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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. Years ago when I did craft fairs I only accepted cash. I always had a ton of change on hand. I never accepted checks. I sure would have accepted credit cards, but they never had that back then. I do agree that exact change is not a good idea and will totally turn people off.
  2. That sure is descriptive! I have never associated the scent Butt Naked with actual butts. I think of "butt naked" and being totally nude. It is supposed to be free and liberating I guess.
  3. I don't think so. I don't think Butt Naked is risque either. It is just not my type of name. Now, Sex on the Beach is very obviously risque. If my kids saw a bar of soap and the name was BUTT NAKED or STREAKING, well, that is not such a big deal in my opinion. I would be very bothered if my kids saw a bar of soap named SEX ON THE BEACH on it. That is very inappropriate and something that you would never expect to see at a craft market. I hope that sellers would not put that scent in plain view.
  4. I certainly would consider carrying Monkey Farts or Reindeer Poo if I were marketing to kids. What young kid doesn't like anything that pertains to farts?
  5. I think Honeymoon on the Beach is a much classier name HorsescentsS. I could never carry the name Sex on the Beach. If I have to hide the product name from my own young kids, then why carry it at all?
  6. Don't get me started on Monkey Farts...
  7. I have a cute look, but I just don't get into corny names. The biggest thing is that I want the name to pertain to the scent. Guessing is fun, but it is also annoying. Many people who love cherry want to find a scent with the name cherry in it and be done with it. Tropical Paradise is nice. Tropical Oasis, Tropical Splendor... You can put a name with Caribbean in it or Island. Island Paradise? Just a thought or two...
  8. I could not agree more. The name also says absolutely nothing about the scent. In my business, I could not give that scent away if I did not change the name. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  9. You soap looks great. Nice job!
  10. Moonshine, is the SC Magnolia really amazing? I backburnered this project for a while and now I am going to work on it again. I stuck with my "almost" dead on scent. I am going to order a small bottle.
  11. I am always leary of "type" scents. I worry that they have a body shop's twist on it. THANKS for the info though. I think this may be a forever project. So far, I am sure that the slight citrus note that was mentioned in this thread is lemony, kind of gardenia-like in nature. I just wish I could bottle the actual magnolia blossom.
  12. I have great results with a wavy cutter.
  13. I think it may have to do with your market and the region where you live. For me, too many "styles" of soap reduced my sales noticeably. I carry the same milk soap with 30 scents, + 10 seasonal. If a scent is slow, I drop it and add another, but I try to keep my number of soaps in my regular line at 30. I also sell 20 different scented loofah soaps, a loaded butter soap, and a creamy yogurt soap. While I do carry an awful lot, I still feel that less is more. My show reports clearly indicate that too much reduced my sales. Many people were overwhelmed. It may be the markets. It may be my products. It may be the ladies selling them for me. I don't know. At shows, all of the scents are never displayed at once. If someone is dying for something that is not there, their name is taken and I make sure that we have a whole display of it the next week, or we pull it out from under the table if we have it... I think you have to pick around and see what works. If you are just starting out, I would not try an exfoliating soap. I think the plain one, scented nicely will do better for you.
  14. I do not see movies often and with three kids, well, once in a while I treat them because they are so good. We buy 1 popcorn and I smuggle everything else in. I will not pay $5.00 for a water and I will not pay to watch a movie in 3D. Anyway, the movie Chimpanzee was beautiful and very few children went to see it. I love rated G movies and I have found that a lot of adults feel the same way.
  15. Good for them if they can get it. Personally, I think it is ridiculous to spend that much on a single bar of soap unless there is something magical in it. LOL!
  16. Today was LIME DAY. I replenished all of my lime scents. I made a lot of loofah soaps and body products ALL DAY LONG. Then, I took the family to see the movie Chimpanzee.
  17. I love the color and lemon is one of my favorite scents... bet it smells great!
  18. I never knew about this service, but honestly, I never had delays until recently with BCN. The last year or so seems awfully slow. However, the products are still just as good, so I will keep ordering from them.
  19. I finally received my paypal payment invoice- 6 DAYS after ordering. WOW!!!! Good thing that I was not in a hurry for the items. Generally, I have no issues with BCN and I buy from them often. At least now I know to use a credit card if I am in a hurry or shop elsewhere.
  20. I completely agree about using a small glass measuring cup. I also use a lip balm tray.
  21. I still have not received my paypal payment request. I contacted them this morning and was told that they have a processing time of several days. I never knew this and I have been a customer for years. I ordered on Thursday morning and still have not received a payment request. I have never had any problems with BCN, so hopefully this is an isolated incident.
  22. You may like a thicker lotion, but BC lotion is not watery like you described. How was the base before you added in anything? Perhaps you did not get a good gallon. A few years ago, my base from BCN was very soupy. They replaced it at once. Could this be the problem?
  23. You are confusing me with someone else. I didn't ask anything here. I simply replied to the poster who who is having difficulty with BC. I generally call if there is an issue. If I have not received my paypal invoice, I question the company personally in several days.
  24. I don't know either. I ordered from them on Thursday and still have not received my paypal invoice.
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