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Everything posted by Tizimarezie

  1. I test a new FO by making a few tarts. It uses less wax (in case I don't like the fragrance) and I normally give tarts away as fragrance samples anyway so it's good to have them on hand.
  2. Pink Sugar has been one of my personal favorites this Summer. Monkey Farts is great, too. Never tried Butt Naked...(except when I shower but that's probably a little too much information) :tiptoe: Enjoy! :-)
  3. Just when I clean out my FO closet and updated my scent list..... I cannot resist Candle Science's FO's! The new ones sound awesome ...so I ordered a sample of each. Like I've got room.
  4. Nanny, that was the amount of CO I used (1/2 tsp pp wax). The candle turned out great as you mention but it did start getting some frost toward the bottom of the jar after a few days. If I wanted to continue experimenting with the EZsoy and CO combination, my next step/test would have been to place something between the jar and the cold countertop...something like a few napkins or a potholder to keep the bottom of the jar as warm as the top of the jar was/is before filling the jar. It just seemed odd to me that the frost was only at the bottom of the jar and THAT is where 'temperature' may have been an issue and could very well have been the cause of the frost. (I hope I'm writing this in a way that it makes sense). Stella, I've also been under the impression that GB 415 is the same as EZsoy.
  5. Nanny, I tried CO in EZsoy and it worked a bit better than using BW. I thought EZsoy alone was ugly. Adding 3% BW helped make the tops smoother and cut down on some frost. CO helped reduce the frost even more. But...I was going for NO frost and that just wasn't working. But, maybe I gave up before I should have. I was just tired of fighting with this wax after so long. As for throw (which wasn't my objective)...in my opinion, BW and/or CO didn't improve the already fabulous throw that EZsoy can give.
  6. I have about 8 more pounds of EZsoy to use up. What are you going to blend yours with? I was thinking of just using mine to play and learn how to do whipped wax.
  7. I used EZsoy for over a year and finally got fed up because of the frosting issues. BW helped somewhat with the problem but not long term, as KMommy said. My last resort would have been to not use any dye so that the frosting wasn't as noticeable. But, like you...I'm playing with other waxes now. EZsoy is a great throwing wax and burns really clean, though. Happy playing! :highfive:
  8. I originally bought these from Fillmore Containers but now they are requiring a minimum sub-total of $40 before you can checkout. I don't need that many jars right now. SO, does anyone know where I can get these jars with lids: http://www.fillmorecontainer.com/product.asp?deptID=3&sku=G04%2D02C&sID=3L7RW4DRPSW09HRBK6HDA67PUP8C9552 TIA
  9. Yes, we're definately on the same page, there. I'll check all the variables you mentioned and see if I can't find a solution. Thank you for your help! I'm testing 7 candles, all with different FO's....the two that sooted are the two that were NOT in a drafty area. Odd, yes? All 7 of them have the same FO load, but I do understand that one of them ("Love Spell") could be a heavier density, therefore, tougher to wick. However, (and oddly again)...that's the one I had to wick down to a CD10 because the flame with a CD14 and CD12 was huge and throwing black soot into the air. I would have thought the bigger wick would have been more appropriate. The CD10 didn't throw soot but sooted around the rim of the jelly jar. The other that sooted around the jar rim was Clean Cotton, though not as badly. I don't think that's a real heavy FO so don't understand the problem with the sooting on that one. No draft on these two. A bit of a draft on the other 5 (Peach, Ocean Mist and Warm Vanilla Sugar and Sugar Cookie) due to air conditioning but those wicks (CD12's) did didn't show any sooting. I might understand Love Spell being a bear to wick but not Clean Cotton. And why not Warm Vanilla Sugar or Sugar Cookie? Weird. Thanks for your input, Stella, Tara and mizbizzyb! mizbizzyb, what type of wicks do you use with this wax if not CD's? Stella, to answer your question regarding why I changed wax if I was happy with the no sooting with the 100% soy: I no longer wanted to battle the issue of 'frosting'. Thanks again!
  10. I re-read my post and can't find where I wrote that I "power burned". I'm sorry...I was spoiled rotten by using 100% soy wax in the past and no matter how long I'd burn a candle made with it, the rim of the jar never (ever, ever, EVER!!) collected black soot. Oh, and that includes back when I did all the testing (with BIG wicks and LITTLE wicks)....and even (check it out!)----> power burned! I've changed wax and am going through the wicking nightmare again. Don't mind me........ Thanks for the info. I agree, if wicked properly this wax should not (better not!) be producing black soot around the rim of the jar. Obviously, CD's aren't cutting it. Thanks y'all. Your advice is appreciated!
  11. I'm using GL 70/30 and wicking with CD10 in 8oz JJ. After burning for 2 to 3 hours (burning as if I were a customer who never trims wick...which most don't!).....and I've got black soot all around the rim of the jar. What's the point in using SOY if it's going to soot so horribly? Is it my wick of choice causing it? Is there another wick I should be using that won't produce this ugly soot? I cannot sell a SOY candle that will do this. HELP, PLEASE! *faint* TIA
  12. Well, I've ended up with an LX24 and twisted it. Seems to be burning fine. The flame is a bit bigger than I'd like but the next size down (LX22) had a very small flame. If there were such thing as LX23, that might work :rolleyes2 . Anyway, I'm not getting much of a hot throw from this at all. I'm using KY All Natural Pillar & Votive Blend which should give a nice throw. Also, using BCN Mountain Lake which has an awesome cold throw. I surely thought this scent would knock my socks off.....but it's a disappointment. Could it be my wicking?????? Anybody use CD's in their pillars? And.....(WARNING!..really dumb question approaching!!!! ---->)..what is a "HEMP" wick? An HTP?? :embarasse TIA
  13. Thanks so much for your responses! In your opinion, is this pillar able to be tested again?...or is it junk now? And...has anyone had any success with RRD or Eco wicks??? TIA
  14. I never used more than 3% BW. Any more than that causes cracking.
  15. So I made my first pillar and it was a beauty...until I test burned it. This is KY All Natural Pillar & Votive Blend wax and as suggested, I used an LX26 wick. The hole in the pillar lined up perfectly with the hole in the mold, so I know the wick wasn't inserted crooked. The flame was pretty nice...not too big, not too small. So.....why did this happen? The MP is BADLY off center and it's melted the side of the pillar. What did I do wrong (while I ruined such a pretty pillar )?
  16. Are they having another sample sale? Or is this the "$2 off per pound" sale? I would like to get in on a sample sale so if you are aware of one through BCN, can you please post the details? Thansk!!
  17. So I'm wicking this 8oz JJ with a CD12 and it's burning really pretty (great MP, terrific hot throw, no soot...and the flame is perfect height). Two hours later, the flame becomes a TORCH. I blow it out, trim it, re-light and it does well for awhile and then it's back to a huge flame. I'm using GL 70/30 wax and this is my first test burn with it. I didn't have this problem with these CD's in another wax and I've always loved how they burn so am wondering what the problem could be and how to fix it. Is anyone familiar with this combination? (CD's with GL 70/30) TIA
  18. I made a batch of tarts with their Toasted Marshmallow. To me, it's one of those fragrances that is good when whiffiesniffled here and there....but a long, steady aroma of this scent was nausiating. I decided not to keep it in my line but BCN has some other FABULOUS fragrances..many are my favorites. I haven't tried the other two FO's you mention. I was once tempted to try their Fresh Baked Bread but another thread (by doing 'search') indicated that it smelled like barf. Uh..no thanks. :tiptoe:
  19. Thanks, PurpleHippie. I think my batch is fine as it's performing beautifully (smooth, no frost, great cold and hot throw, wicking is going well)... but I'll contact GL to find out where the 'bad batch' cutoff date is/was. I've heard great things about GL so that's why I chose this wax. I haven't tried KY's container blend but I use their Votive & Pillar Blend and I love it!
  20. They are???? I just switched to the GL 70/30 this week to experiment with it. Well, that was a waste of money!! Would you mind posting where you heard or read this info? I was all over their site today and didn't see anything like that. If this is true, they should post the info so people don't waste their money. Or maybe I just didn't look in the right area. TIA
  21. I'm experimenting with GL 70/30 as we speak. So far, I love the cold throw, smooth finish, great color, no wet spots and...NO FROST!
  22. Well, I'm dumbfounded I've been using EZsoy since I began making candles. The candles I've made with this new batch I received have absolutely NO hot throw....AND the wicking is off. I'm having to go down two sizes in my wicking. This is all very strange. Has anyone ever had this happen?
  23. I'm use to pure soy where, after candle making, cleanup with soap and water is a breeze. I'm considering using a soy/paraffin blend (GL 70/30 maybe). Would cleaning up be as easy?....soap and water? Or will the paraffin in the wax need a special/different way of cleaning? TIA
  24. Ring of Fire, I'm finding that a lot of customers have NO clue what a wickless candle is and tend to shy away from trying one. It might just be my region, though (not sure). But once they try one, they're pretty impressed and come back for more.
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