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Everything posted by gerrie

  1. Has anyone used these from bayousome? I have heard there are good malibu tubes around and then there are some that you can't even squeeze cause the plastic is so dang hard. Any thoughts on these compared to other places? I like the many colored lids they offer is why I'm thinking of buying from them. TIA gerrie
  2. Okay, not here to get a free sample by being a tester (I'm fair anyway). Just here to tell anyone who has never tried mineral make-up to give it a try. I started using it about a year ago, and I will never go back to liquid make-up again. My skin has never felt so good, pores aren't clogged with all that nasty liquid make-up that has so many chemicals in it I can't even count them all, even though I don't put make-up on every day. It's not cheap, but neither is a department store top of the line make-up. You can get samples off ebay, to try before spending to much money. That's what I did, but I knew after a few days it would be what I would be buying from then on. I use Bare Escentuals, but I am starting to try other brands. In fact, I just bought some eye shawdows from Simply Eyeshadows (Cynthia) over on The Dish, and they are wonderful. Good luck Marj.....are you going to do a whole line, or just face powder? Will you be making the concealer also? I'll be watching for the results from your testers, hope you will keep us updated with your progress.
  3. I've had great success with WSP Vanilla Browning Neutralizer. If I even think there might some Vanilla in a oil I use it. Learned the hard way when I had to many lotions turn a ugly color cause there was vanilla in it and I didn't realize it. Your lotion may not sit long on your shelf so you may never see the color change, but you don't know how long it will take your customers to use up a bottle.
  4. I agree 100%, always so helpful and knowledgeable.
  5. Boy, isn't that the truth. One person can be treated like dirt and the next one they bend over backwards to please. I had problems with a certain supplier about 5 years ago, I said I'd never buy from them again, and I never have. But you know they are still in business, cause I'm just one small fish in the sea, and there's always new chandlers coming in the front door when I'm leaving out the back. I've bought from a lot of suppliers in the past 6 years, and I can say they are the only supplier I have refused to buy from because of their poor CR. Just move one to someone else that treats you the way you expect to be treated...........like a PAYING customer that you are. There are just to many suppliers out there to choose from.
  6. Oh, I know just what you mean. I use a small plastic dixie cup and I always worry about the few drops that are always left in it, wondering just how important getting all of it out of there really is. Seems if I use a spoon to scrape it all out then it's left on the spoon, just a never ending circle of trying to get it all of it into your pot
  7. Oh, I've been wanting to make that for the past few weeks. Did you sub anything in her recipe? I'll need to order a lot of the ingredients before making it, since most of it I don't have. I also wonder if just E wax is good enough to sub for the Polawax, I've read there is a difference, but not sure what it is.
  8. I agree with scented. I think you will find their scents different, they have some really nice ones. The soot is the reason I will not burn a Yankee candle in my house, it's unreal. The strength of Yankee is in their marketing. They by no means have a better candle than what we make, in fact ours are much better, but we don't have the millions to spend on marketing that they do.
  9. I just got the 2.5 ml spray misters from lotioncrafter today, they are so cute. They're easy to fill and work really well. I haven't tested to see if they leak yet, that's my main worry. This is just in case anyone is looking for the really small ones.
  10. I also use cyclo, and the aluminum 2.7 and 4 oz bottles. Let people know that a little goes a long way, then they don't mind the price so much.
  11. The 2 part silicone is easy to use. Only thing to remember is to have all your ducks in a row, cause it is expensive, and once mixed there's no turning back. If you don't mix enough you're scattering to mix more, if you mix to much you're wasting the silicone. I always try to have something extra to pour, just something small. Also, secure your object, it will possibly float when you pour the silicone. And the trial pack from smooth-on is a good deal.
  12. When I made a small batch (14 oz water) I heated my water to 175 in the microwave, then covered it and left it. It actually held it's temp for the 20 minutes.
  13. You sound just like me.....hate to work in a messy area, but don't clean up after myself when I leave the room. It feels so good to get it cleaned and then start in again. It's just so easy to let the mess pile up, then you turn around a realize you can't move 2 feet without moving a pile of stuff. Glad you're back into it.
  14. You did a great job....give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it.
  15. MMS have the clamshells, I'm sure a lot of other suppliers have them also.
  16. At shows I don't mention any thing about the tax, if someone asks then I tell them the tax is included in the price. Just makes it so much easier. At home parties I always let them know tax is included in the price. I add enough to my prices to cover tax no matter what county I'm in. Sure, I may make a bit more or less depending on the tax rate in certain counties, but the hassle it saves me is worth it all, and it's never a big enough difference to even make me think about having seperate prices depending where I'm at.
  17. Wow, those turned out beautiful!! No bleeding at all.
  18. If I ever have a doubt as to if there could be some vanilla in the FO I use the stabilizer for MP soaps. And if I need to get an order out and didn't have time to test it I use the stabilizer........just because I know how ugly a soap looks when it does turn, yuk.
  19. I do it just like Beth, no way am I going to give a receipt at a craft show. You have people in line and they don't want to wait while you write a receipt, they want to keep moving. Orders are a different story. I add tax to my asking price, so at the end of a show I take inventory and see what I sold and take out the % I need to pay the state. Also I round off the sales tax, don't want to deal in a penny here and a penny there.
  20. I've had mine for a few years and just love it. I had one from another supplier and it wasn't 1/2 as nice as the one from Candlewic. You might be wise to buy the cups (I use plastic) when you buy the mold, because I also found not all tealight cups are the same size. Some are just a tab bit smaller, but when you're fitting a tealight into that cup, to small is not good. I know for sure that the tealight cups from candlescience will NOT fit the tealights made with the Candlewic mold.
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