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Everything posted by Tizimarezie

  1. I went with an apple pie scent.
  2. I bought mine from KY, also. Tarts fit into them perfectly.
  3. I've been interested in getting into MP soaping but before I did, I wanted to see if I even liked the feel of it. So, I orderd a bar from a lady who made Gaot's Milk MP. No one here...(though, maybe I should have!!). I used it for 4 days before deciding to quit because it made my skin feel very dry. There was also something about the feel of it that was slimy. It had a sufficient amount of lather (though, nothing like what I get with Oil of Olay). What would cause it to be drying to the skin?....and slimy? I'm not sure I want to make it if I can't use it. TIA
  4. I didn't see it among the lists given (unless I'm reading too fast and over looked it...) but their Strudel & Spice is fabulous! Candle Science is my absolute favorite supplier.
  5. I'm interested in hearing responses, too. I like the look of sliced soap and was wondering if it's possible to do with M&P. I'm still researching before diving in to M&P. Waiting for respones.......
  6. What you need is a "transparant background" and your not going to get that with the Paint program. I'm PMing you.
  7. I like the FO's from CandleScience. So far, every one I've tested have strong cold and hot throws. I haven't tried their Strawberry yet. Sounds like another good one.
  8. Ooooooooops! Dag-nab-it!...I posted this in the wrong area. :embarasse
  9. What is the best (or your favorite...or your best selling) fragrance? I'd like to start with Goat's Milk M&P. Does any particular fragrance go well with this or does the soap base make a difference as to which fragrance is used? TIA
  10. The soaps are gorgeous! I love the swirls...they almost look likes leaves. About centering your text in Paint: 1. Before you place your picture in Paint, enlarge the canvas window so you have room to type your text anywhere but over the top of you picture. 2. Type your text anywhere on the canvas. 3. Click the tool that will give your text a transparant background. 4. Click on the "select" tool and outline your text. 5. With your mouse, drag the text to your picture and position it where you want it to be...then release the mouse. If you need any help, PM me. HTH
  11. Hi Kelly! I had no idea what to expect and was surprised at how smooth this pillar turned out. I don't know if it's the difference in the waxes you and I are using. I poured EXTREMELY slow (I'm talkin' snails pace slow here!!) because I didn't want to have a leak. Did you poke relief holes while it was cooling? OH! Before I poured, I sprayed a wee bit of Pam onto a napkin and rubbed the inside of the mold with it. After the candle cooled considerably, I put it in the freezer for 5 minutes...and it slipped nicely out of the mold. I'm leaning toward using the LX series (after doing some research)....but I'm so familiar with CD's, I'm tempted. Are you concerned about a lopsided melt pool with the CD wick? Thanks for posting! :highfive:
  12. Thanks so much, Gdawg and Carole! You've given me a starting point and I appreciate it. Have a great weekend!
  13. ............a clue, maybe? ...............................can somebody throw me a crumb here?
  14. No one???? In five hours, I get absolutely no response? Is everyone out of town for the weekend?
  15. So I made my very first pillar last night (see photo below) and was actually surprised at how pretty it came out. I can't wait to burn it! I'm stumped on the wicking, though. Can someone please help? I used: KY All Natural Votive/Pillar Blend 7.5% FO load (Mountain Lake) 3/4 chip Reddig-Glo dye ...and lots of lip biting! I have CD's, RD's, LX's & HTP's. I mostly use CD's in all my other candles but I don't know if I want the 'curl' with the self-trimming wicks to throw the center melt pool off. But if YOU use CD's with good results, I'm not opposed to using them! I just need to know which size. So, can anyone help me, please? Thanks so much! Here's photo:
  16. I agree with SatinDuckie and Accents that the wick you're using is curled over. Self-trimming wicks will curl over like that so I usually try and place them just slightly off center to allow for the curl. You have to know which direction in which they're going to curl so take a look at the "v"'s on each side of the wick. On one side, the "v" goes down: v v v ...on the other side, the "v" goes up: ^ ^ ^ The side in which the "v" goes up is the direction in which the wick will curl. ...and I have no idea about the bubbles. HTH
  17. I live in California, also. Who did you get insurance through?...if you don't mind my asking. And CONGRATULATIONS!!
  18. I've been doing a lot of reading in this section, too. I'd like to start with M&P soon. All who do CP certainly are talented! I've seen photos in the gallery and the CP soaps are gorgeous. I admire all the creativity in here! I appreciate this website and all those who come here to post their knowledge.
  19. I just checked their site and find them to be expensive. I'm on the West coast and if I were to purchase from them, I'd be paying 5.16 more (and that includes shipping!) than I pay when I order from a company in Wisconsin. Just my two pennies. :tiptoe:
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