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Everything posted by Tizimarezie

  1. It's a beautiful bar of soap! Is it glycerine? I can't wait to join in the fun of MP.
  2. Thanks, funnygirl and Stella for the tips on not wasting wax when pouring slushy. I'll give that a try. And yes!...a griddle would be nice. It's amazing the the USA additive did exactly the opposite of what it was suppose to do. Thanks again for the experiment results, funnygirl!
  3. I LOVE your logo!! Don't change it. The colors are soothing and the idea is clever. I'm a changer of things, too. If I had the time (which I don't because I'm too busy turning everything I see into a candle!)...I'd change my website again. I like you business name, too. If you have that as a domain name, count yourself lucky because I'm certain someone else would love to have it. HTH
  4. ...and I'm so excited! I finally ordered MP from Peaks and it's suppose to arrive on Monday. This is going to be FUN!!
  5. I love CandleSciene's Peach FO!
  6. TxSioux, I would like to know the same thing. I considered trying this but am concerned with whether the candle will eventually smell rancid. And...is the effect of CO the same as BW (both producing the SAME results)? Anyone?
  7. NOTE TO SELF: Scratch "USA additive" off the list. PurpleHippie, thanks for the info on the EL Modifier. funnygirl, thanks so much for doing this test and for posting your results. Navy Blue chip is exactly what I used with Mountain Lake, also. Now I'm wondering why, overnight, the frosting cleared up. I've never had frosting clear up on it's own. Do you have your jars sitting near something warm? I use BW and it helps somewhat (but only somewhat!). I've never gotten any circular cracks with BW, though (as you mentioned you did). I tried pouring really slushy before and by the time I get it to that stage, so much of the wax is sticking to the pour pot because it's candlefied(candlefied? ), I don't have enough left to entirely fill my containers...seemed like a waste of product. Any solutions to this? Thanks again! :highfive:
  8. I pour my wax into a jar with no wick. Wait until it's nearly set up and poke directly down the center with a wooden skewer. The skewer makes a perfect size hole for the wick to slip into. I do the same as Stella1952. I cut what I need from the tabbed wick so I'm not wasting an entire wick. Good luck with your testing!
  9. Hmmmmmmm...I wonder if dye chips can be used if they are melted with a heat gun to liquify. Yes?...no?
  10. I have frost problems with blue, some purple/lavender as well as some reds. One FO that frosted pretty bad was BCN Mountain Lake although the scent itself is fabulous. I just recently had CS Cranberry Marmalade (with Autumn Orange dye chip) do a complete snow job (and I LOVE that scent)....yet I use the Autumn Orange dye in BCN's Hot Apple Pie and got no frost. These FO's and dyes work fine (no frost) in my pillar blend but not in EZsoy (aka 415). Disclaimer: I don't want to give these FO's a bad wrap because they are truly great scents. Eager to see your results, funnygirl!
  11. Hi funnygirl..thanks for posting! I'm hoping to eliminate frosting. I'm already using BW with EZsoy (aka 415) and it helps somewhat but am going in for the kill and hoping that a Modifier will completely eliminate frost. Are you looking for less/no frost? After testing, could you please post your results?
  12. Stella1952, I add BW and it helps but not always so I'm in search of a better way. I'm going to try this 'tempering' but am leary of the low temp melt point required. Not sure my FO will bind and not sure my dye chip will melt completely. SO.... My Kingdom for your new method!!!!?
  13. Can EL Modifier be used with EZsoy to help control frosting or is it specifically for THEIR wax?...OR is there another Modifier available somewhere out there (since Frostop is non-existant for the time being)??? I've been using BW and just when I think I've got my frosting fairly under control, I'm bombarded with it all in one jar. *faint* TIA
  14. :embarasse I googled it. Okay...y'all go back to what you were doin'. :embarasse :tiptoe:
  15. That's the EXACT e-mail I got. She must be hanging out here at Candletech. Hi Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're on to you!
  16. Thanks, elly and Stella1952. You've helped greatly!
  17. I've never heard of "food grade paraffin". What is it and how does it differ from regular paraffin? TIA
  18. It was recommended to me to use an LX wick in the 3" pillar I made. I tested the LX in a 3" container just to see what the character of the wick would be. It's MP was off center because the wick curls. It doesn't curl as much as a CD wick...but It definately curls enough to throw the MP off center. So, why is LX recommended for pillars? Is there a better wick choice?? What do YOU use for 3" pillars? Any help is greatly appreciated! TIA
  19. Include my "thank you" to all the wonderful members here who have helped (and continue to help). I learn so much from them!
  20. Thanks for all the great responses! I'm so glad I have Candletech and all the helpful members I can come to. I had NO idea how to handle this and I appreciate all the input you've given. I had a funny feeling she was a wee too vague and unprofessional with her request. And wow!...she sure got around, didn't she? I wonder how many others she's written to that will actually send her free candles. Thanks again to all of you! :highfive:
  21. I haven't done any wholesale yet and I'm not entirely familiar with how it goes so I need some advice.....and I truly appreciate all I can get! I got an e-mail from a lady who claims she owns a "specialty retail shop" in Arkansas. She says she's looking for "something new to add to her current stock". She says she's interested in my candles and she wants to see a sample so she can see how well they "burn and smell". She says she's very picky about what she puts in her shop. Is it normal to get wholesale offers from another state (half way across the U.S.)??? If she's familiar with wholesale (like I am NOT), should she have given more info?...asked more info?...been more specific? I don't want to overlook a possible opportunity but I don't want to be suckered into handing out free candles, either. Thanks for any help with this!
  22. I use EZsoy and have been following this thread. I'm particularly interested in the idea that CO might be helping with frosting issues. Some of my candles frost so badly, they look sick and I wouldn't even want to GIVE them away. The last two posts indicate that there's still a frosting problem even when using CO. Am I understanding that correctly? Has anyone noticed that their frosting issues are greatly reduced with the use of CO? TIA
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