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Everything posted by SheilaW

  1. When I was shopping yesterday I thought I'd pick up some olive oil. NOT! I about fell over when I saw the price. Did all the olives die or something?
  2. I can't hear you la la la:whistle: :whistle:
  3. I guess it depends on where you get your palm from. I get mine from Candlewic and If I poured at 150-160 like Stella does I wouldn't have a single crystal or feather to be found. I do it the same way Smokin'Hot does. Also heat the oven to 150 or so and turn it off and place your candles in there to cool as slowly as possible. Do you have aluminum molds? They seem to work much better for the palm.
  4. Crafty, I have to disagree with you on this one. I say don't waste your money on the fo's from a hobby store. I used them a long time ago and never did get a good smelling candle. AND they're expensive. Even with the cost of shipping you would do better to order a sample pack online from a reputable supplier. Go to the fragrance section and read some of the reviews and find one of the good suppliers close to you to help defray the shipping cost. Oh and typically like Crafty said a container candle will throw much better than a pillar. I think it's the bigger/deeper melt pool that makes the difference.
  5. I'm not familiar with Millcreek but if they state that it's 100% vegetable blend then I'm sure it is. I don't blame the manufacture for not giving out the formulation. Alot of name brand products are the same. If you blended palm wax with soy you could probably come up with a smooth pillar. I have mixed it with paraffin and it doesn't look like palm at all.
  6. I use it for all candles. I really does make a difference in keeping your colors from fading. I haven't noticed a difference in the burn but then it's been a long time since I made anything without it.
  7. Those are some of the nicest container candles that I have ever seen!! Love the simple elegant look of your label.
  8. Are you talking about the pattern of the cooled wax that's different? It does have a completely different look to it than the palm 3 ( feathering wax ) Occasionally I use this alone but to me it's a lot more finicky in as far as the slooow cooling, scent throw etc. I primarily use it to mix with the palm 3 because I can get various looks on the finished candle. I'll try to find the link from the old board of some pics I posted to show you what I'm talking about. Found it http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=gallery;action=display;num=1108953455;start=0
  9. I mix a bit of container wax with the V to enhance the throw.
  10. Camden Grey also has all three http://www.camdengrey.com/ ( they are located in FL )
  11. I just don't understand how you can use a RRD 47 or even a 50 in a Palm wax 3" diameter pillar, Would someone explain it ? Andy Rule of thumb for burn is 1 hr. per 1" diameter of candle. Most caution labels for candles that I have read say not to burn longer than 3 hrs. Granted, when I'm testing I will power burn one because there are people that will exceed the 3 hrs. When dealing with the palm, one of the reasons that wicking is tricky is because if you get the perfect burn for 3 hrs. then you will for sure have a blowout if you burn it longer. If you have the wicking perfect for those 8 hr power burns then burning it correctly will leave too large of a shell. This was the biggest problem I had when trying to wick the 2" palm. I try to find the size that wont blowout and yet doesn't leave a large shell. If you are wicking all your pillars for 8 hr. burns then they will be underwicked when only burning a couple of hours at a time.
  12. I have been known to fire them up as soon as they're cooled but this is one wax that the throw gets better with time.
  13. I think the PQ is similar to the Palm that I use. I have occasionally had the cracks that you are talking about in 4" dia. pillars. I don't know of anything to fix it because I'm not sure yet what causes it. Try a couple more with different wick sizes and see if it still happens.
  14. I can tell you now that finding a wick for the 2" palm pillars is going to be tough. I tried soo many and finally had to put them away for awhile due to extreme frustration.
  15. I was looking for the patchouli from the 60's. I tried samples from various suppliers and finally found one that smells like the "head shops" of old. Order a sample from Cajun Candle Supply http://www.cajuncandles.com/ It is very strong and true!
  16. Those turned out beautifully! I especially like the way they look like a shiney silver color.
  17. Love the color combo and I like the way they came out. Totally agree with Stella.
  18. Beautiful candle and I really like the colors.
  19. I concur with Candle Cocoon. It smells like you're slicing one up.
  20. Cathy, be careful of the sun here. It can be brutal ( couldn't tell you how many bad burns I've gotten in March.) The weather has been great so have fun.
  21. Wow, I love those! I haven't tried that many layers yet but these pictures have inspired me ! Beautiful!!
  22. Great job on that layering!! It looks really good!
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