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Everything posted by Tizimarezie

  1. Carrie, I'd like to stick with soy but if it means I'll be battling frost issues every time the weather changes, I can't afford to contiually test every season. I've been waiting for a product called "Frostop" to be re-introduced but I can't wait any more. Not even sure if THAT would resolve all the problems my wax is giving me right now because I have wet spots, too. Is there a magic soy wax blend out there? kandlekrazy, do you use BW and are you having better luck by eliminating it? TIA
  2. I get an incredibly awesome aroma from Cranberry Marmalade FO in my wickless candles and tarts. But in a wicked candle, it has a chemical smell. I use the same wax in my wickless as I do my wicked candles. I noticed that if I wick down, the chemical smell isn't quite so strong.
  3. If 1oz/pp is working for you in container candles, then there's no real need to go up. Wickless candles actually give a better hot throw because the ENTIRE container of wax melts....not just an inch or so of the top part like with wicked candles. I make them, use them, sell them and give them to friends and family...we LOVE them! Edited to say that I don't use any more FO in wickless than I do in my wicked candles. HTH
  4. Thanks for responding. Are these two waxes similar in how they perform? In other words, is it just a matter of which one has lower shipping costs or is there a difference in the way they each perform? Thanks again!!
  5. Ever since the summer heat began, I can't get make a decent looking candle. I've been using EZsoy with 3% BW for the several months and having pretty good luck with it. Only occasionally, I would get some frost on certain FO's & colors....and I've NEVER had wet spots. I've always heated to 175, poured at 100. Lately, frost appears even in FO's and colors that were always frost free in the past and I've got wet spots galore! It's a nightmare! I tried using Coconut Oil and the results are no different than with BW...so went back to BW. I decided to take "Pour slushy" seriously...so I poured "slushy" today....("slushy" happened at about 95 degrees). The candles are WORSE! They have flecks of white all throughout the entire candle. Resembles tiny wax flakes that didn't melt. I can't believe how much wax, FO and dye I've killed in the past three days and I still don't have a decent looking candle. What do I do now? Add more BW?...less BW? CHANGE WAX?!?! Okay, yes. So, what's a REALLY good, easy to use, one pour, no frost, throws superb (hot and cold), no wet spots, easy to wick wax blend? TIA
  6. The candle with the CO is now frosting, too. Back to the drawing board.
  7. Has anyone tried mixing soy pillar/votive wax with soy container wax? What would be the downfalls of doing this? I know many mix their own blends by using paraffin container wax with soy container wax but I was wondering why a soy PB couldn't be used in place of the paraffin. Comments, PLEASE?
  8. I bought 1lb 'slabs' of MP bases (Goats Milk, Aloe Vera, & Shea Butter) from Peaks and would like to make only ONE bar of soap from each for now. This would be my first time (ever!) doing this so I don't want to waste the whole 1lb 'slab' (just in case I screw up). So...how would I go about measuring the soap, FO and dye I need just to make ONE bar? I looked all over the boards for the answer to this and couldn't find anything so I hope you don't mind my dumb question.....(I'm almost embarassed to ask. :embarasse )...but even the instructions for M&P in the "Bath & Body" section of this website start with "..Melt your soap...." Okay....how much? TIA
  9. kandlekrazy, since I'm only testing, and if the test results aren't good, I wouldn't want to waste an entire pound of wax. Candybee, I'm not familiar with your wax. My test results with the CO so far are favorable but I would like to do more testing with other FO's just in case this is a fluke of sorts. I'm using EZsoy and have only tested the CO with one FO & dye combo which is (in my experience) a 'froster'. I have another FO & dye combo that is also a froster and would like to test that, also.
  10. Good to see Geek here!!! Since I'm only making one candle at a time to test and the one I made the other day is a 4oz...and now I want to make an 8oz (whichisn't really 8oz of wax but more like 6.2oz), I had to convert the CO measurements to milileters and even at THAT, there's still a small grey area of guesswork. Is there a better way to break the measurements down from 1/2 T/pp wax to what would be used in one little candle? TIA P.S. The candle with the CO is still looking beautiful. The 30/70 blend candle hasn't shown any further frost. The candle with the BW continues to frost more and more each day.
  11. I agree with Meridith. I use 2% to 3% and it gives me less frost but doesn't eliminate it completely. I also get smoother tops...but I haven't noticed that it gives any better throw than what I was already getting. HTH
  12. Fantastic! I've always liked your potato candle. Congratulations!
  13. 8-GRAN-ONES, I never thought Pink Sugar gave a strong enough throw, either. I made a candle for my daughter with this scent and I wasn't impressed with it's throw.
  14. 8-GRAN-ONES, I'm kinda of guessing as to what "ELM" stands for but thought I'd go ahead and ask (to be sure). So....what does "ELM" stand for? You're adding it to your wax along with the CO? I bought some CO today at WallyWorld and poured some test candles today. Candle 1 - a blend I made up with my container soy and pillar soy blend. Candle 2 - EZsoy and BW Candle 3 - EZsoy and CO Right off the bat: Candle 1 has 'some' frost speckles around the edges (nothing major), smooth top with a bit of sinking in the middle but a wonderful cold throw. Candle 2 has a boat load of wet spots and frost developing on the bottom. The color of this candle is lighter than the other two yet the same amount of dye was used. Candle 3 has adhered to the sides of the jar like a champ, the tops aren't perfectly smooth but they're not ugly...and there's no frost (so far). The cold throw is better than Candle 2 but not by much and not as strong as Candle 1. BUT..... I will see how they look tomorrow.
  15. I second Rain Water! ...and BCN's Baby Powder is really nice, too.
  16. Thanks, Robin! Priority it is! :highfive:
  17. This is probably a dumb question but shipping costs are so high now that it costs as much to ship as the item itself. I try to keep my shipping costs down but also want my products to arrive safely. Not sure how to ship ONE 6oz tin since it's not glass. Would you put it in a bubble padded envelope and mail "First Class Large Envelope" with the shipping fees between $2 to $3?....or would you put it in a box and ship "Parcel Post" for $4.50 (at that rate, I'd probably go with "Priority" for .10 more). Envelope or box? TIA
  18. I'm just starting into MP soap but I have my eyeball on bath bombs. I think they're cool and would LOVE to make some!
  19. That's what it seemed like it needed. I was trying not to go over 125 in the reheat step but I had to stir like crazy to get it all melted at that temp. I plan on trying this again but will bring the temp up higher. Thanks, Stella!
  20. Drat! I placed two orders from them just in this past week and if I'd known about this sale....well, the rest would've been history. I should KNOW to come here first! I got in on their last 99 cent sale and it was great!
  21. I like that!! Can this soap stamp be used with MP? If so, is it difficult to do?
  22. Hi SoyKandles! Before pouring, I make sure my jars are room temp. Anything more than room temp doesn't seem to matter (from the tests I've done). I let my candles cool in a warm area of my kitchen (with 'under the cupboard' lighting shining down on them for warmth). I did a tempering test yesterday (pouring ended up to be that of "slushy"...er..more like pudding)....and it turned out to be the worst looking candle I've ever made....LOADS of tiny bubbles throughout and nasty, white crusted, bumpy top. YUCK! So, I melted the creature down and poured the wax into a plastic cup. After it solidified, it was gorgeous!...smooth, shiny and no frost. So, the good news is to not give a hoot about how high the temps rise when remelting...just remelt. And the bad news is that probably 1/4 of the FO throw will be ruined in the remelt. Checking into Coconut Oil........ :tiptoe:
  23. I'm wondering if the results had more to do with the remelt and repour. Yesterday, I made a candle (Ezsoy & 3% BW) and decided to try the 'tempering' method. It came out FILLED with little bubbles and with a white bumpy crust on top. Nasty creature!!! So, I melted the entire candle down (using my candle warming plate), poured the wax into a plastic cup...and after it had solidified again, it's smooth, shiny and no frost! Today, it's just as pretty. Are the CO results equal to the results acheived with BW??? Are they similar or is CO a better choice??? TIA
  24. I use many of their fragrances and haven't been disappointed yet. I read somewhere that their 'two leaf' rating was still a very good choice for soy and not to shy away from using those particular FO's. I'm glad they're adding more FO's to their line!
  25. I ordered: Aloe Vera MP Goat's Milk MP Shea Butter MP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~hope these soaps lather good! FO's: Green Clover & Aloe Green Tea Rose Bouquet ....but I have several candle/skin safe FO's already that I'd like to try in the MP. The coconut banana blast sounds terrific! And I want to play with molds! And I want to make logs and slice them real pretty with the krinkle cut slicer! I think this is going to keep me busy for quite awhile.
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