiar to a super walmart. It's in Indiana, Ohio, Ky and I'm not sure where else they may be. They sell everything from groceries, to clothes to gas and anything in between.
  23. Target carries them as well. I know I saw them at Target probably a year ago. They may have been there longer and I just never noticed.
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