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Pam W

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Everything posted by Pam W

  1. Now that is a good example of a RUSTIC with jump lines............not like you can find this type of candle on the store shelf. It is such a boost to the ego when you unmold this type of candle because NO ONE in the world has one like it.. Just pour, girl....and take pride in your efforts.
  2. Ya know, I have so many FOs that I have ordered over the many years that I will NOT order any more but use the ones that I have. If there are some that I am not found of then I'll blend them with something else.............it's like using leftovers from the fridge to make dinner............use what you have and you may be surprised at the outcome. Get into blending.......that way you can use up the FOs that you've already paid for and you may be surprised at the outcome..
  3. II've got a lot of aloe vera plants growing in the yard/ containers and am wanting to make some aloe water/juice to use in my lotions and now I inspired to add some to the CP rebatch I've noticed that when I use the CP rebatch, the soap bars are really soft so I should probably think about letting them cure for a longer time to harden. Being so impatient is really a draw-back but it all comes down to learning......kwim? I ordered 5lbs of cp soap from BB that should arrive any day....and I don't really know what I'm going to do with it but whatever it is, it will be fun ...kwim?
  4. When I first started making candles, I went toward the exotic type molds and quickly learned that I needed to master the ''average'' molds.......basically the 3in molds. Once I learned how the wax and FO worked in the '''''average'''' mold then I ventured out to molds of different shapes. There are many molds that are unique in shape, but for the Newbie, they are nothing more that a PITA. My suggestion is to start with a 3" round mold for pillars...pour the pillars, burn them and go from there.....1st thing is how to produce good pillar.........then, from there you can experiment with different shapes of molds..............learn the basics first and expand from there........if that makes any sense :-)
  5. Being in the SW desert, when the rains come in the late summer, the smell of the wet desert is so entoxicating.........I'd give my right arm to find an FO that truly represents that smell. (otherwise, I have to wait until July to experience the smell of the wet desert....the monsoons are something that I wait for every year just so I can experience that smell...........)
  6. I like the Cuban Tobacco FO but have yet to blend it with any other scents. I like it as it is but who knows what can be created by blending something with it.... :-)
  7. I, too have some of this FO............It did throw well in 4360 but I'll have to dig it out and play with it again...........another one of those FOs that I might want to play around with in blending.
  8. I don't give my paraffin candles any cure time.....once they are cool and wicks can be inserted, I lite those babies. I don't use soy basically because I am too impatient to wait for a cure time.
  9. Hey, you have 2 months to explore your creativity and share with us. FYI: If you get a wild hair and pour something that comes out disgusting to you, all you have to do is remelt that sucker OR burn it for yourself because if it comes out ugly, that doesn't mean it won't smell good. Definition of Ugly: Not exactly what you were going for. I've poured many candles that I thought were absolutely ugly but when friends stop by to grab a ''freebie'' candle, they always choose what I consider ugly. So I've changed my opinion of my ""ugly"" candles to ""UNIQUE" and take pride in what I have created. I have friends that call me and request candles/ lotions/sugar scubs and don't even specify what scents they want == they just leave it up to me to provide them with something unique.....now, that's what I call a friend!! (especially when they allow me the creativity to formulate something special just for them) The pics below are some of my early candles - back when I didn't know anything: The purple candle below, I poured when I was tipsy!! The other two, I gave a lot of thought to and was happy with the end product. It's been a long time since I poured any of this type of candle but your "newbie" enthusiasm has inspired me to get back to what I love. If you want some real special candles to drool over, search the gallery for candles made by Donita...she was my inspiration when I first got the bug!! The first pic is of some of Donita's candles--rustic, layered and mottled in various shapes.
  10. I love this FO: https://rusticescentuals.com/Essence-of-Jesus.html This oil is a woody myrrh fragrance adorned with a touch of lavender, clove leaf, and patchouli set upon a bed of sweet musk. Very earthy and masculine - a divine choice for holiday & religious candles as well as anything you need for your masculine line of products such as lotion or body mist. I love this FO like is it but if I wanted to go the extra mile and change it a little, I'd probably add a little more earthy scents,(Myrrh, patch, musk, sandlewood, etc) It's all about testing until you achieve the exact scent throw your're wanting. (and I do not consider this a masculine scent at all---when burning this in a candle, it fills my house with nothing but a pleasurable scent.)
  11. It's all about enjoying the process......burn that candle and pat yourself on the back for creating a one-of-a-kind candle. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your creations. ,
  12. You have mastered the RUSTIC look..........keep them coming :-) Frank and Myhrr..........OMG... beautiful candle and exotic scent......you are well on your way to a new experience..........keep them coming.
  13. You have everything in this candle that I love..............gradient colors, mottling and my fav jump lines........you are well on your way. Keep it up girl :-)
  14. I won't even begin to tell you about the computer problems I'm having at the moment....it would be just too embarrassing cuz I'm sure it me....the older I get the harder I fight back against the computer.... :-(
  15. If you're properly licensed with your state you can deduct from you tax returns the cost of Research & Development of your product but you should discuss this with an accountant to get the particulars.
  16. Like I remember...lol. Just guessing, but I'm thinking I went by smell....added a few drop of Rose then a few drops of patch until it smelled right.......lot of help I am, right????????
  17. Bumping for the newbies :-)
  18. Ya know, Scented, those candles need to be tested............you can send a sample directly to my house and I'll be able to give you the proper feedback on their quality. :-) :-)
  19. that's exactly why I never wanted to go commercial............I couldn't guarantee that I could produce orders on time because my day job was what paid the bills. But now that I'm retired, I might reconsider
  20. Yep, stearic was always added. These particular candles kinda relates to another thread on scents that we really don't like to pour. These were scented with Peak's Rose Bouquet and patchouli........the patch toned down the heavy scent of the Rose and even today, I wished I had kept these for myself.......kwim????? But, since I have all the ingredients I may just go pour some for myself and enjoy the nostalgia.... Ya know, in the long run, I'm impressed with every blend I pour because it's something new, cannot be purchased from the local store is one of a kind...it's ALL mine!!
  21. I'm currently using 1274 mottling wax. If I pour hot (180+) I get a nice full mottle. If I want rustics then I pour into cool molds at around 160*, rub the mold with ice cubes immediately after the pour (if you want some jump lines to add character) I've posted several pics in the candle gallery over the years: some of them were done with the 1274 mottling wax and some earlier ones were done with a mottling wax I purchased from Greenleaf before they closed....don't remember the name of the wax but it was so similar to IG 1274 that I didn't have to change anything in my method or formula. I absolutely will not use 1343 wax to create mottles or rustics because being a basic wax, it takes too much FO to create the mottle so that's why 1274 is my chosen wax. Scan the gallery for pics posted by Scented, JC, ..........oh hell, just look at everything because I can't remember the names of all the old time members that make absolutely beautiful mottles & rustic candles. I'm gonna go scan the gallery to pick up on other members fabulous creations.....will go way back to 2005 which is where I started and got my inspirations........will bump any pics that fit the conversation.
  22. I've poured countless candles that were no more than testers.......candles that I burned myself. The best advise I have for you is to pour whatever comes to mind, burn it and go from there.........it's all about testing. If the test candle fills your room with a nice fragrance then go for more of that particular scent mixture. I've been doing this since 2005 and still surprise myself with a particular scent blend. Every candle blend that I work with is a new experience.......since I don't sell, making candles for myself and friends is always a new experience. Any candle I create is one of a kind but a learning experience for future pours. Just go for it.........you have nothing to lose.
  23. I do like lavender but dragons blood makes me want to puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Candybee, I will list the ingredients when I find the friggin label......it's somewhere around my desk !! I can't believe I've misplaced it but the soap is so thick and rich that I'm impressed. The lather is so rich that I gave to DH for saving lather. Who would have thought that I'd get so friggin excited over a bar of soap??
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