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Everything posted by gerrie

  1. When I first went to the site I was expecting a notice of being closed for the birth, but instead saw this entire new site. I agree Sherie, the site is very nice, but seems a lot of supplies are no longer there.....maybe it was time to cut back with the new baby on the way, who knows.
  2. I didn't think it had been that long since I bought some lotion tubes from them and now I just went to the site and it's totally different. I always got my aluminum bottles from them and now I don't even see them on the site. Have I been asleep or was this a sudden change?
  3. Okay, I may be a little dense here, but am I understanding you correct when you say you have no pre-tabbed wicks so you just want to insert just a wick in the votive? If that's the case, and you plan on selling these, I would reconsider. I used to do that just to test my wicks, and I always ran the risk of the melt pool getting deep enough towards the bottom that the wick would just fall over. Most of the time it would just drown the wick, but once it actaully fell close enough to the glass and it got so hot it broke the glass votive cup. If you can put out the flame before the wick is in a total melt pool then you'll be okay, but it's the tab is what helps the wick "stand to attention" (no smart remarks needed ). If I misunderstood you I apologize. Just don't want to see any unsafe steps taken here.
  4. Only time I've had that happen is when I've over done the FO. I never use more than 1 T. per lb of soap base, and there have been a few FO's that this is even to much and I get what you are experiencing. I've never used any FO's that weren't B&B safe, so I don't know how they would react, but I don't think it's anything I want to test to find out :undecided
  5. Sorry, but I have to agree with the other 2 posts. This is not a quick or a cheap way to make money. If you're into it 400.00 you can count youself lucky at this point. This is a never ending learning process. It takes a long time to get that "perfect" candle perfected. You just have to keep testing, cause honestly, what works for one may not work for another. Seems like everyone has their own idea of the "perfect" candle, and that's why we all have to do our own testing. Good luck, and I hope you find what works best for you. Only thing I can add is make sure you have a safe candle before you put it out to the public.
  6. This might help: http://www.candleandsoapstuff.com/Suppliers_by_State.html ETA it doesn't look very promising in Florida for you, sorry.
  7. I am so glad I read this post. I've had the black and purple EVO colors from Candlewic for over a year and never used them because they didn't come with a dropper of any type. I have dropper bottles I can put them into, I just didn't know if they would be worth the time and the price of the dropper bottle to switch them:confused:, but now you can bet I'll be trying them out.
  8. I don't blame you for reacting the way you did (even if they had the right), we work so hard on our packaging and labeling, then to have someone just snip part of it away. I think the least she could have done is talked to you first. You could have salvaged your labels and made something that would have made her happy and still give the candles a nice label with a professional look to them. Sorry, but she sounds like a b***h to me, and a very unreasonable person. I see nothing wrong with a private label, I'd have a real problem having her for a client.
  9. I tried a lot of lilac FO's and had the same thought as you. ChrisR told me to try Genwax a few years ago, I've been using it ever since. I got a sniffie from Scent Works, really liked it so I ordered a bottle, but I didn't put in in wax yet, only in B&B. I sell more Lilac (from genwax) than any other scent this time of year.
  10. I'm diabetic and soon as I get my oils from the co-op I'll be making the sugar scrub, and I will be testing it. I'm not worried at all, but if someone has problems with thier feet, or they don't have thier doctor checking them every 3 months, there could be cause for concern. Check this out: http://www.soapdishforum.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=24983&hl=diabetic
  11. I really like the Select Shades. I like the Lab Colors also, but I think the Select Shades are much more concentrated.
  12. Wow, that is so neat. With that type of exposure you might need to make a whole boat load of the soap, I hope so anyway
  13. Has anyone tried these. I saw them just a few days ago, and I also have been trying to figure out a good size for the scrubs, thinking 8 oz isn't enough but 16 oz being to much. It's hard to tell from the picture, but these look really cheap to me. I love the size, but not sure about the quality. I hope someone has tried them and can let us know the quality of them.
  14. Just be careful. I had to have 6 stitches in my thumb from cutting one up, I don't order those anymore It can be hard to do. I heard a lot of people use something that is like a long knife with a handle on each end, guess it is used to cut pizza with. I forget which site had them but at 45.00 I passed on it, but wish I had it when I cut myself. BTW, you're right, the ole screwdriver and mallot won't work on the soap. It just takes time and a LOT of strength. Remember, be careful. Oh yes elle, good tip. That darn handle gets so slippery it's hard to hang on to.
  15. And the sad part is, it's people like her that can cause an untested, unsafe candle to burn down someones home and gives the rest of us a bad name.
  16. Yep, those tealights are candles too, they needed to be tested. I find there is always a few oils that are hard to wick, and those you have to go up in size even in a little bitty tealight. Be careful testing those wicks, I had trouble with one oil so I stuck a big ole wick in that sucker, and it caught on fire. I have a scorched vanity to remind me of it every day. Now I only test on the stove. Also learned you can over wick a tealight very easily.
  17. I agree, they didn't sell well enough for me to continue them, but others have good luck with them.
  18. Donita, mine was cbl 129 I had the problem with. They told me to add mineral oil to the wax to compensate for the high amount of vybar. I don't think so......another expense, another step and more testing. My thought is that it's up to the supplier to be more consistant when manufacturing their wax. JMHO.
  19. Yep, vybar will do it every time. And I've said this before, even if you are using a pre-blend and not adding any vybar, it can happen in the manufacturing plant...that's what happened to me. I had the ugliest tarts and votives, and the supplier blamed me for it. After using thier wax for several years I pretty much knew how it acted, and there was no doubt that something was wrong with this batch of wax. It took them a long time before they would fess up to thier error.
  20. Okay, let me see if I get this. When you say you use 3/4" spacing on a 3 - 3 1/2" jar, does that mean you are 3/4" from the center of the jar, which would mean the 2 wicks are 1 1/2" apart from each other? Sound good to me. I didn't want to double wick, but I have a jar that I think is going to need it so I'll be testing it with different spacing, but just needed a starting point.
  21. Wow, you guys are scaring me even more. I want to CP so bad, but I'm also afraid of the lye thing, I've never even seen lye. I had no idea it was in pellet form, almost sounds like those wild styrofoam beads that used to be in bean bag chairs, they would fly and stick to everything....it that the way lye really is? Maybe CPing is not for me, I'm afraid I'd get careless and not repect the lye the way I should.
  22. I am using the eco wicks with the 70/30 blend, not the 30/70 blend you mentioned. I love them!!! I tried other wicks that only produced soot, or petered out. I was a paraffin candle maker, so when I switched to the 70/30 blend it was a whole new ball game for me. I think I had every wick there was, but the Eco, and so I tried several others first, since I had them and didn't want to order. Then a fellow CT'er sold me some Eco wicks to test with, and it didn't take long to realize they were the wicks for me. HTH
  23. Okay Beth, hang on while I try to stop my head from spinning off No, really, I do understand what you are saying. Cause if you had a 6 inch diameter container, there is no way you could put them 1" apart unless you enjoy 1/2" hang up all the way around. :undecided So I got what you mean, and I'll just test. Just don't want the flame to close to the sides like Saltbox said.
  24. And don't forget money!! I'll never forget my first house party....I forgot the da@# money I was lucky enough that my 2 daughters and mom was there and between all of us we had enough change. I just shake my head every time I think about that :embarasse
  25. I had a package that was supposed to be delivered on Friday also, but it never showed. It was on the porch Saturday, so they do deliver to residential on Saturday.
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