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Everything posted by SheilaW

  1. I have bought eo's from a local herbal shop and health food store and they are just straight eo's. I think the assumption is that if you are buying them then you are already aware of the possible dangers. If the Reiki therapist wants them diluted with a carrier oil then that's what you should do. She probably knows that her clients would prefer to not have to mix their own.
  2. Everytime I run across a sale on the "Glad" disposable storage containers I stock up because I use them to store everything including air fresheners, bubble bath, butters, bath teas etc. Slap a label on the side and stack them up on a shelf. I started out using glass jars and it just took up too much room. I tried some of the Dollar Store brand and the lids don't fit as well so I stick with the "Glad" brand. Also it contains the fragrance very well so you don't get a blast of different fo's hitting you as you walk by.
  3. I'm kinda liking the idea of maybe doing a Hawaiian themed label with our class year and this years date on it or something. What do you think? I think you are right on target. Since you do container candles focus on the label. For my DIL, I made her a gift basket and I used the design on her bathroom accessories to scan and print out on clear label sheets and then cut so it covered most of the jar. I used container palm wax in subdued coordinating colors and if I do say so myself they turned out beautifully. With the label you have infinite possibilities.
  4. Yes, vybar 343 and I use a heaping tsp. per lb and can easily add up to 2 oz fo per lb. without any problems ( I usually use 1-1 1/2 oz of fo per lb ) I did not notice any need to wick up when I started adding the vybar.
  5. That makes my heart hurt for little Connor and his Mom. A thread everyone should read. It's so easy for any of us to become lax and it only takes a second.
  6. Sorry but I'm not sure exactly what the question was:undecided But I'll try to answer as best as I can anyway . Heavy fo's are generally considered to be the ones like vanillas that have to be wicked up if you're talking to someone that makes candles. When strong is mentioned that usually means that the fo has a good throw ( meaning that it produces a good strong smell in the room ) There are people that like a lightly scented candle rather than one that knocks you down when you walk into a room. When people order a gift basket for someone from me I ask if they like a " heavily scented or lightly scented candle" If I used words like good throw then they wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about. KWIM?
  7. If you send off an e-mail to Candle Science http://www.candlescience.com/ tell them what wax you are using and the wick you have tried unsucessfully then you will get a reply and a good answer and the offer of some sample wicks to test.
  8. Thanks girl, figured it was just me. This is the second thread that as I was reading along I got lost and confused and I don't have the bong either. I thought the post were landing in different threads. ( boy couldn't you have fun with being able to do that:laugh2: )
  9. Nah, you haven't mentioned them too much. I love LX wicks. I think I have tried almost every wick out there ( without too much exaggeration) and I keep coming back to the LX. I normally use 27 or 30 flat ply in my 3" palm pillars but have played with the LX in them a bit. I put an LX-28 in a patchouli and it left at least a 1/2" shell. Don't think the 30 would cut it. I use LX in votives and any paraffin containers. So far I haven't found a wick I like in the 4" palm pillars. Either too big of a shell or too much smoke. I haven't tried wicking a 4' paraffin pillar yet but I imagine it will also be a major PITA. So no help from this corner.
  10. I had no idea the fragrance would be sooooo strong in this oil. Since I'm not a floral person I won't be using this on myself but when I rubbed some on my arm it sure did soak in nicely.
  11. I have heard of several people having issues with palm ( purchased from different suppliers ) releasing from molds. To date, mine also flies out of the molds ( like you said Siberia, sometimes too easy as the candle is flying across the room :tiptoe: ) but candlewic by e-mail told me to add stearic if I did run into that problem of it sticking in the molds. I would think that palm is like soy in that different batches may have slightly different properties/problems depending on the crop conditions etc.
  12. http://www.SoapSupplies.net They have some interesting looking fo's and a lot of notes as to how it acts in CP. Anyone ever tried them?
  13. I second Candle Cocoon's "Red Banana"
  14. They look exactly the same until poured and cooled.
  15. This is too funny. I have a winter candy apple burning in my bedroom right now and I have sent 4 different people in to sniff it and tell me what it smells like to them so I could rename it. I have drawn a blank. The apple part is the top note but I can't quite grasp the other notes.
  16. If you want to stay with the flat braid wicking, a little trick to keep a straight burn is after you tape your wick in place on the bottom (top) of the mold then grab the other end of the wick and start twisting until it's fairly tight. Secure it. What happens is that as the candle burns the wick slowly unravels and burns evenly.
  17. I have had that happen to a few of my palm containers but never with the pillars or votives. I just figured it was a combo of the dye and fo. Hmmm, do you add UV?
  18. Have to also say that the customer service is excellent. I bought a lb of "Berries Jubilee" that was on sale for $8.00 ( can't beat that kind of price) and it's great. I will be trying more of their fo's.
  19. I use several of their fo's. They are strong. My faves are the CocoMango, Mulberry Madness, and their Patchouly smells like EO. It's exactly like the 60's.
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