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Pam W

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Everything posted by Pam W

  1. I do have a habit of melting even more than I need for a particular pour, making sure I have enough for the 2nd pour and if I end up with a little extra, I pour that in a mold/container and set aside assuming that I'll have extra from my next adventure. Over time, the mold/container that I poured the excess into becomes full and I end up having a multi-scented candle - for personal use only. The layers being different scents, as they burn together, sometimes I find a nice blend of the particular scents. Considering what I pay for my waxes and FOs, I refuse to let anything go to waste.........pour any excess into another container/mold and over time you'll end up with a full candle........then burn that baby and take pride in what you have created......kwim
  2. I want to research a thread that I started some time back regarding the use of CBD oil in lotions and I can not seem to find a way to do that...but this has only come about in the last couple of hours so, please tell me if I'm experiencing the onset of dementia or have just lost my way :-)
  3. When I sign into CS, I'm getting a ''topic'' list rather than a ''forum" list. I need to research some previous posting and can't seem to get to the particular forum.............what has changed?
  4. When I sign into the forum I'm not seeing what I'm used to, i.e., the various forums like gen candle making, soap making, off topic, etc.........what has changed in the last couple of hours????
  5. Oh God, just when we had our formula down....4630 was one wax I could always depend on for consistency....now ya'll have me worried.
  6. What supplier did you order the was from????????? I'm guessing that you'd have to pour a candle to see if there is any noticeable difference.
  7. I'm with you there.......after I pour my candles if I'm going for rustics/marbled I turn on a fan that blows directly on my work table. If I'm doing mottles then I cover them with towels and keep the cool draft off of of them so they can cool slowly.
  8. What wax did your order? Shi$, you can't have too much wax....lol
  9. Maybe it's just our obsession with trying new things/waxes. Personally, I'm happy with the throw I get from 4630 and have no interest in trying to blend it with another wax.........but that's just me.
  10. Ok, the pour pot is heating.......plus I've run out of candles for personal use.......how the he$$ that does that happen?????????
  11. I use the standard wick bars but as the candles start to cool, I do check them and recenter as needed because the hardening of the wax can pull the wick off center. I'm somewhat obsessive about this...I remove the wick bar, wiggle the wick around to ensure centering and then reattach the wick bar.
  12. I use Eco wicks for both 4630 containers and 1274 pillars. In the containers, I usually use Eco 4 or 6 but these are fairly small jars. I do have some containers that I use for myself...one is a sq cube with really thick sides and I will use either a #8 or #10 depending on the FO; the others are hour-glass shaped containers and I wick those with #8 which fits the narrow part of the jar and both of these burn all the way to the bottom of the jar 😂 I've never gotten into blending waxes so can't address that issue. I am pleased with the throw I get with 4630 and it's simplicity. The only problem I have with it is if I order in during the hot months.....it's very soft when coming off the UPS truck so I have let it cool to room temp ....this time last year I order a case from Lonestar and the individual slab were not individually wrap which allow for the slabs to melt together and that was a PITA.....
  13. Come ya'll..........let's see some pics of your latest pours........the good, the bad, the ugly.........all are inspiring........
  14. Ya know, there is not a darn thing wrong with these pillars......I know that the 1st pic was a somewhat disappointment to the candlemaker..........but the ''''viewing''' public liked them and I can't think of any reason not to purchase this type of candle I understand that this is a very old post/pics but I want to use it to inspire Newbies...
  15. Ok, please tell me what you're wanting to make because I' m confused. ANY candle that I produce will have a 'burn quality'....it's just part of the initial quality of the candle.........but if you want to produce some candles that are not intended to be burned and only used for decoration purposes, then that is a whole nother story. Pls give us more info on what you are trying to create at this point in time.
  16. I do something similar........I dip a q-tip in both FOs and put in a jar or baggie. come back several hours later, open the container and sniff,,,,,,,,,,I've added one part vanilla and one part patch (one q-tip for each scent) if I find that the sniff-test is too strong on the Patch, then I dip another q-tip in the vanilla and add that q-tip to the baggie making the ratio 2 to1(2 parts Vanilla and one part Patch)........let that set for a while and then give another sniff test....if it's what you like then your FO % is two to one (2 parts vanilla with 1 part patch)
  17. I have almost every candle mold EXCEPT a pyramid....not having wicked said shape I can't add any advice on the wicking process....but I gotta tell ya that pouring and de-molding a marble candle is a ''high''. You can do any where from one color to several different colors.........I'd suggest starting with two colors so that you can get a good sense of how the colors spread throughout the candle. It all comes down to mixing the color GENTLY prior to pouring...after adding the dyes and gently stirring, you pour/scoop the wax into the mold, bang it a lot to settle the wax and then heat gun the outside of the mold....this will help to eliminate any pockets/pot holes....since the wax was poured cold there may be holes/pockets that form along the side of the mold....heat gunning will eliminate that and create a smooth surface. Now that I have said all that, maybe I should go pour a marbled pillar and practice 'what I preach'..or in other words, get off my butt and produce something amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I've just got to add that I am impressed with BB's goat's milk CP rebatch......even after I added some add'l oils to the shredded soap, I am so happy with the results.......every time I go in the bathroom, I can't resist lathering up from fingertips to elbows with the soap that I made....it's almost like an obsession to experience just how much lather can be created
  19. I use 1274 mottling wax for pillars.......depending on the pouring temp, I can create full mottled candles and/rustics/marbled, etc. For container candles I use 4630 and am more than happy with the results.
  20. When I use a heavy FO like vanilla or patch, I always add it to the wax before adding color. If you have not stirred enough, you can actually see the FO settle in the bottom of the pot.
  21. I use a toothpick for this ... using the dropper can add too much color but then it's all about what you're going for.........but then, you won't know what you are going for until you pour a test candle to get a visualization of how the dye spreads. Has anyone told you that this hobby is addicting???????
  22. Ya know, it's the same with candles (rustics, etc) the excitement comes with the de-molding process.
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