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Everything posted by lindanelson

  1. Thanks everyone. I need to order some more soap base. Wish I could make some more today...but I have to go to work.
  2. That mold takes 32 oz to fill. So I use 2 pour pots...16 oz in each one. I left one white and colored the other one blue. Started with the white and poured a little to cover the bottom, then poured some blue. Kept doing this until the mold was full. I was just playing around...didn't know how it would turn out. The Almond Oatmeal one...I wanted the oatmeal suspended throughout the soap, but I didn't do it right. I have since read to put saran wrap over the pot while it is thickening and keep stirring. The saran wrap is suppose to keep it from forming a skin. I don't know...will have to try it that way. The base that I use is low sweat cp like mp from Brambleberry.
  3. I've used the ones from Aztec before. I now get them from Specialty Bottle in Seattle...it's closer to me.
  4. That's a pretty candle. Nice color combo.
  5. I've been seeing all the pretty soaps...I know most of them are cold process soaps. I get interrupted too much to deal with the cp soap, so I will stick to mp soap. The first picture is Almond scented with ground oatmeal. Then Huckleberry, and then Tuscan Lace. The big slab of Tuscan Lace will be cut like the Almond is.
  6. These are the bottles that I was thinking about ordering. http://www.essentialsbycatalina.com/shop/shopexd.asp?id=309
  7. So for lotion samples I want to use the HDPE? I don't make my lotion runny. I make more of a cream than a lotion. I am just starting to make it to sell. I thought the 2 oz would be a good size to start with. I have some 2 oz jars already that I'm going to try also.
  8. Does anyone know which one of these is a softer, more squeezable plastic bottle?
  9. I buy this base. http://www.essentialsbycatalina.com/shop/shopexd.asp?id=444 I make a 4 oz bottle at a time just for myself. I fill my bottle about 1/2 full of gel, add some jojoba oil and a little bit of lotion base. Shake until blended and use. I was using Oil of Olay cream cleanser for combination skin ( mostly dry skin)...for the last 6 months, I've used my own. They also have the regular gel, I buy the suspension so I can make my scrub with it also.
  10. I just love your candles. You can post as many as you want, I will always look at them. Someday I hope I have the patience to make pretty candles like you do.
  11. I'm going to say I wouldn't buy as many different fragrance oils...but I don't know if I could keep from doing that. There are so many to pick from, and then all the different scents you can make from them.
  12. It might be Cierrra Candles...I had forgotten that they were closing. Just went to Let It Shine again. Their website is working now.
  13. I don't know...just went to Let It Shine's website. The homepage comes up, but any other page I tried said, "Service Unavailable" I hope it's just their website...this is where I get my wax at and some fragrance oils. I'll be really bummed.
  14. Very well said Stella. I don't set out to temper my wax...it just happens after the first use. I leave the left over unscented wax in my presto pot. I then reheat it the next time I need that wax. It depends on what the room temp is at the time, how the wax works. Now that it is finally getting warmer, I won't have the winter time problems. I started making candles in the summer months...so that is what I knew...then cold weather came along...things started to change. Find what works for you and stick with it.
  15. Can you email or call whoever you bought it from? If not...I would make a small container candle. After it is set, if it's container wax it will adhere to the sides of the container. But...if it is pillar wax, it will rattle. If you do a pillar and it's container wax, you'll have a very frustrating time getting it out. It won't...until you put it in the oven upside down and melt it out. I learned to pay attention to my wax:laugh2:
  16. I'm getting lined up to use 4 oz tins and 1.5 oz. hex jars for samples. The little hex jars are pita to keep the wick straight while it is cooling, but I figured it out. They are really cute when filled with wax and burning.
  17. I don't know the answer...but for your sake, I hope not. That'll be a real bummer if you do.
  18. Yes, that is the one. I use it in Palm wax.
  19. Yes you can use lemongrass f.o. I use Sarah f.o. from www.flickersfragrances.com
  20. I like that idea!!!!! Let us know how they burn. I've tried a couple forever palm pillars. The first one...burned too hot with a votive in it. The second one...burned well with a tealight. I bought my glass tealight holders from www.cudge.net http://www.cudge.net/tea_light_holders.html
  21. It works, just remember to keep moving the heat. If you stay in one place too long, you'll have holes in your packaging.
  22. I do that with my palm and soy wax. Haven't had a problem.
  23. I sent the request on 4/6 (Sunday) and rec'd it on 4/11 (Friday). So 5 days. It could of been here on Thursday...I only check my mail 3 times a week usually. Gotta go to the post office, that's the only way we get mail here. Park Designs has a lot of neat stuff in their catalog. I can't wait until I can go to Coeur d' Alene to check out The Country Porch. I'm going to find the Picket Fence also.
  24. I rec'd my catalog from Park Designs today. The prices for the candle dishes: 2 1/4" 12 pc 1.25 ea 3" 6 pc 1.75 ea 4 1/4" 6 pc 3.00 ea 5 3/4" 4 pc 4.00 ea 7 1/2" 4 pc 4.75 ea The min. order is 150.00
  25. I'm sure I've been on Starr Rd. I know where Trent is at out there. I love living in Mullan. It's small, quiet, no one bothers us. We live in a part of town that only has 6 houses on our dead end street. A Kellogg cop on one end, and a Shoshone County jailer on the other end. I work in Kellogg...that town would drive me nuts living in it. Too busy. Personally, I think they're trying to make it into a mini Sun Valley. Condo's, waterpark, etc. Lot's of construction going on. I've heard nothing but complaining about the Silver Mountain and LookOut Ski hills closing last weekend. There's lots of snow left on both of them. Then there's the people that live down stream from us complaining about when the snow does melt, that they're going to flood. Sorry...I just want the snow gone. Ok...gotta get ready for work. Wishing I could just stay home and make candles.
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