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Everything posted by Noodle

  1. I don't add soybean oil, but I do put in other additives. I have never had a single thinning issue either. I think it is the ratio.
  2. I don't make candles, so my concerns are not the same. I just wonder how a lawsuit can take place against a company when the company no longer exists. I don't know the answer.
  3. Do you even have a case if you use an old product? I am guessing that everything pretty much has a standard shelf life. I am also guessing that the customer would have to produce some kind of a receipt that they actually purchased this from you which would indicate the date. I am not sure how it works, but I do think there must be some safeguards in place.
  4. It is possible that the soybean oil may have thinned your lotion along with the FO. I have never had an issue with the BCN being thin, so I am guessing that there is an additive culprit here.
  5. I did something similar with cherry oil, but I did add in some blueberry and raspberry. I didn't get a cough drop smell. It was very fruity with a twist.
  6. Then that leaves me out. LOL! I can sew on a button, fix a tear, and sew on patches. This is the extent of my ability. I have never hemmed a thing in my life. I can cook anything on earth from my head, but I am pretty handicapped with a needle and thread. I greatly admire a talent like yours.
  7. Nothing in my soap pot this weekend. Too much yummy Polish food that I have been making this weekend.
  8. Honestly, I think the Soap Guild insurance is beyond cheap. I get the 2 million coverage. Living in New Jersey, I would have to pay MUCH, MUCH more to find anything remotely decent. I can see where it seems like a lot to a hobbyist though.
  9. I associate these things with "Sunday Morning". Saturday in my house is "rot day". We just hang out and eat whatever happens to be in the fridge. Mom needs a day like this for sanity reasons.
  10. I know many of us would. I personally have no idea what to do which is why I am thankful for those who have done so much already.
  11. I am not going to get in a shouting match here, but you are certainly not the messenger. You have told us nothing that we do not already know. There has been a lot of representation and I have personally donated funds in support of it. No one is missing the point either and few of us need your dose of reality. You seem to be under the impression that you know the answers to everything. However, you have not suggested a single thing. All you have done is come off angry and point fingers at people who have been working hard on our behalf. You are asking for "the plan". Well, why not organize something instead of telling others what they should be doing? I have been up on this for a long time now and active thanks to many reputable suppliers, the Guild and others in this industry. Few of us have been idle. (And Scented, with all due respect, it does not come off as "venting".)
  12. I have never had to make a claim, and I have had insurance through the Guild for years- since it began. For me in my state, it is by far the most affordable. I also do not make candles.
  13. I have been sending emails and letters for ages now. I have received emails from suppliers with updates and explanations. I honestly have no idea why you are so angry and where you have been. Who exactly are you pissed at? This is nothing new.
  14. They look wonderful and your popsicles look good enough to eat!
  15. I would buy my oils from Peaks in a flash, but their shipping is just so high for me.
  16. For me, The Chemistry Store is where I get most of my supplies, but not many fragrances. The Chemistry Store is just about one stop shopping for me. Sweet Cakes is my main fragrance supplier. I also use a lot of supplies and fos from BCN. These are my top three. I stopped purchasing from NG about 6 months ago. They raised their soap base prices drastically and discontinued the base that I loved. They are a very reliable supplier and I never had a problem with NG. But, I try to find one stop shopping as much as possible to save on shipping costs. I can get a lot of one stop shopping from the Chemistry Store and BCN.
  17. Do you mean most valued supplier just for fragrance oils or for everything?
  18. There has been plenty of leadsership on this. I sent emails and letters for the better part of last year. Many suppliers have kept us informed for ages now.
  19. You really need to contact Ebay ASAP about this unsavory buyer. Did she message you through Ebay? If so, she is totally busted.
  20. candlelady, I feel your pain. I have NO idea why packages just rot in a sort center for a week or more, then magically appear.
  21. I have always had problems with usps. I don't even use carrier pickup anymore. I no longer have a regular carrier. I do not know who will show up from day to day. They rarely remembered to pick up my shipments even though I scheduled a pick up online the day before. I always got some song and dance from the post office about how the route was split and one driver thought the other had done it.... My post offices are very busy and congested. They are not good at all... I am also wondering if posters here are talking about just priority packages being quick. Most of my priority packages arrive in 2 or 3 days. (I still have a few per month that just take the scenic route I guess.) However, I ship A LOT of items first class mail. It is not unusual for a package to take 10-14 days to receive. It is very frustrating.
  22. It is a total crap shoot for me. Some orders arrive quickly and some take a year and a day. I have no idea why a package sometimes sits in a sort center for a week without any updates. Then it magically appears. Naturally, the customer upset even thought the matter is out of my hands. The post office is about as consistent as the weather.
  23. It is absolutely beautiful!
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