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Everything posted by pleasureridgecandles

  1. We also have an EZ up tent. Bought it at either Walmart or Meijer I believe, and also bought the sides (they zipper on). We used it at one show before buying the sides. Having the sides was beneficial b/c it helped to block the sunlight around us, low winds, light rain, etc. It's pretty easy to assemble and disassemble also. Haven't tried doing it by myself, but, it's definately easy for 2 people to do. I'll double check on where we got it just to make sure. HTH. Good luck on your upcoming event(s)!! And as Candybee stated, you'll definately want some weights. We used some wide PVC pipe, cut it to the size we needed and filled with concrete. The sand would work too. We had some concrete already so went with what we had. The concrete makes them heavy enough, but, not too heavy as I can carry one of them one handed. Then again I lift 75 lbs boxes 5 days a week.
  2. Very nice setup and I have to third the cutiepie comment. Good luck with all your upcoming events!!
  3. Not sure of any specific scents but a few names pop in my head... Black Pearl Blackbeard (Naturally mentioned that one) Buried Treasure Queen Anne's Revenge Naturally already mentioned this one but forgot the Captain (in front of Jack Sparrow). I recently saw the preview for the upcoming Pirates movie and someone called him Jack Sparrow, he says I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a Captain in front of that. I immediately thought of that when I saw the name. And this one was mentioned already but you gotta have a bottle of rum.
  4. I agree that as a customer and I ordered the apoth candle and see only the pic of the status jar that's what I'd expect to receieve, if I were just your normal customer that doesn't know the difference in one jar to another. I'm a little confused as to why that pic is even on the site when you don't have that style jar listed as one you sell. Under the FAQ's it has FAQ's associated with your website design not your candle company and the contact is the same. It does have email info for your candle company but everything else seems to be about the web design and if I were a customer looking for directions to you, I'd have not a clue as it's in some language that I don't understand. Maybe you haven't gotten to those pages yet?? Just pointing it out. And I also have to agree with the others as far as the triple scented thing goes.
  5. I remember reading some info about this before. If you do a search on here you should find it, that's how I found it before. Basically it said that in not these exact words that it's not good in soy b/c it binds the scent and would not be helping as far as the HT goes, it would have the opposite effect. I'll try to see if I can find it and post the link here. I'm just going off memory here so don't quote me. Off to find the link. HTH Found it.. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?65641-using-vybar&highlight=vybar You might search over in the veggie wax section since you're talking about soy. You'll find tons and tons of helpful info.
  6. http://www.generalwax.com/candle-wax/jar-candle-wax/cate_54/p___GW128012400.html
  7. Very nice site. I'd also like to see pics of the candles. Also you don't mention the size of the candles other than mason jar and votive. Votive is pretty self explanatory but the mason jars come in different sizes so as a customer I'd want to know what size I was buying. I could have overlooked it if it was somewhere else on the site so sorry if I missed it. Your soaps are beautiful!!
  8. Here's my experiences with Aztek.... GREAT!! I actually make about two trips a year there and stock up on wax and jars. There are a handful of FO's of theirs that I have used (still do). I've had nothing but great transactions and customer service from them. They do have a showroom where you can see different things they carry and FO's you can sniff. HTH.
  9. I have seen these online somewhere. Can't remember where though, so I'll check and see if I can find it and let you know.
  10. Mine is currently .43 per clamshell. This is only adding supplies and shipping, not any other add ons like electricity. Not sure what the cost will be once I have to get new supplies (wax, scent etc.) with the increased prices on everything. Maybe some of these prices others have given already have the increased costs added in??
  11. I was on Alabasters forum yesterday and noticed Todd was selling a wax pumper, but, yet he couldn't take the time to post any replies to the questions regarding what's going on there that many have posted questions about. Not what I'd call good customer service when he can post somthing he wants to sell and ignore the many questions his customers or past customers have posted. I don't know how many people will still give them a chance when and if they ever get their $hit together.
  12. I have only rec'd two from them since the ones awhile back about the price increases. One was about the forum changing and the one from today was about new foamer bottles. Are they having yet another price increase?
  13. Also do my own brochures and order forms.
  14. Glad someone whose used both was able to tell you they are not similiar (MLM and Woodstock) since I have no idea where I put that bottle of MLM. I got it off the classies on another board (I think) and I personally didn't like it at all oob. Then again I'm not much of a musk kinda gal.
  15. No problem. Hope your fundraiser is a huge success!! :smiley2:
  16. I'm not sure about the Peaks, but, any of the ones I've seen called Moonlight Path are dupes of the Bath & Body Works scent. And it's nowhere near Moon Lake Musk. I do have one from Cierra called Woodstock 69. I'll have to check oob to see if they are similiar in smell. I've not done anything with either one in candles. I've only made air fresheners with the Woodstock. Here's a descrip of it..... Woodstock '69 fragrance oil for candles, potpourri, and soap. The ultimate hippie fragrance blend! A rich, beautiful blend, with an earthy hint of patchouli and sweet smell of nag champa. Very popular!
  17. This is how I do mine and have not had any complaints or issues. I box up the candles and write on the outside with a sharpie what the candle(s) are in each box and the quantity of each scent. I give them extra boxes and the person who's in charge of the fundraiser goes through them and packs them by order. It works for me and most people are going to go through the boxes anyway after they get them to double check the numbers are right, to sniff or whatever other reason they may have. Also when I do the fundraisers, I give them a master copy that they return to me with payment so I only have a total number of each scent ordered. They keep the order forms, so there's no worrying about me sitting it somewhere and forgetting where I put it. I guess you need to ask yourself if you want the forms back and then return them with the orders or if you don't want the worry of keeping up with them. If I got the forms back I'd probably pack them myself at no extra charge, but, like I said I don't want to accidentally misplace them and be up a creek without my paddle. lol
  18. Soapgirl, out of the box of 875 that I recently got I did not have a melted plastic smell. They had no plastic smell before I poured into them and they didn't after either. Sometimes plastic can have an odd smell that goes away if it's been aired out, but, I did not notice any with these.
  19. Mostly I use liquid dyes. There's just a few that I use the dye blocks on and they are all the same color. I just can't get a green I'm happy with in the dyes. Green Apple, Honeydew etc. they either are too light or too dark. I can get the perfect color with the blocks. The liquid dyes are much more cost effective imo.
  20. Personally I think that's a fair wage. We have alot of factory/warehouse places around here and they don't even pay that much. Most of them are anywhere from 8.50-9.50 an hour and they are doing much more manual labor than what the ladies would be/are doing for you. At this point with the economy and so many jobs being lost, most people are happy to have a job period.
  21. I color all my soy candles except the ones that I want white (birthday cake, baby powder, clean cotton etc.) When I first started my mom wanted to not color them thinking it would be easier. I did some research online and found many people that said they tried colorless and they just didn't sell well for them. Granted they were in various areas different from mine, but, I personally thought that colored candles in various shades make the table pop when you're at a craft show. Tables full of white candles just don't stand out imo no matter how you display them. I've never once had a person request me to make them colorless candles and that is something that I do offer on request. I actually offer custom colored candles at the request of the customer (say they want a blue colored pumpkin spice candle). I've had a few, but, most people just go with whatever color the candle is in. I've often had people comment on how pretty my colors are so take that for whatever that's worth :smiley2:. I guess it comes down to your personal preference and what sells in your area. I suppose you could make some in various colors (if you have the supplies to do so) and see for yourself what sells in your area. Good luck with your show!!!
  22. sure, I'll have to go back through my stuff to see who it was. I'll send you a pm when I have the info. :smiley2:
  23. Welcome!! I used to use 464 and while it was good I absolutely hated the frosting that came with it. So I switched over to the CBA and only used the 464 for the colorless candles. The last batch of 464 I got had terrible ugly crusty looking tops so I stopped using it altogether. Personally I think if you work on it you can get great results with the CBA. There are many on here that don't like CBA, but, there are some of us that do. I've never tried the 415 so I can't comment on that one. If you want to try the others, get small bags of the others and find what works best for you. What works for me doesn't work for someone else and vice versa. I wouldn't recommend buying huge boxes of wax though until you know what wax works for you. Just my 2 cents anyway.
  24. In case you were wanting another lid choice the ones that CS has (the flat glass top lids) will fit the status jars from dollar tree. I had picked up a few of them at dollar tree and got 12 of those lids from CS when I was placing an order anyway. They fit perfectly. Now just to get some time to actually do something with them. I know you were asking about the silver lids, but, thought I'd throw that out there in case anyone else wondered about glass lids for the dollar tree jars.
  25. I could go back and look to see who it was that I got them from if you'd like. They were 29.99 for about 2200 labels and they have my business name on them as well as the caution. I hadn't found a better deal anywhere else when I was looking.
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